Have you ever just had to walk away?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brianamurnion, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    We have not been healthy at our house since before Thanksgiving. My Dh has influenza, my RaeLynn has a UTI (trying to figure out possible kidney disease... see health forum for info) my twins had fevers last week as did Taylor. Siera woke up at 2 am today covered in puke and screaming, puked again at 6 am and has had a 102 fever since (it is 6pm now). Ashley and Alyssa are teething or something and have wanted to comfort nurse all day JUST BEING HELD IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! Well I think Ashley overate because she puked all over me but has no other symptoms of the flu and has been fine since... except they are both SCREAMING and can not be consoled at this moment. Dh offered to cook dinner (bless him bless him ) I am practically in tears and the babies are just clawing at me and screaming!! So I just now put them in their room with sippies of water and their toys (their room is the safest place in the house) shut the door and walked away!! I feel horrible but I am giving myself a TS timeout!!! I feel like I am def. getting sick after having a horrid head cold that I just got over on Saturday! I am weak and am sure I will be the next one puking... how could I not after being elbows deep in it?! Usually I am steady, nothing bothers me, I can handle all.. SUPER MOM (JK) but today I am not going to loose it I have lost it! I told Dh "today is the day 5 kids is too many" and now I feel horribly guilty for even thinking that, heaven forbid I ever loose one! Oh I am sorry I am rambling and I need a friggin' hug!!

    Great now RaeLynn and Taylor are having a knockdown drag out... oh hey I think Daddy just let babies outta jail... sounds good up there maybe I will stay down here for a minute!!

    Thanks everyone... tell me I am not a bad mommy. :eek:
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    OMG, you are definately not a bad mommy! :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: I have had much less going on in our house and I had to take a break. :hug99: I think you are doing the right thing walking away for a few minutes. We ALL NEED a break. I am hoping things calm down for you and your family {especially healthwise} You are great mom. :bow2:

  3. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Thanks!! I also told Dh that I am ready for this "test" to end... I really mean that, I have been begging God to let up a little! The sickness is so hard to deal with because you get so scared with fevers and dehydration and that just adds to the stress KWIM? UGH!! All this and the babies even napped good today but it didnt help anyone's mood! Thanks for your well wishes!!
  4. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    You are not a bad mommy! You are human and a good mommy. You have a right to walk away! You have a right to think and feel what you do. Parenting can be so hard and everyone sick makes things just plain crazy!! We have had a few months of craziness and I lost it on Christmas Eve with a house full of dh's family!! It could be worse ;) :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: You will find your cape and turn back into super mom but right now relax and take care of you if only for a few minutes!
  5. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

    I'll loan you my mantra ;) : "This too shall pass..."

    Hope everyone is healthy soon!

    You ARE Supermom, but even superheroes need a break :D !!!
  6. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Wow, you are amazing to be able to make it till now with out melting down! I had a meltdown today and only one was fussy. I think you are being a good mommy by taking a break so you can keep going.
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Walk away? How about times when I feel like I need to RUN away???

    You are an AMAZING mommy. Seriously, I mean that. I always read your posts and you always seem like you have it so together. The love you have for your family is incredible. You are totally entitled to have some insane days. I mean...THERE'S 7 OF YOU!!!
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
  9. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Feb 5 2008, 07:03 PM) [snapback]607660[/snapback]
    Walk away? How about times when I feel like I need to RUN away???

    You are an AMAZING mommy. Seriously, I mean that. I always read your posts and you always seem like you have it so together. The love you have for your family is incredible. You are totally entitled to have some insane days. I mean...THERE'S 7 OF YOU!!!

    Okay this made me tear up a little... but I really needed ALL of your posts!! You guys are so awesome! I try on to come here and "vent" because I dont want to upset any "newer" mommies, but then there are days like today that I just had to or someone in my home may have lost a limb! ;) I get so sad when I "cant handle it" even though I know NO ONE can handle it all...KWIM I just feel like it is my job and I should be better at it.

    We have been in "talks" about TTC again, and sometimes I wonder if this is the Man Upstairs saying, "hold it, you have enough on your plate you are blessed STOP HERE!" but then there are times I realize I am also blessed to beable to be so 'fertile' and I really dont think I should waste that gift either... and plus I really feel on most days our family isnt complete, although I know that another pg might not end well, or with a boy, or I might not have it so easy next time 'round ... etc the list goes on. Again I am rambling and I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to do so. :p
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    you're a great mommy - oh and have you tried a little Tylenol...sometimes when all else fails and its not food, drink or anything else Tyelnol cures whats bothering them - it usually seems like "something" hurts and your bases are covered (usually with DS its teeth)...
  11. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness, I can't imagine a whole house full of sickies! It's amazing you are able to hold it together as well as you have -- I would have lost it long ago, for sure. I think you are the furthest thing from a bad mom!

