Have you switched to twin beds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by blessedby2, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We will be moving in a couple of weeks, and our twins will now have their own room. Yeah! I'm seeing so many cute bedroom sheet sets in twin bed size, and I'm wondering if we should be making the switch soon. And, it got me thinkin' what have you all done.

    So, have you switched to twin beds yet? And, if so, how old were your kids? And, if not, when do you think you will switch? Thanks!
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine were about a full year younger than yours. At this point, I would wait until the move and go right to twins in their new room.
  3. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in official twin beds since last Christmas, they were 3 1/2 but I had them on twin size mattresses on the floor for a few months just to see how they did.
    I bet yours will do just fine. :)
  4. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    I think I would work getting your kids acclimated to being in their own rooms a couple weeks and then go to beds. (I'm assuming they're still in cribs?) With the freedom of a bed, they may go searching for their old roommate. That may be a bigger transition for them than the beds.

    We kept our boys in cribs with cribtents (they started jumping out around 18mons) until they were just about 3yr olds. It seemed alot of people gave me heat about keeping them in cribs that long. I ignored it. I knew what my boys were like...and twins are a different dynamic. I also knew that they were safe and very comfortable in their cribs.

    We went right to twin beds and we seriously had no problems what so ever. They still continued their naps as well. In contrast, I have heard some stories on this site of kids switched to beds before age 2 that would "party" in the rooms in the middle of the night, empty dressers, refuse naps. At age 3, you should have a VERY easy transition.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We switched my girls into twin beds at about 27/28 mths. We are planning on switching my son in Jan and he'll be about 29mths or we may do it earlier depends and he will be going into a full bed (it was my bed before we bought a queen bed so we don't have to buy a new bed for him). You know your kids best, do you think they are ready for twin beds? Also do you think it might be to much with the move, seperate rooms, and new beds? Maybe ask them if they want new beds and let them help pick out the new sheets (my girls love that they got to pick out the sheets on their bed) and let them be apart of the process.
  6. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    our girls were also 3.5 years old. but we didn't go to twin beds, we went to FULL size beds. we bought the convertible cribs, that change into the full size headboard, etc. i love the full size bed...they have so much more room than twins and we can lay with them comfortably too. we still have to lay with them at night to go to bed or they'd be bouncing off the walls! i would also wait until the move and make a big deal about their new rooms, so they will feel like BIG KIDS:))

    good luck
  7. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    Since I'm having twins in a couple months, we had to move my daugther sooner then I probably would have. She is 15 months old now, and we moved her to her twin bed a month ago (she was 14 months old). We let her play in her new room for a week, and after we got the bed together we put her to bed in there. She crawled out of her bed 3 times, and after the 3rd time that was it. We have a bedrail up and when she wakes up she waits for us to come get her out of bed, she doesn't crawl out of it or anything.

    The twins will be 2/3 (I think) before we move them to twin beds...we just didn't have a choice with my daugther.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We haven't braved those waters yet, but will probably switch next summer.
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We made the switch to twin beds at 22 months. Jake was climbing out! For the most part it has gone very well!
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We went right to twin beds, did it a couple months ago at 2.5 yrs. It's gone fairly well, the big downside is that naps are completely out the window.
  11. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    We moved them into twin beds about 3 weeks after they turned 3. We would have kept them in longer, but they are so tall they didn't have much room left. I also felt like they were getting too old and mature for cribs. If you can wait, I'd wait to put them in twin beds until you move.
  12. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    Here it goes -

    Matthew - 15 months (to be out of crib before new baby came home)
    Mila- 18 months (ditto)
    Things went so well with the first two...
    Zach - 17 months
    Hannah - 18 months
  13. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We switched the to full size beds a week before their 3rd birthday. I have to say it was a very easy transitions for us. We still have naps.
  14. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    We are still in toddler beds but will be switching to twin beds in the very near future.
  15. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    After four adenoid, tube and sinus endoscopy surgeries and consequently the boys sleeping with us during this time due to stress, anxiety and night terrors; we switched them out to twin beds at 19 months. They loved them and what we thought would be a battle since they were used to sleeping with us for six months due to illness took only one night of transition. They love the beds and have been sleeping better and have less night wakings since the switch.
  16. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    ours are in cribs and happy so I probably won't switch until around their 3rd birthday...
  17. ehm

    ehm Banned

    We went to twin beds at age 3.
  18. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    Sean my almost 5 yo switched when he was 20 mos to a twin set on the floor (then got a frame once he got used to it).
    Josh just transitioned to a top trundle bed last mo at 2.5 or right before.
    Not too bad either time.
  19. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    We switched our girls from cribs to twin beds when they were about 26 months old. They have done great!
  20. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Since you are moving to a new house and they will have new rooms, I think I would leave them in their cribs for a few more months. We moved my DD into a new room with a double bed when she was 2 1/2 and it took a long time for her to adjust. Naps quickly turned into a fight also since she could climb out of bed.
  21. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    We are in the process of transitioning to twin beds. My girls are just napping in their big girl room right now. I'm having to stand outside the room until they go to sleep. I'm not in too big of a hurry, but they are climbing out of the cribs and that worries me. Good Luck!
  22. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    My kids switched earlier than yours. The latest in our house was 19 mths.

    DS #1 - 19 mths to twin bed
    DD #1 - 12 mths to double bed
    DS #1 - never slept in a crib and slept in a bed (ours & then his own) from birth
    Twins - 12mths to double bed together. 2 yrs separate twin beds in same room.
  23. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    I wasn't going to reply since you have received so much good advice already, but we have just recently gone through the whole moving issue, I wanted to add my two cents.

    We decided to switch over to toddler beds a few months before we moved into our new house (they were 2.5 y/o at that point). We didn't want to have to put up cribs at the new house, but we thought it would be too much of a change to move AND to go to toddler beds.

    I think they were ready, but it was very, very hard to keep them in their beds for quite a while (and they are still bad about getting out in the morning when they wake up). It was a pretty traumatizing experience for all of us, because they had been SO good in their cribs. By the time we moved to the new house, though, things were much better. They smoothly transitioned to twin beds with rails. Looking back, I can't imagine going through that stress of transitioning and moving all at the same time.

    I would recommend either switching over now, or waiting a few months after you're moved in. But your kids might do much better than mine! One other thing-- I recommend doing a twin bed with bedrails, as opposed to a toddler bed. You can't really put bedrails on a toddler bed, and I think its lower height makes it easier for them to get out and raise cain!

    Good luck!
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