hands foot mouth disease

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    My poor Nefeli has hfmd!
    She was fine this am and dh got the girls from day care to take them to the pedi for checkup and vaccinations and that's were they noticed the bumps. I guess they developed in the mean time. She's been in a fine mood, eating and sleeping well. I read on the web about this and it seems it can get pretty painful. Iris doesn't have it and i'm hoping she won't get it but I guess that's unlikely.
    I'm a little worried about my being pregnant but my internet search seems to say even if I got it it would be fine for the baby.
    I've never heard of this disease before.
    Any tips and information will be truly appreciated. Hope this doesn't make for a unhappy holiday season.
  2. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    My sister's daughter got this right when my sister had her second child. It was caught early and she was put on meds and all was fine. Never developed to become uncomfortable. I am sure that that will be the case with your daughter as well! Good luck for a healthy holiday season!
  3. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Our pedi didn't perscribe any meds. Just said if she has a fever to give her something for it. Does anyone know what type of meds are usually perscribed. I was talking to my mom about this and she was wondering if we should wash her in something special to not aggravate the sores.
  4. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    MY girlie had just the mouth part last winter. Our pedi advised to mix in one tsp of Maalox with the appropriate age/weight dose of kids Benadryl to help coat her mouth and sooth the irritation.

    Good luck!
  5. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    My 2 both got it a few months ago. (and so did I - it was horible for me, it was like having 50 canker sores in your mouth at once - horible!) My 2 didn't have it as bad in there mouth thank goodness, but I guess I can say I knew what they were going through! It makes it hard to drink and eat. Our pedi. didn't give us anything she said to just let it run its course and to stay away from other kids for awhile.
  6. stepmom35

    stepmom35 Active Member

    Both of my daughters had it and I got it a few days later. The girls had white/blister like sores in their mouth, hands and feet (thus the name hand foot mouth LOL) The doc also said there was nothing he could prescribe to make it better, it had to run its course. Offer her easy to swallow foods....yogurt, prunes etc.

    For me it was awful....could not swallow/talk and it was quite uncomfprtable to walk. I believe my ped said it was very contagious.

    Hope that helps.
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My girls had this (and I got it a few days later). We mostly had sores in our mouths and throats and they were EXTREMELY painful. One thing that I remember is the ped. saying that the sores can continue to develop for 7-10 days. As a pp said, it was very painful to eat and drink. Avoid salty/vinegar/citrus foods as they made the sores hurt more.

    I hope this passes quickly for your little girl!
  8. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    It is EXTREMELY contagious. And no, unfortunetly, there is nothing you can do to treat it. The Malox/Benedryl mix works wonders for anything that might develop in the mouth. Then they can at least drink to stay hydrated.
    1st time DS had it all he got were the spots, on his fair skin it looked like the pox, the girls were BF'ing then and Grace went on a nursing strike from the pain in her mouth once she got it.

    It does pass quickly though, and the spots did not seem to bother them at all. But try a baking soda bath if they seem to itch at all. My Pedi, compared it to a cold that comes out as spots, and like any virus, there are a zillion ways it shows up in people.

    Good luck, hopefully it passes before you are to spend any time with family over the holidays (if not and there are kids, you may want to re-think your plans).
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