    Sending you hugs, and some much-needed healthy vibes to your house....you deserve a vacation. :hug99:
  12. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    ((((HUGS)))) to you! I think GOOD moms know when they have reached their limit and take a safe break which is just what you did. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon.
  13. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I wish I could give you a giant hug. of COURSE you're stressed to the max---that is a HUGE load to carry! Give yourself a break and don't for one second think you're anything but a stellar mother. We all look to you as a ray of sunshine and positive energy, and needing to vent or walk away doesn't change that one bit!! I know what you mean about feeling like you want more kids, but having days where you think, "am I crazy!!?" And to be perfectly honest....it's nice to know you're human and have bad days like the rest of us. It makes you even more lovable!

  14. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    briana, you are so far from being a bad mom. The fact that you are able to manage five WELL kids under the age of 8 is nothing short of miraculous; to have dealt with all that sickness and the additional neediness truly does make you supermom (or close to sainthood). And of COURSE sometimes you need to walk away - heck, i only have TWO and there are moments when i wonder if i can handle it. Hooray for DH, and remember; the kids will be fine. Even with a knock-down drag out, no one islikely to get really hurt, and Mama needs a BREAK!

    I wonder if there is any external support you can get? Someone from your church, maybe? Just a few hours of sanity. ANd - you don't have to worry about ventng and frightneing away the newbies; everyone's got their own capacity and people choose what posts they read, so don't censure yours!

    As for the TTC; well, who knows about that. You certainly are blessed; the only thing i would say is that you probably don't have to make that decision THIS WEEK, lol

    Hang in there!
  15. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    You are definitly not a bad mom. In fact taking time out makes yo a better one.
  16. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    You are definitely not a bad mommy! :hug99:
  17. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mrsfussypants @ Feb 5 2008, 08:33 PM) [snapback]607821[/snapback]
    I wish I could give you a giant hug. of COURSE you're stressed to the max---that is a HUGE load to carry! Give yourself a break and don't for one second think you're anything but a stellar mother. We all look to you as a ray of sunshine and positive energy, and needing to vent or walk away doesn't change that one bit!! I know what you mean about feeling like you want more kids, but having days where you think, "am I crazy!!?" And to be perfectly honest....it's nice to know you're human and have bad days like the rest of us. It makes you even more lovable!


    Thank you Reyna!! I am DEFINATELY human... but after a good nights sleep and only 2 kids with fevers today (yes that is something to be happy about) I think today is going to be a better day.

    But after doing dinner last night DH was quite disappointed he didnt "get any" in return!! LOL He even said "but I cooked dinner??!!" and I replied "I cook dinner everynight." His smart butt says, "yes and you should get laid everynight!" :rotflmbo: The poor dear! Anyway he was convinced snuggling would be good enough and put the rest of his needs on hold for another night!!

    QUOTE(Jordari @ Feb 6 2008, 01:43 AM) [snapback]607989[/snapback]
    briana, you are so far from being a bad mom. The fact that you are able to manage five WELL kids under the age of 8 is nothing short of miraculous; to have dealt with all that sickness and the additional neediness truly does make you supermom (or close to sainthood). And of COURSE sometimes you need to walk away - heck, i only have TWO and there are moments when i wonder if i can handle it. Hooray for DH, and remember; the kids will be fine. Even with a knock-down drag out, no one islikely to get really hurt, and Mama needs a BREAK!

    I wonder if there is any external support you can get? Someone from your church, maybe? Just a few hours of sanity. ANd - you don't have to worry about ventng and frightneing away the newbies; everyone's got their own capacity and people choose what posts they read, so don't censure yours!

    As for the TTC; well, who knows about that. You certainly are blessed; the only thing i would say is that you probably don't have to make that decision THIS WEEK, lol

    Hang in there!

    Jordari... you are so awesome! Yes there is actually a set of twin girls that are seniors that go to our church, that have been BEGGING to come over and help, maybe Saturday I will give them a call. Tonight is church night and I get out of my house and go help with the kids there and actually it is nice to get away and DO something (like I am never DOING anything!)

    Oh and yes I just "refilled" my pills for another month, so we wont be TTC for awhile. Actually our plan is not to start trying (if we do) until fall probably... we have too many Nov./ Dec. birthdays as it is! So we wont be making that decision this week! LOL You make me smile!

    ETA... thank you ALL for your replies and Hugs!! I just didnt think I should "quote" everyone in this post!! LOL :D
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