Haircuts for LOs

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by E&Msmom, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I think I finally convinced my DH that our DD NEEDS at least a trim. Her hair is getting so long/scragly looking. He wants me just to put headbands etc on her but her wonderful little brother loves to pull them off/out of her hair!

    SO...for the first haircut did you do it yourself or take them to someone to get it done??
  2. alex&andysmom

    alex&andysmom Well-Known Member

    Well..My hair dresser does the babys first hair cut free :)...I also trim dh hair with clippers and assumed I would do the boys later too. (figured I just watch how she did it and do the same! :lol: ) But, having said that..I might be a little nervous about getting close with sizzors! I say splurge on the first cut, tell DH that way you can get pictures :D
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    My boys got their first one 2 weeks ago by ME! I put them in their high chairs. MUCH LESS traumatic for them, I think since I know they'd FREAK at the barber.

    I've trimmed it up once since then and am thinking I'm smart for doing this cuz then they won't be as worried when I take them to the salon!!

    Go for it! It's pretty easy and I am not a hairstylist!! Oh and those haircuts are expensive. They're 25 dollars EACH w/o tip here for my kids. OUCH!
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have never cut my kids hair myself. The first time, we went to my hairdresser. Jon happily munched a bagel while she cut--they were 13 month old. Marcus cried, but she would work on him as long as he could take it, switch to Jon, then switch back to finish off. They sat in my lap for the cut.

    Now I take them to a local family salon. She usually charges me around $25 total for both haircuts, and having my face waxed.
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Nope, not a chance!

    I take my girls to my hairdresser and so far she's only charged me a whopping $5/girl. Very much worth the drive. She's 45 min away, but very much worth it. And my mom (who goes to the same hairdresser) meets me there and we make a date out of it :D
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I have always cut both of thier hair, ds since about 10/11 months, dd has had it cut once. I find it very easy and like being able to make it look how I want.
  7. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Myself :)
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