Halo Sleep Sacks

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by amelowe9, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone use these and are they useful? Last night we put our 7-week old babies in footy pajamas and then swaddled them and they are sleeping SO well! However it's a pain to change the diaper b/c you have to unzip, take their feet out, etc...I like the idea of these b/c they can wear a onesie and these easily zip over...Anyone have success with them in terms of them helping their babies sleep? Thanks:)
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Good question. Since they're hands and arms aren't held down like they would be with swaddling do they wake themselves up more? Or not really, because they're not up and moving in their face...I'm curious too, to hear how effective these are. My daughter is outgrowing swaddling (and hates it!), but her arms are all over the place at night and she won't stay asleep without it.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We use the Halo Sleep Sacks every night. We just have the light cotton sacks because it is so hot here. My babies did not notice when I switched them from Miracle Blankets to Sleep Sacks, but I didn't do it until they were 6 months old. I went from full swaddle - to one arm out - to both arms out - to sleep sacks.
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I absolutely ADORE my Halo SS's. I have fleece for winter and cotton for now. Our NICU uses them and gave each baby 2 (size xs wow) and now we are in XL!! My babies love them but I never swaddled.

    They DO have Halo SS's with a swaddle option tho. I'd look into those if you like swaddling. Mine never stayed in the swaddle so it was pointless. I HIGHLY recommend the sleep sacks. Ck out Marshall's or TJ Maxx for great deals on them, they are expensive!!
  5. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Aug 3 2008, 06:59 AM) [snapback]910858[/snapback]
    I absolutely ADORE my Halo SS's. I have fleece for winter and cotton for now. Our NICU uses them and gave each baby 2 (size xs wow) and now we are in XL!! My babies love them but I never swaddled.

    They DO have Halo SS's with a swaddle option tho. I'd look into those if you like swaddling. Mine never stayed in the swaddle so it was pointless. I HIGHLY recommend the sleep sacks. Ck out Marshall's or TJ Maxx for great deals on them, they are expensive!!

    My twins hate the miracle blankets--too constricting and they fuss and always get out of them-- and do well in light muslin swaddles but get out of these and sometimes cry...mmh I'm wonder if this is our next best option?!!
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(aimeethomp @ Aug 3 2008, 11:58 AM) [snapback]910856[/snapback]
    . I went from full swaddle - to one arm out - to both arms out - to sleep sacks.

    Exactly what we did and then when it got really hot here last summer we got rid of the sleep sacks too. But I really liked them and they didnt mind.
  7. leenasikka

    leenasikka New Member

    We also transitioned our twins from swaddling to the sleep sacks (around 4 months or so). My girls kick and roll around so much - these are a really safe option and you don't have to worry about them kicking off their blankets and being cold at night. We love the sleep sacks! We have two and will be purchasing more soon.
  8. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    When mine were first born, we used the Kiddopotamous Swaddle Blankets. SO easy! They needed to be swaddled when they were new. I would still be swaddling, but they started rolling back to tummy and needed their hands out (found one stuck face down once!) So now we are using the sleep sacks and I love them just as much as the swaddle blankets :)

    My advice would be the swaddlemes and then the sleep sacks. They really do sleep better swaddled.
  9. San12

    San12 Well-Known Member

    I have a couple of these but I haven't used them yet. I'm using the swaddles by Kiddopotamous right now and they seem happy with them. I figure I'll use the sleep sacs later when they no longer wish to be swaddled.
  10. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I used the Kiddopotomus swaddles til about 4 months. I did the gradual one arm out routine also, to make sure they would sleep okay without. Now I use the Halo sleepsacks for an extra layer, and it also seems to help keep their feet out from between the slats.
  11. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    We used the Swaddle me blankets (velcro) on our houdinis at night (they slept fine in a loose swaddle with arms out during the day) until they were about 3 months old. Then we switched to sleep sacks. Honestly, by the end, I think they were waking up because they were swaddled--they wanted to be free and would fuss and fight to get their arms up.

