has anyone gone through this?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Just wondering how common this is. I was starting to get worried and thought that Lorien was displaying some OCD type behaviors but after reading about it more, I realize that I'm being over paranoid but I was still wondering if anyone else goes through this. Basically, whatever she eats, if it is pieces, she seems to eat only a part of it or she will eat it in a pattern. For example. If I give her Ritz crackers, she will bite each and every single one into a sort of cresent shape. Then when she has bit each one, she will start over and take the next bite from each one. With McD french fries, she will only take one bite of each fry and then put it down and she is done with it. With a sandwhich, if I cut in into quarters (which I usually do), she will take a bite of each piece and then work her way through the sandwhich that way. I'm not really so worried about it but it's just a little strange to watch. Sometimes it's annoying because she wastes some food and sometimes it just takes her so long to eat. The other day, she was biting her little bite size nuggets that I cut up for her, in half. I mean they are small pieces and she was biting those in half and then leaving the other half on the plate. :huh:
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I am so like you as far as over analyzing things. Recently I had a MOM with my local club tell me about her son and how he has sensory issues and one of the things is he has to be holding something in his hands all the time. My mind immediately goes to Lauren, who has to have her blankie and Mattie who holds a paci. But then I realized I was going to drive myself :crazy:

    I think she is just getting a feel for stuff. Both of my girls will eat portions of their food.

    Just think of this... When I would eat Fruit Loops, I would eat each color at a time and I always started with Yellow and ended with Red, when they threw in the Blue ones, I was beside myself. :lol: I still find myself doing that :blush:

    I think she will be fine!
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    That's so true Brandy! I didn't even think of that. If I pour a bunch of m&ms in my hand, I have to divide them into like colors and then eat the odd number ones. So if I have 2b, 2y, 3o, 2r, 4g then I have to eat 2 greens and then 1 orange and then go through each color. Does that make sense? OMG, I totally fogort I do that. Ok, well then at least Lorien is like her mama in ONE way :lol: (she's pretty much all dad but now I got my claim to fame on her hehe).
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

  5. texastwinks

    texastwinks Well-Known Member

    I've had the same worries with Aidan but I think it's just a kid thing really. I wouldn't worry too much at this point.
  6. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Gabriel does it, too!!! He will take one bite out of every french fry, and then line them up next to his plate. If I pick them up and put them back on his plate, he will find them and set them on the table again. :laughing: Chicken nuggets, he takes one bite out of each nugget, lines them up on the table, and then goes back to finish eating them. I guess it's normal, but it sure is funny to watch!
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Utopia122 @ Apr 23 2008, 10:21 PM) [snapback]736425[/snapback]
    If I give cut up hot dogs, Sarah will stack them all and then eat them. I have the link to the stacked hotdogs--it's quite a site.


    Very funny picture!

    QUOTE(texastwinks @ Apr 23 2008, 10:44 PM) [snapback]736469[/snapback]
    I've had the same worries with Aidan but I think it's just a kid thing really. I wouldn't worry too much at this point.

    Yea, not too worried but was just wondering how common it is. Thanks for your response :) .

    QUOTE(mommy23monkeys @ Apr 23 2008, 11:13 PM) [snapback]736517[/snapback]
    Gabriel does it, too!!! He will take one bite out of every french fry, and then line them up next to his plate. If I pick them up and put them back on his plate, he will find them and set them on the table again. :laughing: Chicken nuggets, he takes one bite out of each nugget, lines them up on the table, and then goes back to finish eating them. I guess it's normal, but it sure is funny to watch!

    That is so funny rhea. Wouldn't it be hilarious to watch these two eat together? Oye Vey (sp?).
  8. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Totally normal... It isn't OCD behavior until they got to kindergarden and you get a call from the teacher saying your child hasn't been eating for a month. When you ask your "dd" about it and she tells you, "You make my sandwiches upside down. The ham can only touch the yellow stuff and the cheese can only touch the white stuff. You've been making them upside down mommy." Silly me... didn't know that the mustard and cheese couldn't come in contact.... The kid watched me make her sandwiches for the next few weeks and gladly started eating them again. She's almost 12 now and STILL cant eat a sandwich with the mayo and meat touching or the cheese and mustard touching. It tastes "funny" when you do that.
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I am pretty OCD about my food too. When I have a few different things on the plate, I like to eat each one so that the edge stays even (not with a big dent in it). I also cut things like meat into roughly equal-size pieces, and I prefer if they're more or less rectangular!

    Like others have said, I don't think it's a problem as long as she's eating, and as long as it doesn't cause a complete meltdown if something is not JUST SO. (Even then, it may not really be a problem -- it depends on the extent.)

    And yeah, I do the same thing you do with M&Ms. It really bothers me to have differing numbers of each color. If I wind up with too many browns or oranges, I have to eat the "extras" first so that I have the same number of each one. We're all OCD in our own way. :D

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