Hats, Mitts, Scarves

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lydia, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    As you can probably tell from my past two posts winter is on my mind. I hadn't thought much about it until it sprang upon us. So here I sit ill prepared for the cold weather. What sort of mittens did you use for your toddlers? Any suggestions? I need ones that are rated for very cold weather and that stay on. Strings on the mittens or no strings? How do you stay organized with all these little items for the winter? Thoughts and comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Toddler Snow Mittens We use the mitten clips sometimes. I made them both a toddler size scarf to wear and they wear their hats. I leave the hats and scarves in a basket by the door, the mittens are clipped to the jackets.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls used something like this for playing in the show the past 2 winters. I like that it covers their faces and necks. As for gloves, I've tried about everything, and finally what worked was to put the mittens on (like the ones that Bex linked), and then for playing in the snow, put a pair of my or DH's wool socks over that all the way up their arms under their coats. That kept the snow out.
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I live in Northern WI, so we're already dealing with COLD here (in fact, it was only 20 degrees this morning!). My kids are older than yours, so they're awesome now about keeping hats & mittens on. Last year they were pretty good, too. I bought the mitten clips at Walmart that held their mittens to their coats & LOVED them. Occasionally they messed with them, but after a few scoldings, they left them alone. I also bought a 3 pack of mittens EACH so that when we lost one, we always had spares. I found that the actual MITTENS were easiest to get on, but they had a hard time doing anything with them on, so I also had the little finger ones. I used the thinner ones for just outside play, but when there was snow, I had waterproof ones. I believe I also got those at Walmart & they go up past their wrists (the ones from last year still fit this year, too...yeah!). I have never used scarves, since the coats always seem to zip up pretty high on their chins. Hats have always been easy for me since my kids LOVE them (and wear them year round!). I got snow pants from ShopKo last year & this year they came with our coats. Boots I've always gotten at Target because they're reasonably priced & easy to get on. As for storage, this year the boys are putting their mittens in their pockets (I haven't used the mitten clips yet) & we taught them early on to put their hat in their sleeve when they took their coat off. So far, that's worked for us! I know daycare puts their mittens IN their hat & then their hat in their sleeves.

    I hate winter. I hate bundling them up just to run to the store, let alone to go outside & play. And buckling them into their carseats??? Ugh. And we have a LONG time ahead of us to deal with it!!!!
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