Haven't been here in such a long time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Saramcc, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    I used to come here quite often when the twins were newborns, but haven't been around in awhile. I was thinking about this place when I was out with my little ones. I had more of a curious question. My twins are 19 months and are very busy. They don't listen well, as I expect many don't at this age. They understand what stop is (like if they run off, I'll say stop and they do)

    They are becoming so hard to take out alone to places that require sitting. I took them to my nephews graduation and couldn't even watch it because they were fussing from being in the stroller. So I took them out and they made a run for the door. So all night I was in and out of the graduation, they were too active to sit still. I was very exhausted and frustrated. I'm sure it's a silly question to ask if anyone was or is in the same boat as me, if you are or had been. Could you tell me how you handled it?

    I was grateful that my sister's friend was there to keep one of them busy while I chased after the other.

    Thanks and it's nice to be back. This is my first time in in first year
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Well, I wish I had a good solution or answer for you. Ours do the same thing and in fact if we want to do anything like that then we know it requires both DH and I (at least) if we have a grandma or Aunt available too then that is even better.

    Sometimes I think it takes a tribe to raise twins! :)
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Hey welcome back!!!

    We are in the same boat. Mine don't love the stroller anymore & just want to be 'free' - which is INSANITY when out & about. It is either the stroller & a high chance of tantrums, or utter chaos if they are walking/running ;)

    You aren't alone!! :hug:
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope, you are not alone at all. We have the same issue, I find that if I am going to be at a place where they are going to freak because they don't want to be in their stroller, I have another adult with me. I went to a baby shower a couple of weekends ago and the twins were invited and fortunately the honoree is also friendly with my Mom, so Mom was there too to help out with the kids.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I usually don't have any help so I have begun to work with them holding my hands. Over the weekend we were at a picnic and they wanted to get out so I took each of their hands and we walked around. At first they did the fall to the ground thing, but quickly figureed out if they wanted to walk instead of sitting in a stroller, they needed to hold my hands.
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: I had a really hard time when that set in for us. I don't really think there is much of a "solution" - you just learn to work through it and deal with screaming if you need to confine them. Eventually they will tame their screaming a bit. Keeping them entertained with toys and occupied with food is often helpful. They're not babies anymore - something they are SURE to let us know!! :lol:
  7. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    I'm with ya'! I don't usually have help either because of DH's work schedule, but I can SOMETIMES find an onlooker (I like the ones that look like they are judging me) I will ask them to help me. :) Overall, I try to avoid situations that require sitting and or quietness. Oh, I did purchase two "leashes" they look like little backpacks (they're leashes..) but, they help keep the girls close to me...they might be screaming, but at least their close. :) Don't worry...you are not alone! It's exhausting to go anywhere!
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