Has anyone used a Cosco Scenera convertible seat?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ffkrashff, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. ffkrashff

    ffkrashff Member

    I am looking to buy car seats for my 14 mo. girls, and have noticed that Cosco Scenera seats are the only convertible seats rated "excellent" by Consumer Reports for "Crash Safety." However, I have also noticed that they are a pretty inexpensive seat (which really is a good thing), but they look kind of cheapy. They don't have much cushion either. Any advice?
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We got it for the girls and really liked it. The only problem we had was they didn't seem to last in it that long. We recently purchased thisone. If you can swing the extra $100, I would go ahead and get it. But the other one worked great for us as well.

    Congrats on your babes! It's time to update your ticker!!
  3. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We have those seats, one we got at a maternity fair held by my hospital (yea for door prizes, lol) and we purchased the other one to match. We like them ok, they don't have a ton of padding but it hasn't seemed to bother my girls. They are inexpensive (which was good for us) but they wouldn't be on market if they weren't safety tested and everything.
  4. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We got them as our extra car seats and to have a light weight car seat for traveling. They fit better then the marathon car seats in my DH's car. The straps gets a little twisted, but my girls seemed happy enough in them. In fact we are just about to replace them with a high back booster since one of my girls is 40 pounds.
  5. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    We also have them as our extra seats in DH's truck. They do okay for short trips, but they get really fussy if they are in them for more than 20 minutes. In the Recaro Comos in my car they rarely fuss. I had to get strap covers to go over the straps because they were putting red marks on their necks.
  6. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    We have them. One of the girls complains that it hurts her butt (she is boney, and the lack of cushioning...) For her she has a Graco ComfortSport, which is really just the same thing just with more cushioning... That she seems fine with but she really LOVES her brother's TrueFit as it has TONS of cushioning... :)

    But all 3 of the kids has a CostCo Scenara and we don't really have a problem with it. The only issue we've run across is that it doesn't fit in the middle seat to well. We had to switch to my sons TrueFit after the Scenara just wobbled everywhere and wouldn't stay still - we could NOT get it anchor in correctly, either with the seatbelt or the LATCH. Still don't know why so we just switched him to his other seat (the Truefit has it's own issues, but at least it's anchored in correctly)
  7. San12

    San12 Well-Known Member

    We own these seats as our Travel seats. We recently used them on a trip for Florida, on the plane and in the rental car. They are perfectly fine for this purpose, but I find that there isn't enough padding, so I wouldn't want to use them for everyday.
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