Had a very scary experience

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by SassyLittleDevil, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. SassyLittleDevil

    SassyLittleDevil Active Member

    This is something I've never really thought about untill this afternoon..I just recently bought some clothes for my girls cause they are in the next size now and I had very little..well I never noticed this before but some of the clothes that I had bought had little decorative things on them and I never thought anything of it at all.. I guess after I washed them it loosen them up.. well my DD this afternoon plucked one of the decorative flowers off which was a little knitted flower that was just sewn on an embroidered design and plopped it in her mouth..well I guess I had my eye off of her for a second and paying my attention to the other one which was right beside her on the floor..cause all of a sudden I could hear her gagging..I whipped open her mouth and I could still see it and pulled it out.. but a second later she would of really choked on it..well after I calmed down from that scare I decided to check the other clothing I bought and I noticed another top that I bought from the same store and it had a BUTTON on the front of the shirt in the middle of a embroidered flower design again..I was appauled that this company would put such dangerous stuff on baby clothing...I called the store immediatly and made a complaint to have these clothing removed or to atleast have a sign on the rack to inform us parents that there are decorative pieces that maybe a choking hazzard...so I just wanted to let you all know to check all the clothing you buy to make sure they DO NOT have anything that can come off cause I would hate for anyone to have to go through that I was so scared...I'm just so mad at myself for not thinking of this..I'm always so carefull with them being on the floor to make sure there is nothing on the floor like crumbs or anything they can choke on and she goes and nearly chokes on something she plucked off her clothing.. well Thanks for listening
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Oh and I am so glad she is ok. :hug99: It is crazy what kids will get into, so the clothing companies should be thinking a little about who is going to be wearing their clothes.
  3. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    yep it is a good idea to always ck for loose items on clothes esp after washing. I know clothes do get recalled from time to time for this.

    glad it was just a heads up for you and nothing worse!

  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    That would have scared me to death! Thanks for the reminder. I'm so glad you were right there.

  5. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    Thank god you noticed! I have noticed these things on clothes and am fearful of the same thing happening.

    You would think they wouldn't make clothes like that!
  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    It's a good thing you were right there, I'm glad she's okay. I'm going to check all the buttons on the girls' tops right now!
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Wow, that is scary! Glad she is ok. :hug99:
  8. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness she is okay. Thanks for the reminder!

    Also, watch YOUR clothes too! I have a tank with little beeds on it and my Addison plucked one right off while I was holding her.
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