Have you heard of the Dr. Phil method for Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gin Elliott, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Yes i know another pt ? but with out you guys I feel I would of went crazy and all your help has really mad me feel less stressful

    ok A friend found it ..its dr phils potty train in a one day..

    I dont beleive in that but I do have a ? and wonder if anyone has done this and can help me understand better..he talks about how if they go in there pants take them to the potty and have child sit 10 times on potty to build muscle memory

    how in the world do you do that....10 times in a row...in a hour what????? if its in a row.....oooo my that has to be insane for parent and child....I know after the 2nd time there would be a war at my house..

    Thanks again for all your help..
  2. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Yes i know another pt ? but with out you guys I feel I would of went crazy and all your help has really mad me feel less stressful

    ok A friend found it ..its dr phils potty train in a one day..

    I dont beleive in that but I do have a ? and wonder if anyone has done this and can help me understand better..he talks about how if they go in there pants take them to the potty and have child sit 10 times on potty to build muscle memory

    how in the world do you do that....10 times in a row...in a hour what????? if its in a row.....oooo my that has to be insane for parent and child....I know after the 2nd time there would be a war at my house..

    Thanks again for all your help..
  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I haven't hear of the Dr. Phil's method, but a friend just gave me a book "Potty train in 24 hours or less". The premis sounds similar.
    I haven't finished reading, but here's what I've gathered so far...
    1) Begin armed with training pants (not Pull-Ups.... real one's) a little big, so they can mangage the pants themselves.
    2) Buy every drink they love and allow them free reign
    3) Keep them contained (in the kitchen.... near a bathroom etc) and keep them going to sit on the potty often.
    4) Get a baby that drinks & pees. Have the child feed the baby & "teach" the baby to go on the potty.

    The book talks a lot about getting them to handle all aspects by them selves. I'm not a complete novice, I do have an 8 year old who handles MOST bathroom aspects appropriately, but I'm not sure I'd trust my 2 year old to dump the pee from the potty chair to the toilet. Sorry, I have potty chair issues to begin with, You get the baggage with the advice.

    Anyway, we are going to take a crack at it the next weekend my husband isn't traveling & we don't have a ton of plans. I'll try to repost with progress...... wish me luck.
  4. meredithandtwins

    meredithandtwins Active Member

    I absolutely hate potty training! Jacob and Neveah are only 25 months old and they are just not ready. I have tried but I don't want to pressure them. I will have to look in to this book though, it seems interesting.

  5. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I did and I have used a modified version with Matthew. Matthew is my lazy one or as I like to say "efficient" one. If there is an easy way he is going to find it. So I had to make it more difficult for him to have an accident than to go potty. So for every accident I had him help clean it up and go sit on the potty. Yes it was a struggle but after a few times he knew what was expected of him. I think it helped because he still had to stop what he was doing and sit on the potty regardless so eventually he realized he might as well just go to the potty first and be done with it.
  6. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    It drives me crazy that Dr. Phil is trying to take credit for this training method. Crazybabies is right. There is a book by Frank Azrin (I think that his name) that has been around since the 70's. I used this technique with DD (who at 1mo shy of 3 had no interest in the potty), and it worked wonders with her. She was accident free the second day (although it took a couple of weeks for overnight training). She never liked the potty chair and just trained on a ring on the big potty. Although the going to the potty 10 times sounds like a lot, they really are meant to be running to the potty as fast as they can, pulling down their pants as fast as they can, sitting, getting up right away, and then returning to the accident site, as fast as they can. So maybe 5mins of "practicing" after an accident. Realize that you first start off with your child teaching a toy to potty train, so he will know that if you have an accident you have to practice "just like your dolly did". I have every intention of trying this method with the boys I just don't know which one to start with first. One is pretty hard headed and stubborn, the other one just pees a lot during the day.
  7. Nicki-mom2-3

    Nicki-mom2-3 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by micheleinohio:
    I did and I have used a modified version with Matthew. Matthew is my lazy one or as I like to say "efficient" one. If there is an easy way he is going to find it. So I had to make it more difficult for him to have an accident than to go potty. So for every accident I had him help clean it up and go sit on the potty. Yes it was a struggle but after a few times he knew what was expected of him. I think it helped because he still had to stop what he was doing and sit on the potty regardless so eventually he realized he might as well just go to the potty first and be done with it.

    You just described my youngest son to a T!!! I'm going to try this b/c nothing else has worked so far and he is 3.5yrs today. Thank you[​IMG]
  8. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this will work with Addie or not. She tells us now when she has to potty and usually does go potty when she says she has too. So, I tried the potty chairs (just a plain potty chair with NO bells and whistles). Well, they loved sitting on the chairs. They kept saying chair...chair...chair. But would do nothing and after a very long time, I told them it was time to finish with the potty chair and put back on our pants, they screamed for 45 mins!!! After 3 attempts at this, I was beaten and put the potty chairs up for now.
  9. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    I have heard of it and the other author who started it also. I have to say that I think a lot has to do with the kid. I know that this method would not have worked with my eldest and we would have both been crazy at the end of the day. He is slow to adapt and so he analyses things before he is ready to do it. It might have worked with my daughter Mila, but she was very motivated to do it herself that she was pretty much done in a couple of days. I also think that this is a technique that might work well with one kid, but what do you do when you have many kids runnig around needing your help with other stuff as well?
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