hand,foot mouth disease

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stepmom35, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. stepmom35

    stepmom35 Active Member

    Well, Aubrey got it about a week ago I figure. Sores on her butt and blisters on her fingers,toes. very irritable and teething at the same time. Now she seems better, but I think Aydan is getting it!

    How do I prevent it from becoming a vicious cycle. They share everything....sippys,cups,toys bath etc.

    What else can i give them besides motrin? any help would be great.
  2. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    You need to wash all their toys in warm soapy water and make sure you rinse them good. You should do this 1x per week.
  3. Annen

    Annen Well-Known Member

    I think that they can only get hand-foot-mouth one time...

    Noam and Sapir got it when they were 1.5 years old and we were visiting the states. My cousin's daughter had it and spread it around.

    Don't go too crazy washing toys.
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    My oldest has had it twice - and I guess it is mainly a spring or fall thing. If it gets really bad, I think there is something (steroid?) that can be given, but only for extreme cases? Hers weren't that bad, but she was cranky. We did more baths when we could because I think the water helped, but I could have been just hoping that was the case,too.

    Sorry I don't have any great advice, but I hope you're out of it soon.
  5. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    My girls both had it (and only had it 1x each) I was told to fill a small cup w/ half benadryl & half mylanta, mix it, then use a qtip and rub it on the sores in the mouth if they have them there. It helps calm them, and thats where my girls had them bad, and it helped them eat/drink.
  6. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    Mine both got it about 2 months ago. We got it from the daycare at the gym. DS got it first, really bad on his bottom and throat. Then DD got really bad on her hands and foot. Then I too got it, really bad in my mouth (werid, usually adults don't get it - of course I would, I usually get everything :huh: ) But at least I know what they went through and it sucks! Its hard to drink and swallow things. my dr. said to just give them some motrin, and let time take its course. I didn't wash any of their toys - any more than I all ready do, but we don't have other children coming over to our house either. I just kept my two away from everyone until we were done being contagious.
  7. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    my girls got it - i don't know where from b/c they were not in day care at that time.....they just had the open sores on their bottoms....my one dd still has scars on her bottom from the sores!!! we just gave them motrin or tylenol every 3 hours and gave them baths a few times a day with baking soda....it seemed like that made their bottoms feel better.....

    For the open sores on their bottoms we used nystatin and then the Desitin in the purple tube (not the creamy, the original desitin) on top of that.

    I also didn't wash any of their toys any more than normal...I just kept them away from other kids until they weren't contagious anymore.....
  8. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    There are so many diff. stains of the virus, its nuts. About a year and a half ago DS had the spots, so bad I was scared it was pox, but they never bothered him. The girls got a few sores in their mouths at the same time and Grace went on a nursing strike.

    This last time James was in the hospital for 3 days due to dehydration and stomach pains from the sores in his mouth, throat and tummy. They did the Malox/Benadryl mix for him to help him swallow. The fevers were terrible and he did not eat for over a week. Though that was the worst case and it should not show up like that again. The girls got them to, with the mouth sores. I used neosporin LT for the mouth sores.

    I did disinfect all the toys cribs etc when we got home then again once everyone was healthy, but not crazy. We're all good now, but it took about 3 weeks solid of yucky-ness.
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine both had it a few months ago (fortunately not at the same time). They actually did not have many sores (for one of the girls, I forget which one, we could never definitely find a sore at all), but they were KUH-RANKY! for about a day. Then it got a lot better. We just kept giving them Tylenol and coddled them as much as possible. Fortunately (I guess because they had few or no sores) they never quit eating, though they did show a preference for smooth foods. They also drank liquid like crazy.

    We actually didn't wash anything, other than clothes & bedding. It just seems futile -- you never know if you're washing things when they're actually contagious, and they touch everything again right away anyway.
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