has your doc told you when you should expect to stop working?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tammygb, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    i am 28 weeks and am beginning to want to stop working. i am exhausted, not sleeping well, getting so big, short of breath, and feeling like i need to rest all the time. i am already working from home, which is wonderful not having to communte 2 hours a day, but all of the stress of my job is still there. and i'm not working any fewer hours. in fact, i'm probably working more hours now that i'm at home because my laptop is always here and on.

    so, i'm curious as to what others' docs have told them about when to stop working.

  2. missusbecker

    missusbecker Well-Known Member

    my dr had me scale back to working 3 days from home at 24 weeks, then wants me working full time from home at 28 weeks. she would like me to not work at all after 28 weeks, but it's easy for me to work from home, and i'd prefer to get paid as long as i can (and not use up any disability that i want when the babies come), so i am going to try that first. but i hear you about being tired all the time, and not sleeping well. it's hard. i cheat the days i work from home and take a nap at lunch. :)
  3. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    I was taken out much earlier due to contractions, at 20 weeks! Unfortunately, I didn't have the option of working from home! I hate that I'm using up disablity but I don't plan to go back to work after the boys get here!

    Good luck with everything
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was told they would just wait and see how I was doing. I was only working part-time anyway at the time.

    But they did say if at any time I felt uncomfortable and working was too hard they would take me out.
  5. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    My doc was going to let me working. Until I told her how miserable I was. She wanted to take me out full time, but that would have eaten up all of my short term disability and I was worried about $$. So we agreed on half days. My work was able to work with me and allow me to work the afternoons from home. I did this for about 2 weeks and then had the boys at 30 wks. If you are really miserable, talk to your MD about it. He may work with you on a solution!
  6. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    I am 29 weeks and when I talked to my doctor last week she said that I should work for as long as I can and did not even give an estimate of a time. She said we should just take it week by week depending on how I feel because of the fact that I would be using my disability and she really is encouraging me to save it for as long as I can and I am okay with that. However like 4 weeks ago I was feeling extremely tired and just was not feeling work so I used my time and only worked 2 days a week, for a month and I think that break helped me alittle to be able to stand working a little longer. I had the time though I do not know if you do but I would just suggest putting in for one day off a week because that little break from work helps alot.
  7. karavi

    karavi Member

    I'm 31 wks 3d. My doctor hasn't said anything about stopping work early. I'm sure if I was having any issues she would give me a note for work. I'm feeling great, and hopefully I'll be able to work up to the end :D
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    at my last appt (which was about 5 weeks ago) my doc said she'll pull me out soon. i see her again on thursday, and i'm going to just ask her to take me out of work at 28 weeks. i can't handle any more! my hips hurt, my back hurts, i'm up and down constantly and it's getting just too hard. i'm weak, what can i say
  9. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    I had to quit my job at 25 wks and go on bedrest due to issues with my cervix and contractions. Luckily, at my last dr apt and u/s things were looking very stable and he is letting me work 2 hrs a day as long as I'm sitting at a desk and not getting up and down too much. I know I couldn't work the 10 hr days that I used to, so it has been nice to cut back. Money of course is an issue, but the babies are more important:) I'm 33 wks tomorrow!
  10. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    Hi! I was just told to tell my doc when I wanted to stop working. However, I work in the schools in a specialized field & it's hard to find subs for my position. I felt okay, so I worked right up until the day I was induced. GOOD LUCK!
  11. jesstheca

    jesstheca Well-Known Member

    My doctor has said nothing about quitting work but suggested that I talk to my employer about telework options. He said that if my employer didn't take care of me now, they could potentially lose me all together. I have felt 'fine' (back aches, swelling--all manageable I guess) and hope to keep working until delivery.
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was pulled out of work at 30 weeks - I thought everything was fine but at my appt. they found that baby A had low fluid and was not growing as well as her sister.

    edited to add: after 8 weeks of bedrest and eating/drinking like a pig- when they were born they were right at the same size!
  13. jeepwife

    jeepwife Well-Known Member

    My dr said I probably wouldn't work past 24-26 wks. And, I'm only allowed part-time now with restrictiosn on that. But I have alot of issues and I work on my feet.
  14. Kimkessenich

    Kimkessenich Well-Known Member

    Just curious - for those of you who will be leaving work early or cutting back your hours...when you and your doctors discussed this, did they bring it up or did you? I've been having contractions since 16 weeks, I'm seeing a peri also, I've had a non-stress test already and an ffn (that was negative) and my OB hasn't said a word about pulling me out of work at any time.

