Has anyone had problem with protein in their urine?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by amybloch1913, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. amybloch1913

    amybloch1913 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I am almost 26 weeks along and I have protein in my urine. I might have to do a 24 hour collection. FUN! Does anyone have any experience with this or know what I can do to prevent long term problems. My doc said stay out of the heat, take it easy and hydrate. She will check it agian in a week and go from there. I am a bit stressed as all twin moms are about pre-term labor. I have read a lot about high protein levels can led to preeclampsia. Any experience, hopefully positive. PLease let me know.
  2. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    With my 1st I also had protein in my urine. I had to do 2 -24hour samples. Unfortunately mine lead to preeclampsia, at 36+4 I went into the Dr's, was supposed to be a normal check up, my blood pressure was so elevated, she told me to go home get our bags, that we would be having the our son that day. I was alittle bummed...really shocked and somewhat unprepared.
  3. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    I had protein in my urine at 27 weeks and had to do the 24 hour collection (I was already in the hospital by then). They thought it was a UTI at first because I was having contractions according to the monitor, though I couldn't feel them. The 24 hour came back fine and I was told to increase my water intake, which every pregnant woman loves to hear since we already have to pee every 10 minutes. <_<
  4. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I had protein in my urine at about 28 weeks, but really low blood pressure. So my Dr. waited until my next appointment to see how my protein was. However another twin mommy suggested drinking alot of water and purchasing Uristix 4 by Bayer that monitors protein in your urine. I bought the strips and whenever I was in the plus I would drink alot of water and in a few hours I would be fine. Also I bought my own blood pressure monitor too. I had to be pretty proactive about my pregnancy since there wasn't a specialist near us.
  5. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    Everytime past 28 weeks it seemed like I had it
  6. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    I had some for a brief time too (i think around 22-26 weeks) - I had to do 24 hour urine collection, which wasn't fun, but it turned out to be overall below the 300 mark (or wherever. Anyway, I drank a lot of water and monitored by blood pressure 3xday from home - i did not develop pre-e, and my BP stayed stable the whole pg (even if it was slightly higher in the drs office because i was nervous).

    good luck!
  7. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    I had protein in my urine (+2) at 20 weeks so the doctor ordered a 24 hour urine. . .I have chronic high blood pressure (even though my BP has been good so far) so I am at increased risk of pre-e, so they didn't want to take any chances. . .My 24 hour urine came back normal so they said I was probably dehydrated and to just keep drinking LOTS of fluids. . .Try not to worry too much, as hard as it is. . . The 24 hour urine is not exactly fun, but a much better indicator if the protein you are spilling is from dehydration or not. . . Good Luck!!


    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    i did with my first pregancy
    i had to check my urine with a dip test at home everyday
    under +3 was ok, +4 or +5 i had to call the doc, i had a blood pressure machine i had to take every it every 3 hrs,
    i was induced at 38weeks because of high blood pressure
    everythign was fine. i had to do 2 24hr urine and did a couple over nighters in the hospital

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