hair cut question! help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by p31heather, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    The girls and I are getting haircuts tomorrow. I'm not worried about my hair... it's the girls.. they've had haircuts before, so I'm not freaking about that. but now DH is saying (again) that he doesn't want them to have bangs. UM, hello, their bangs are in their eyes and they don't always keep hair things in, so what to do??? He wants some sort of STYLE for the kids. Any ideas on how to manage this one? Where can I find ideas for kids hair styles?

    Also need to know if the baby hair is curly on the ends and I trim it, will the curls go away?
  2. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    Also need to know if the baby hair is curly on the ends and I trim it, will the curls go away?

    It depends on how they cut it.

    I wish I could see your girls hair only because it easier to see what you can do with it. Will they keep in pony tails? Bangs are hard because you have to keep cutting them. Cna you take a picture of the girls and post it?

  3. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    if you go to then click on photo gallery you can select the month of March and see recent photos.
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Your girls seem to have pretty straight hair, so I would guess that you might likely loose the curls. Also, I think you will have to go with bangs until they are old enough to understand how to keep stuff in their hair. BTW.... they are GORGEOUS!!
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I actually never tell the hair dresser what to do. I just tell the hairdresser I want a "little boy haircut". If you trust your stylest, tell her what you want and what DH wants, and maybe she has some ideas.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I am not sure you can get away without bangs at this age, but ask the stylist. What does he have against bangs anyhow?

    Our girls' hair looks very similar. I'm pulling it over to the side and then putting the little rubber band in. She loves having her hair done now, so I'm thankful for that.

    If you don't go with bangs, I guess you'll have to "train" somehow for the clips etc.! I don't know how, sorry!!

    I want to see after pics [​IMG]
  7. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    OK, I may be biased because I *love* bangs on little girls -- I just think it's adorable -- but I think having bangs is way easier in terms of keeping it out of their eyes and faces and really makes their hair look more "styled" than without. I have never really tried to train my girls to keep hair clips and bows in because they just seem like choking hazards to me (and honestly it just seems like a PITA when I already have 80 zillion steps required to get them ready to walk out the door!). I have just figured I'll wait until they're older to worry about that.
  8. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    If the curls are only on the ends, you will probably lose them. I actually know someone with a 6-year old who has never had a haircut because her mother can't bear to lose the curls. I also know there was a time when my mother tried to perm my hair (I was maybe 3) and it all broke off. She wanted me to have curls like Annie but instead I looked like my brothers had tried to cut my hair.

    I'd get a hair style magazine for kids (borrow one from the stylist, maybe) and make DH mark the cuts he likes. It's hard to guess at what he might be thinking but I presume he's been looking at children in magazines or movies and doesn't realize what goes into making them look like that or how quickly the style goes out the window when they play. And Annie, by the way, wore a wig!
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I think having bangs is way easier in terms of keeping it out of their eyes and faces and really makes their hair look more "styled" than without.
    Ditto -- and also ditto that I can't imagine dealing with hair clips on top of everything else!

    FWIW, both of our girls got their curls trimmed at the back and they still have curls -- but DH and I both have wavy hair, so I think their hair is really curly, not just on the ends.
  10. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    My DS has had his hair cut at least 4 times already. DD has yet to have hers cut. Her hair is fine, and curly. DH also soesn't want to have her hair cut either. I *love* bangs on girls, and it is so much easier to take care of. Right now, she wears alot of pigtails, and small braids on each side of her head. I just take the front of her hair(where her bangs would be) and a little more and put a small braid on each side. Hopefully when DS goes to get another haircut, we will be able to get her some bangs. Good luck, and I would love to see some after pictures as well!
  11. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth, my DD has NEVER had bangs. She loves cute little clips, bows, and headbands (always has) so we've never had a reason to get them.
  12. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    My oldest DD has bangs. At first, I cut her bangs/hair to eventually start filling in and look decent. As she gets older, I think she looks better with bangs, the way her face is shaped. I'm by no means a hair stylist, but I do the hair cutting for the little ones. I have given her bob/stacked (layered) cut in the back with bangs. Here's a side view. Here's a front view. I've seen some very attractive short haircuts with bangs that are very stylish on girls. Bangs can very stylish! Happy cutting [​IMG].
  13. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    I love bangs on little girls, too! My DH also said that he didn't want our DD to have bangs so I've tried to honor that. DD's hair is so fine and straight that it is hard to have a clip stay in it but that is usually what we do (side part with top pulled over to one side with a clip). I did have the stylist cut it in a longish bob without bangs on her last haircut and it looked very cute especially since the hair dresser curled the ends. I've been afraid to attempt anything with a hot curling iron yet. I haven't tried to pull DD's hair to the side with some kind of rubber band yet since she won't hardly sit still for much "sylin". I think it would look better with bangs but I'm trying to keep DH happy [​IMG]. My avatar picture was one of the few times DD let me put her hair in pony tails and and it only lasted a few minutes. Funny thing is that she'll let our regular sitter style her hair so maybe it's me!
  14. HopeforFuture

    HopeforFuture Well-Known Member

    My DD is all girly-girl and loves barettes and ponty tail holders, but will not keep them in! Part of it is not her fault because she has thin fine hair and it loves to fall out. She holds very, very still when her hair is cut.

    My son has curly hair and only I have cut his hair. It is a nightmare when we do it cause he cries and cries. I would not have the nerve to do it if he didn't have curly hair.

    Good luck with your decision!

    Linda & Laura
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