having an exhuasting emotional day today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    My emotions stem from the fact that my girls have the WORST IMMUNITY SYSTEM EVERRRRRRRRRRRR. I am not exaggerating when I say that my kids have had maybe 4 or 5 healthy weeks since October. I have spent more time in my house than you can even begin to fathom. I am truly losing my mind. The only time I do usually get out is to run to the supermarket or pharmacy to pick up some things. WOW big freakin' fun. With the girls sick all the time I have missed so many Mommy & Me classes and have had to pass up tons of meet ups with my twins group and have had to pass on playdates.

    Lorien is getting over that stupid stomach bug that has been going around and just as that is coming to an end, she has a canine that is about to break through and she is MISERABLE!!!! And it's making me MISERABLE. She has been whining and crying all day and trying so hard to communitcate with me and I just don't understand her!!!

    I am just so exuasted all the time and can't find the time or the energy to take care of myself. The three of us LIVE in pajamas because I don't see the point in them dirtying their clothes since we aren't going anywhere. And frankly, pajamas are the most comfortable thing for me to wear right now until I lose the remainder of the weight I need to lose. Forget about working out! How? When? By the time dh gets home from work, I am shot and they don't always nap together and even when they do, I just want to sit down and watch an adult program and have 1 meal that I don't have to shove in my face within 37 seconds.

    I don't know what to do with myself. I spend so much time on this site that I feel kind of loserish. I mean, I must come on this site 20-30 times a day. It's pathetic. Sometimes there aren't even any new post when I check and I feel like I need to find something else to do with my time. I feel like I need to do something constructive but something that I can really enjoy doing.

    Sorry I'm whining. I just don't think there are any answers to my situation. I just keep trudging on, have a mini breakdown and then pick up the pieces and go on.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry! Ugh, how frustrating. I get antsy when we spend too many days in the house too. I know how it is when they are sick - you feel bad that they feel bad, but it really does wear on you. Maybe look at those things to do with toddlers in the house suggestions? Could DH take them for a couple hours on the weekend and you could get out and do something?
    I'm on TS waaay too much too!
  3. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    That sounds really tough; you do need time to yourself. I was "housebound" for the first 6 months after my twins were born; my pedi advised this because they were born at 34 weeks in the winter (I now think she was being too cautious, but that's another story). My point is, I know what it's like to be stuck at home, I was going crazy, but that was with healthy kids. I can't imagine going through that with sick kids. You really need a break. I agree with Snittens, can DH watch them for a few hours on the weekend so you can escape? Does DH know what you're going through? Or could you hire someone to come in and watch them for a few hours during the week?

    Take care,
  4. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Having sick kids is a big bummer. Hope everyone starts to feel good and you can get out of the house!
    Sounds like you need a small break. Take care.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send some hugs your way. :hug99: :hug99: It is tough during the winter to be stuck indoors...and when they are sick, it just adds to the frustration. :love0028:

    P.S. You are definately not a loser for coming on TS alot. :acute: You can't be because then I am too. :blush:
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mel :hug99: I hope Spring brings you healthy girls!!! :hug99:
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    :love0028: You NEED to get out!!!! Is there anyway you can get out after dh comes home? Maybe go see a movie, go to dinner by yourself or with a friend?
    When they aren't real sick I still take mine out and to playgroup. Our playgroup basically has the opinion that if we wait for our kids not to have runny noses we never get together!!! Even if they are kinda sick, I think it is fine to put them in the stroller and head to the mall to stroll around. I think they get just as sick of being couped up and all they have to do is sit there and watch, can't be too hard on them :pardon:
    Do you have any scrapbooking you can do while they play/sleep? How about joining a book club and reading while they nap?

    I HATE feeling that way, you need to get out of your funk sweety!!!! Have a drink and take a hot bath TONIGHT!!
  8. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry that you are stuck inside. I too had to keep mine inside for 6 months when they were born because of RSV (they too were born at 34 weeks) and I went CRAZY!
    Mine have been sick quite a bit too since October but I always get us out of the house once a day no matter what. Sometimes it is getting gas and going to the grocery store. It's a pain in the rear end to take them out to the grocery store if they don't have double carts, but it's worth it to me. (I put them in my stroller and use a hand cart.) And I know that people say grocery stores are the worst for germs, but I think they need to get out of the house too and it's usually the only place I can think of taking them where they won't touch anything or anyone.
    You could also take them to the mall (which is inside) and stroller them around a bit. Again, I know malls are filed with germs, but if they don't touch anything?????
    I read about having snowballs fights inside with rolled up socks. And also building forts with couch cushions and sheets. Hope those help!
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