Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SnowCraig, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    So, my kids went to a 1st birthday party for their twin friends this past weekend. Yesterday, my DD has a fever and was miserable all night. This morning my friend called to tell me that her nephew, who was at the party, has Hand Foot Mouth Disease and developed the rashes associated with it. One of her boys is not feeling well and has a fever. I have a call into my pediatrician, but what are the chances we'll get it? I am sure they were all sharing toys on Saturday and putting things in their mouth. Ugh! My kids stay home with a nanny and have not been sick yet in one whole year, so I am not used to this.

    My other reason for freaking out is that we are leaving for vacation on Saturday. Will we be okay to go? We are headed to Williamsburg, VA - a long car drive. Once we get there we are staying in a time-share condo with my parents. I am thinking, hopefully, that even if they are under the weather, we should still be able to go. Ugh!

    Sorry - had to vent - why is it whenever you have plans something like this comes up and bites you in the butt!

    Maybe they won't get it...maybe the fever is teething...wishfully thinking....

  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Oh, mine just had HFMD. The fever lasted about 3 days, and mine never got a rash but they had the sores in their mouth and throat and were miserable with that for a while. They aren't contagious once they are fever free for 48 hours, per my pedi. The pedi just had us give Motrin for fever reduction, then pain control for the mouth sores.

    They will probably be a little cranky at the beginning of your vacation, if it is HFMD.
  3. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Friends of our's little boys just had this. my girls were around them the day before and did not contract it. I do hear it's very contagious.

    I think they were better in 2/3 days?

    Good Luck
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Even if they do have it, they should be fine by Saturday (or at least a lot better). Amy got it last year and got a very mild case. She was cranky as h*ll for about 3 days, but then was fine. Sarah never got it. (And they were both in daycare -- that's where Amy got it.) So, although it is apparently very contagious, there's no guarantee both your kids will get it. Give them lots of fluids (they might like cold fluids better) and popsicles if they will eat them, and prepare to dose them up with Motrin. Good luck!
  5. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    It is very contagious. They will probably get it. I would still go on the vacation if I were you. They may be cranky at first, but should be feeling better in a few days.
  6. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    My girls got it this March, but I didn't even realize it! I thougth I had given them food that was too hot b/c they each had a blister on their tongue! Duh. My sister later called to ask if I thought my nephew had it....as she described the symptoms, I immediately knew who gave it to him :0. Woops! Anyway, your kids should be fine. They'll be a bit fussy, but if it's a mild case, you may not even know they have it.
    Have a fun trip,
  7. TwinNirvana

    TwinNirvana Active Member

    My kids had this in April - and they were miserable! My dd did not eat for 9 days - and she had a 105 fever every evening for 5 days straight even with tylenol and ibruprofen. I understand that there is varying degrees of misery with this virus - some kids don't miss a beat. I hope this doesn't interfere with your vacation.
  8. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your responses.

    Good news...I think (knock-on-wood), we are out of the woods. Both babies had a very cranky day yesterday with low fevers. They had some stomach issues last night - spitting up more than usual and DD had watery poops. DD was up again at 1 a.m. and cried a few times overnight, but this morning they both woke up happy silly babies. They drank their bottles, ate all their breakfast and had a good morning nap. Whew! They seem to be much better.

    Maybe it was just a bug or maybe they just got a very mild case of HFMD.

    Time to start packing for vacation.....

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