    The Halo sleep sacks are great. We just retired them due to the fact that it is just too warm in our house (old A/C is limping along for one more Texas summer) for two layers. They are in sleepers now (long sleeves, full leg) and doing great. I don't know that we'll go back to the sleepsacks when it cools down or just straight to blankets and cozier PJs; but they were certainly worth it to us even though we only used them for a short time.
  12. spiveyplustwins

    spiveyplustwins Well-Known Member

    If you want something easy to change their diapers, we would use the gowns and then swaddle. It was so easy, just lifting the gown to change the diaper - no zippers or snaps!

    We swaddled with receiving blankets until this week and we moved to the SwaddleMe's.
  13. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Up until 3 months my kids needed to be swaddled to sleep well. They wouldn't have slept through the night in a plain halo sleep sack, but I think they may have some version with an arm swaddle.

    We have been putting the kids to bed in long sleeve footed Pj's since they were about 2 weeks old. We used and loved SwaddleMe's on top of the pj's until 4mo when they got really good at rolling over back to front. After that I left them out in just their PJ's for three weeks - one kept getting a foot out and it would be freezing so I bought some sleep sacks - 2 Gerber, and 2 Halo. Unfortunately, before I even got them washed one of my kiddos figured out the basics of crawling and wants absolutely nothing that contains his feet. He crawls all around his crib before he finds the right spot to settle down for the night in. Unfortunately with the sleep sack it would either runch up, or he'd get stuck on the front of it and take a nose dive. Regardless, he screams bloody murder in them. I am not sure how others fared with crawlers, but as my other baby is already rocking and doing a frog hop kinda thing even he won't be content to wear them for much longer.

    We also tried miracle blankets at one point as lots of folks on here rave about them. My kids absolutely hated them. They didn't like having their arms pinned to their sides. Maybe if we had started using them earlier, but at 3mo they didn't want anything to do with them.
  14. BeckiAllen1130

    BeckiAllen1130 Well-Known Member

    We never swaddled our girls, so I can't help you there, but we love our Sleep Sacs!! They were born in December, so they used the fleece ones when they first came home, now we use the light cotton sacs.

    They do make Sleep Sacs with little arm bands that are supposed to keep the babies' arms in place (kind of like swaddling). I think they're only available on the Babies R Us website, at least that's where I've seen them. Take a look & see if it would work for you! ^_^
  15. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We had the sleep sacks that swaddle when we first go home from the NICU because like you, we were having to keep them pretty wrapped up and it was hard to undo a blanket and pajamas at 3 am! We had cotton ones and at first we left a onesie on underneath. Now the girls are content to sleep in footie pajamas or long sleeved gowns. Also, I loved that the sleep sacks had an inverted zipper so we only had to unzip the bottom half.
  16. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    We swaddled then sleep sacks. I think about 3 months or so. Love really any sleeping bags I've tried a couple of them. I find it is part of their routine for sleep, so just knowing they are getting in the sleep sacks lets them know it is time for bed. Good to have about 1 extra incase they spit up.
  17. AriaGirl77

    AriaGirl77 Well-Known Member

    We used the Swaddle Me's until they were about 4 months old and then switched to the sleep sacks. They're still using the sleep sacks at nearly 14 months old. I think when winter comes we'll switch to footed jammies but for now they really associate getting into the sleep sacks with 'bed time' so we're keeping things the way they are for now.

    Mine actually have no problems crawling around when they're in their sacks, but the size they're in is pretty roomy.
  18. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We swaddled with receiving blankets until 5 1/2 months then we switched to the fleece sleepsacks. We used the cotton sleepsacks when it got warmer and have just moved to using footed pjs. I think we may be going back to l/s onsies and sleepsacks though because it's impossible to change a diaper without waking them up in the pjs :)

    They were a wonderful transition out of the swaddle though and just for that they were worth the money. BRU does run sales on them fairly often.
  19. carliegil

    carliegil Well-Known Member

    Mine kept trying to get out of the swaddle by 3 weeks. (They would get really mad and try to kick it off) So we used the halo sleep sacks since then. We use to use the fleece ones and now we use the light weight cotton ones. We keep the house pretty cool at night so we put the sleep sacks on with a onesie.
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