Has anyone gotten pregnant after IVF

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by GenandThadsMom, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. GenandThadsMom

    GenandThadsMom Well-Known Member

    I would love to have another child. DH has male factor infertility. We had IVF with ICSI and conceived our twins. I have one frozen egg left, but they don't like only transfering one egg if it has been frozen. DH is totally against doing IVF again. He thought it was too much. (Although I was the one sticking myself with needles) We are going to try transfering the one, but they told us not to hold out too much hope. My midwife said she knows lots of couples that conceive babies after IVF. I don't know what to do. When we finally chose IVF it was like a huge weight was off, we finally had hope. Now I feel like we are going to go through the whole depressing "trying" thing again. Does anyone out there have a story of hope for me?
  2. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    My good friend used IVF to conceive their triplets and then got pregnant on their own a year later so now have 4 beautiful girls :)

    We were told we would never be able to conceive on our own due to issues on both sides. Just before we were to start the meds for IVF we found out we were 6.5 weeks pregnant with the twins (identical) on our own. They told us it was a fluke/miracle and it would never happen again. Well, it did so now we have 3 boys.

    I have another friend who used fertility treatments for their twins and now have 3 boys as well - the 3rd on their own. It does happen and I wish you THE BEST of luck!!! HUGS!!!
  3. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I have heard of it happening for lots of people (not all but lots) so good luck.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I have an internet friend who had factors on both her and her dh's side. They did the IVF with ICSI. Her periods were always irregular I guess, so after her twins were born, she wasn't worried when they were not regular yet again. She started getting sick and had some 'indigestion.' Went in and found out that she was 4 months pregnant with a boy. IMagine finding out the gender the same day you find out you are pregnant! :shok:
    We had undiagnosed infertility. No one could figure out what was wrong and why we weren't getting pregnant on our own. AFter 7 years of trying on & off, we did IVF and got our twins on the first try. When our twins were 2, I got pregnant on my own with another set. :shok: Honestly I think my work schedule (I worked odd hours) was the reason we could not conceive naturally. I quit a few weeks before the twins' 2nd b-day. But, you didn't ask about that.. lol
    ME!! :hi: Good luck!
  5. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Yes! I just found out three weeks ago that I was six weeks pregnant, and we are still in shock! Have not been on birth control in 6.5 years, and did IVF to get our twins. I have PCOS, my DH has no factors.

    There is another mom on here, SuzanneTX, I beleive, who is also got pregnant the "good old fashioned way" after doing IVF for her twins. I think her DH has male factor...look for the post where I announced my pregnany a few weeks ago, there's some other similar responses on there.

    I do think for us it was the no stress factor. We felt very complete with our twins as our only children. Obviously we weren't on birth control, but never seriously thought we'd get pregnant on our own after all we'd been through. The only reason I took a pregnancy test was because my GYN told me to take one before taking a pill to give me a period, since I had't had one in forever...imagine the shock I had!
  6. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    Yes. This pregnancy was conceived the "old fashioned" way. I was quite surprised to say the least!! My twins are the result of my 2nd IVF ( I also did 6 IUI's previously) My DH and I had TTC for 5 years before the 2nd IVF actually worked.

    I didn't find out about this pregnancy till I was almost 7 weeks along and realized I hadn't had AF, took a HPT and it was positive. Needless to say I was shocked especially since my twins were only 13 months old at the time.
  7. SuzanneTX

    SuzanneTX Well-Known Member

    As mentioned, I got pregnant this time "the old-fashioned way". We did IVF with ICSI for our twins due to severe male factor infertility. I,of course, have not been using birth control thinking it wasn't needed. I was 8 weeks along before I finally figured it out this time. It can definitely happen!

  8. kristinmsn

    kristinmsn Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the exact same thing. My girls are six months old and I have a six year old son who was conceived naturally. I went through many clomid and IUI cycles before moving onto IVF. We did four IVF cycles and we finally got our twins on our very last try. I would love to have another baby and conceiving the old fashioned way would be wonderful. We paid out of pocket for all of our infertility treatments and have no money left so IVF is not an option. Not really sure how my husband feels about another one, but I'm hoping and praying that it happens for us. I do have slightly elevated FSH (12) and I'm not young (39) so I'm not sure how realistic it is for us to conceive on our own.

    Best of luck to you!
  9. Kate1587

    Kate1587 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(lovinglife @ Oct 22 2008, 11:17 PM) [snapback]1038102[/snapback]
    I was wondering the exact same thing. My girls are six months old and I have a six year old son who was conceived naturally. I went through many clomid and IUI cycles before moving onto IVF. We did four IVF cycles and we finally got our twins on our very last try. I would love to have another baby and conceiving the old fashioned way would be wonderful. We paid out of pocket for all of our infertility treatments and have no money left so IVF is not an option. Not really sure how my husband feels about another one, but I'm hoping and praying that it happens for us. I do have slightly elevated FSH (12) and I'm not young (39) so I'm not sure how realistic it is for us to conceive on our own.

    Best of luck to you!

    Ok, I loved reading all of these posts and this one especially stuck out to me. I too have an elevated FSH of
    10.4. I tried numerous rounds of Clomid and Gonadotropins-all with inseminations- and finally got pregnant with the twins on our SECOND IVF.
    Anyone else on here with FEMALE FACTOR have natural pregnancy success after IVF? Or know of anyone?
    Our twins are 4 months old and I would love to get pregnant this spring, well, late spring is what my doctor said would be an acceptable amount of time passed since delivery.
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Not me, I did IVF for all 3 of my kiddos. But, we had unexplained infertility and I opted to have a tubal so that we would not have a surprise. I have read on here lots of people getting pregnant "without assistance" after doing IVF. Best of luck with whatever route you take. :hug:
  11. lizorellana

    lizorellana Member

    I've been emailing with a few other twin moms in similar situations as me, pregnant after IVF. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and my boys are almost a year. We TTC for 2.5 years and then were blessed with our fraternal boys after IVF. We heard about the possibilities of getting pregnant after IVF, but we didn't pay any attention since we tried for so long. We had unexplained infertility and were SHOCKED when I learned I was pregnant. There is hope out there!!! When we were TTC, I remember everyone saying, "don't think about it and it'll happen." Easier said than done when you're going through it, but now, I have to believe those words. We were not even remotely thinking about a 3rd child and hello....

  12. *NJMom*

    *NJMom* Member

    I was diagnosed with high fsh and therefore advised to do IVF. We got pregnant with our twin girls on the first IVF attempt. A little more than a year after they were born, I somehow got pregnant naturally with daughter #3. I am 37 weeks pregnant currently. Miracles do happen! My twins will be 21 months when their baby sister is born. :)
  13. mcj531

    mcj531 New Member

    I found out 2 weeks ago that I am pregnant with number 3 after having our twins through IVF. I had done 5 IUIs and 3 IVF cycles (the third resulted in my b/g twins). I have PCOS and never considered I could get pregnant the 'old fashioned way' after all we had gone through. Just before our twins' second birthday, my husband and I took our first child-free vacation since our kids were born. We spent a few days in Vegas seeing shows, gambling, enjoying free cocktails, and having a great time. A few weeks later, I was feeling a little off and took a hpt just to be sure it was nothing. We were shocked. I have my first OB appointment tomorrow.

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