Have I created a monster?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tundrababy, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Where do I begin....*sigh* Owen is my 'difficult' twin and lately things have only become worse - I am really at my wits end with this kid. All day, every day- except when Daddy's home of course- He is hanging off me and completely freaks if I even attempt to leave the room, even if he can still see me (ie going to the bathroom with the door open) All he wants to do is have me sit on the floor while he 'stands' near me and then throws himself on me when begins to lose balance, often resulting in bruised lips, cheeks, scratches for my face. And if I even attempt to get up, not even leaving the room, its over for him. He does have periods where he will play independently but I absolutely can not leave the room or his line of vision. And its not like this has only been going on for a little while, we are talking months now. He is teething and has a new tooth every couple of weeks but would this really result in a chronically pissed off kid? I don't know if I have made his behavior worse or if its just the huge personality difference b/t the boys.
    Sleeping is okay - both boys STTN from 6:30-6 and have 2 1.5hr naps.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    He might be going through a period of separation anxiety. One of the things I am thinking is to have certain periods of the day where he will have to play independently and when you go to another room, tell him where you are going (Owen, I am going to the bathroom).
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I agree with Nancy it probably is SA but I would also make sure that he spent some time independantly with just his brother.
    We live on a pretty strict schedule here and I finally around that age scheduled in play time. We have a playroom but basically any room that is childproofed would work and let them play by themselves for starting at 15 minutes and then every couple days up it by 5 minutes or so. Yes he may cry but it will be good for him and you coming back helps him learn that you will always come back.
    GL! It's so hard when they are clingy!
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Jack did this same thing around this age, except it was to DH! (Ok, he still does it a bit, but it's gotten WAY better). I know it's so rough, but have patience, it *does* end. Owen is going through a really needy phase right now, but it will get better. Teething totally makes clingy-ness worse, and if he's anything like my Jack, when his teeth give him a break, he will be like a new boy. In the meantime, hang in there! :hug:
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