Have a question about baby flipping

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Lcoots, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Lcoots

    Lcoots Well-Known Member

    UGH i had major chest/back pain on Sat night. My stomach was in a HUGE knot..well it lasted for about 30mins. i couldnt get a deep breath..ugh..anyways

    yesterday i went to the dr for an u/s well apparently baby A decided to be a terd and flipped into a breech position..ugh..

    so im wondering has anyone had this happen?

    Did baby A flip back around?

    Im really wanting her to flip back so I can attempt a vag but im worried shes not going to..i also dont know if I want to go through that pain again..OUCH...

    Im just worried she's gonna run out of room and not be able to flip back around..

    any reassurance would be great..
  2. Susiepie

    Susiepie Well-Known Member

    oooh ouch! I know the pain!! My baby A has not flipped on my because she's being sat on by her sister, but baby B likes to flip often. She will go from breech to transverse to vertex and back again. It's very annoying and not too comfortable. So maybe your baby will flip again, there's still time.
  3. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    My Baby A flipped from head down to breech at 26 weeks, then back to head down by 30 weeks. I didn't feel him flipping breech, but definitely noticed him flipping back to head down. I was having terrible pelvic pain that suddenly went away one day after he flipped. I'm hoping that he stays put now.

    Good luck, I hope your Baby A flips!
  4. Lcoots

    Lcoots Well-Known Member

    thanks...i sure hope she flips back around...baby B is transverse and so now they are head to head..who knows what they are planning..lmao
  5. BooBoo +3

    BooBoo +3 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(*Momma Coots* @ Aug 7 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]360917[/snapback]
    thanks...i sure hope she flips back around...baby B is transverse and so now they are head to head..who knows what they are planning..lmao

    There's still plenty of time. Mine were both breach at 27weeks. Baby A was vertex at 31 weeks. Both were vertex at 32 weeks. I delivered vaginally at 38 weeks 3 days.
  6. samiam1229

    samiam1229 Well-Known Member

    I was @ my 28 wk appt yesterday night and when I went in to the u/s, I told the tech about how these two are trying to kick my bellybutton out altogether, so she looks and says, "good babies both heads down". O.K. great, I also want a vag delivery. Anyway, she does all the measurements on Charli and says everything looks good, and switches sides to look @ Tommy. She moves the wand around a bunch and says, "he was just head down, now he's flipped?" Oh yeah! Just like that, neither one of us felt it or had any idea that he had, how does that happen? His sister doesn't like him head up though because she then spent the remaining time kicking him in the head. Anyway, he has now flipped again ( I don't know when) becuase I felt them playing footsie as usual, and he had his foot back up in my ribs today.
    His flip last night scared me cause I so don't want a C, but because it was so easy for him, I feel better about the fact that he must have plenty of room.
  7. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    my baby B moved around more than baby A... but he was mostly transverse, right on top of her. She moved from vertex to transverse at 34 weeks and stayed there. bummer. But it does show that they can move around even at 34 weeks...
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys are in a different position at every U/S (and I have them weekly). I don't think they've moved this week because I can feel baby a's head on my right side (transverse...that's sideways right?). I had a friend (a singleton pregnancy) and her baby was breech at 40 weeks. The day before her scheduled c-section, the baby flipped and she had a vaginal birth three days later. I know it's different with twins (less room), but I bet they can still flip around. These babies are amazing!
  9. kallisayler

    kallisayler Member

    I am now 36 weeks, Up until four days ago, baby A had been head down and baby B had been laying transverse and I was so worried that I would do a vag followed by a c-sect. Baby B-my monkey baby decided to go heads down so yes they can still flip and move (surprisingly!!) and my babies are measuring at a little more than 6 lbs a piece. So hang in there-it hurts pretty good when they decide to flip especially with limited space and your skin pulled so tight it already feels like it is gonna rip.
  10. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Kevin was breech until the day before my c-section at 38 weeks. When he flipped, man did that hurt!!!!!!!!
  11. Lcoots

    Lcoots Well-Known Member

    thanks ladies.its good to know they can still find room to flip when things are TIGHT in there..lol

    Baby B has been transverse this whole time..so I dont know what shes gonna do..she may wait till her sister is born to flip..lmao
  12. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    My little boy flipped breech at 35 weeks, and I thought for sure I was headed for a c/s...but lo and behold he flipped again at 36 weeks, and at 37 weeks I had a smooth vaginal delivery. Good luck!

  13. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My baby B flipped at 29 weeks and has not moved since. In fact i think they are so big that they are stuck in their positions...
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