    I'm just curious if you all asked to be removed early or if your Dr. just brought that up as part of your appointment.


  15. Jhstobe@earthlink.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I went to 30hours a week at 20 weeks. My days Monday thru friday were 8-5:30 and a 45 min commute each way. With out getting good sleep it was just to much on me. Cutting back my hours has helped so much. I am sure I should be able to make it to 28weeks and the will evaluate once again how I feel. With my stomach getting bigger and bigger I am not sure how much longer after 28weeks I'll make it. I do not plan on coming back to work so I am only worried about leave in order to keep my insurance until the babies are born. I'd cut my hours down again but would lose my insurance so next step will be to go on leave. My OB never brought any of this up with me I just asked him to put me on 30hours and he said with twins, no problem. In the beginning they just told me it would be up to me and how I felt.
  16. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    My first OB told me I shouldn't work past 28 weeks as soon as we found out I was having twins. Well, I teach third grade and had the summer off (19 to almost 28 weeks pregnant) and was feeling fine to go back to work and start the school year. I got food poisoning around 24 weeks and ended up seeing another OB and he was much more positive about twin pregnancies and took more of a wait and see approach. I ended up working until a day shy of 33 weeks. I took Wednesdays off so I only worked two days, had a day off, then worked two days. That made it easier. I did too much my last day at work and ended up going from a regular appt. to labor and delivery the next day. I had been nesting at home and ended up nesting in my classroom-moving desks etc. Stupid thing to do! I had planned to work until 35 weeks. Luckily, I was able to carry the girls to 38 weeks. I know some moms here worked up to delivery, but you know your body and what it can handle and when you've had enough. I worked past "enough" and almost had to pay for it.
  17. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jen S @ Jul 30 2007, 11:12 AM) [snapback]349678[/snapback]
    I went to 30hours a week at 20 weeks. My days Monday thru friday were 8-5:30 and a 45 min commute each way. With out getting good sleep it was just to much on me. Cutting back my hours has helped so much. I am sure I should be able to make it to 28weeks and the will evaluate once again how I feel. With my stomach getting bigger and bigger I am not sure how much longer after 28weeks I'll make it. I do not plan on coming back to work so I am only worried about leave in order to keep my insurance until the babies are born. I'd cut my hours down again but would lose my insurance so next step will be to go on leave. My OB never brought any of this up with me I just asked him to put me on 30hours and he said with twins, no problem. In the beginning they just told me it would be up to me and how I felt.

    i'm kinda going thru the insurance stuff, too. i can't cut down cuz i'll lose the insurance, and i'm afraid to just quit cuz i don't know if i'll get Cobra, and NOW i was informed by someone else who's pregnant that i have to give them 30 days notice if i want to take maternity leave. so i don't know WHAT'S going to happen :(
  18. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    I worked full-time up until the morning of my scheduled c-section at 38 weeks, 1 day. Stopping working is not required in all instances of a twin pregnancy - depends on your individual situation, your job requirements, etc. Any doctor that says you HAVE to stop working at x number of weeks just because you are pregnant with twins, and with no other medical reason (complications, signs of premature delivery,etc) is just plain wrong. Many women without complications can continue to work full-time up to their delivery, it really just depends on how much you can handle and what kind of job you do.
  19. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I asked my doctor about this around 20 weeks (when I was still feeling great), and she told me that I would know when it was time. She said if I felt OK with it, I could work until the end, but realistically I should expect to stop or at least cut way back by 34 weeks. But she said if I wanted to cut back or stop earlier, she would write me a note so I could get short-term disability pay.

    As it turned out, by 26 weeks I felt that I could no longer work FT (I was just exhausted by lunchtime, and my back was killing me), so I cut back to about 4-6 hours a day. Then I had an episode of PTL at 29 weeks and got put on bedrest. So I guess my body did tell me after all!
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