Hard Stool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Vero, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    Help! Both my girls breakdown balling when they poop since it's hard as clay and it hurts them. I've tried prune juice but it may help to soften a bit but not enough.

    Anyone else experience this? Any suggestions?

    I've heard of white Karo Syrup but how do you give it to them? in the formula? how much?
  2. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    We use MiraLax. It's over the counter now, used to be prescription. I put it in her morning sippy with juice and water. Check with your pediatrician.
  3. Tizzylish

    Tizzylish Active Member

    We use a 1/2 tsp of Milk of Magnesia. Our pedi said prunes or prune juice may make them crampy and feel worse. The MOM works wonders--our DD loves the cherry flavor!
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I used Karo when they were little, but I can't remember the dosage! :( Sorry!! I like the MOM idea!!
  5. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    My best friend just clued me in on a new idea that worked great for them...Little Tummy's makes an all natural laxative. It says 2 and up, but she used it before 2, and I finally found some at Walgreens...am thinking of halfing the 2 y/o dose....she said not to overdo it, because it works withing a couple hours...
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We've been trying a little spoon of cod liver oil a day & so far that has worked the best. And we've tried it all! Twinlab makes some that's orange flavored & the kids actually like it.
  7. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    My Ped said feed P foods...peas, pineapple, peaches, pears...all of those to help. (note: Potatoes are a P excluded from this list)

  8. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    This has happend a few times to my DD and its so sad :(
    we push the pears, she loves them and it always helps.
    good luck
  9. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your suggestions. Much appreciated. :)
  10. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to second the Miralax. My girls would cry too and my ped suggested that and it is amazing! Works better than anything else I tried. I would ask your ped first, but try it it works great.
  11. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    We were told to get on Miralax as well - mixed with juice. In fact he told us to give it to her few a few weeks every night to get her completely cleaned out.

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