
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by allboys, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    My son hates having his hair cut and now he has good reason to. Yesterday, the lady at Supercuts cut his ear with the clippers. It was actually dripping blood and poor boy was yelling. So we left with a bloody ear and a half completed haircut. How do you all keep your kids still for haircuts?
  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    OMGosh, that's horrible. Poor little guy! I do'nt have any advice, my girls LIVE for getting their haircut. We take them to Cookie Cutters adn they love picking which seat they want to sit in, they pick the movie they want to watch. I used to have to keep them still with giving them a sucker (something they NEVER hardly get) or fruit snacks or just a special treat.
  3. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    Do it at home and put a movie or tv show that they love in. They will sit still longer and be less wiggly. If you are willing to try cutting their hair yourself, that is. I admit boys hair is pretty challenging, but I've done it a few times and it turned out fine - while I could see where I made a few mistakes, others swore to me that they hadn't noticed them. I've never had any training in hair cutting, but my mom used to do ours all the time, and I just think about what the hair dresser does when they are doing it and try to mimic their methods. It gets easier each time.
  4. devmac2003

    devmac2003 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a Snipits or a kid friendly hair cutting place? We used to always take our kids to Snip-its and it keeps them highly entertained. Now we use Little Hairkuts. It's a small kid friendly hair place and they get to watch movies and sit in cool kid chairs. Maybe you could find something like that in your area and it might alleviate your child's hair cutting anxieties.
  5. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    So far, I've done all of ds's haircuts myself. Did the 1st "buzzcut" a few weeks ago & almost cried b/c it was so short! Looked all grown up......

    I put him in a chair & turn on his favorite movie. Once I tried a bowl with a few reese's pieces......but then the hair got in it. Yuck! The movie works pretty good; but I never get a full haircut in one sitting.
  6. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Both of mine HATE getting their hair cut too. THEY SCREAM endlessly. I read to keep bringing them into the store often; just look aroudn and get more comfortable. I bring mine into the shop where we go about once a month when we walk by. They panic, but I tell them "we aren't getting a hair cut. We are just saying hello!" We'll see if it works.
    They also recommend to have them watch you get your hair cut. But that was awful for us. Mine both screamed the entire time and so the hairdresser was flustered and gave me a terrible cut. I now leave them at home when I get mine cut. LOL
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I cut ds's hair and so far he will sit still for me if I have a cool video/show on tv for him to watch. I only have to cut it every couple of months and its free :icon_biggrin: dd still has barely any hair, so no worries there, lol
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls threw such a fit that I have never taken them back. I was literally holding them down for just a snip. They will let me trim their bangs, so I just do it myself. Luckily I have girls so I don't have to worry about the whole head like you. With my son, he was pretty scared, but never threw just a screaming fit, so after a few times to the barber he was okay. My son has always preferred a barber instead of a "girly" shop (as he calls them). He thought it was neat watching all the "big boys" getting their hair cut. Even now, he refuses to go anywhere except a manly barber.
  9. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    I havent taken mine for cuts. All I did was during their bath twist and cut the top while it was wet so that it wouldnt hang in their eyes. Their hair is pretty curly so making it even isnt an issue. I can do the cuts myself later on but I dont put the issue because they are too young to understand that they need to stay still.

    When I use to work I would not cut a little ones hair under the age of 3. It was just my policy. You really need to find someone who is experienced with the little ones. Some ppl have the knack and some dont. Look for salons set up for kids as well.
  10. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    We had a family friend do Jack's first cut, but took him in for the first time yesterday. We went to a place called Honeycuts. It's a shop geared toward men... looks like a garage, the stylists use tool belts to hold their scissors, etc. They have an area for smaller children... a tractor with a safety belt! There is a tv with cartoons set up... He had a great time! I would definitely take him back! Although I was very sad so see how old he looked with his new cut!
  11. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure where you live in Houston but I recently took the boys for their first haircut at Cool Cut's 4 kids. They have seven locations in the Houston area-we went to the one in the Clearlake area. It was great. They took polaroids and a lock of hair and put it in a little keepsake. Both boys did really well and it was done in about 20 minutes. A bit pricey but I thought worth the price..

    Here is a link to their Houston locations:
  12. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions. We've tried Cool Cuts 4 Kids and he loves playing there and sitting in the fun car but the minute the lady starts cutting his hair, he starts screaming and flailing. It's funny because on the way over I'll tell him he's getting a haircut and he reacts perfectly calmly and says "yeah, haircut!". Silly boy!

    I don't think I can cut his hair myself so I guess I'll just have to try again with taking him somewhere next week.
  13. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh no! That's awful! I hope they didn't charge you! Did she feel bad about it??? I take Andrew to my hairdresser or DH's barber. I always give him a lollipop to keep him still!
  14. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    At that age, mine were better at a regular salon and would sit on my lap--that helped the most. Once they were around 3, they started sitting on their own. Now, for the past year, I am not "allowed" to even watch :)

    The trick for me was to find a salon, and ask for the person who is good with children. The lady who cuts the boys' hair actually will tell you it is OK if they cry, and don't worry about any of the people in the place. She can also cut both the boys' hair and do a wax for me within a 1/2 hour :)
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