grunting and restless sleep

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lisa69bubbles, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. lisa69bubbles

    lisa69bubbles Member

    both our boys (almost 6weeks old) tend to have a lot of grunting, groaning and restless sleep. We know one has reflux, but the other hasn't shown the signs even for "silent" reflux, unless it really mild.
    does anyone have any experience with this and any solutions?
    He seems to sleep best when swaddled, but that doesn't stop the restless sleep. We've inclined the mattress for the reflux baby. He gets held upright post feeding normally for 15 -25 minutes just to get him sleepy, but can wake the second his head hits the crib. He seems to sleep the stillest and quietest when in a bouncy seat that has a vibrator.
  2. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    My Ds had the grunts too. It started about that age as well. He too had reflux. I had started putting rice cereal in his formula to thicken it. When I took him to the pedi she said it could be bothering his belly (gas). He did seem to grow out of it. I almost think he was learning how to get the gas out, because now he still squirms like he used to but now he farts with no grunting. Sorry for the TMI. Maybe its a boy thing. I did read up on it when it started and there didnt seem to be anything to worry about. Again I think it was his way of trying to work it out LOL. Just for peace of mind ask your pedi. You could also try Mylicon drops (for gas).
  3. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    I also found if I put him on belly on the side of his boppy with his legs tucked underneath him he would get the gas out. I really think it has to do with gas. Hope this helps, I can remember hearing him all night grunting like that.
  4. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Our DS used to take a long time to burp when he was small. We would massage him at his lower back reaching around to his tummy. This would help a lot with getting a burp out :hug:.
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    For mine, grunting was the first sign of reflux. I would keep an eye on him and see if maybe he develops it. :hug:
  6. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    Grunting was also a sign of reflex for my little guy. He was also 6 weeks old when it started. After we got his meds fiqured out he doesn't grunt anymore. To help with sleep, you are doing pretty much all you can do. We swaddled, put pillows under the mattress so he would sleep inclined, held him upright after feedings. Sometimes the only way I could get him to sleep was if he was held because the reflux made him so fussy. Now at 12 weeks, no more grunting and he does sleep better. I think it just takes time for the meds to help and for them to start feeling better. We also give him mylicon drops and push his legs back to help get the gas out, this makes him toot. Hope it gets better and your LO can sleep.
  7. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    both my boys were fussy and gassy too a few weeks ago at 6 weeks.....we ended up changing our formula from enfamil to similac sensitive and it did the trick. they still get a bit fussy but nothing like before.
    good luck!
  8. lisa69bubbles

    lisa69bubbles Member

    sounds like consensus is gas, and possible mild silent reflux (at the moment)...
    THANKS everyone!

    I kinda wish I'd found a forum like this with my 3.5yo DD. She had reflux BAD, colic, jaundice and a clogged tear duct needing medicine. SHe, and we, survived and now she's a really good big sister who loves to help and is SUPER active. We don't remember her being as wiggly or complain as much as our twin boys do about sleeping... but, we were both SO sleep deprived and new at it then that we don't remember much! LOL!

    OH, and we use both SImilac and Enfamil (AR right now...)... but, both seem to holler a lot more a lot longer if we use JUST formula, rather than just spiking the breast milk with it. Neither seems to have a milk allergy, so we don't think we need to switch to soy formula... but, we may try the sensitive just to see if it helps.
  9. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=18pt]My guys were so noisy when they would sleep!! We swaddled them and had them in sleep positioners that were inclined. I don't think either one of them had a problem with reflux. Although our neonatalogist said that babies have to work hard to poo and fart because apparently relaxing the anus to let out those things isn't something that you're born with, it comes after time. So they have to work extra hard to get out that stuff. . . interesting!![/SIZE]

    Learn something new every day! :banana:
  10. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Thats funny!! Thats what my pedi said too. When my DS would do it he looked like a typical guy....tooten and grunting. He outgrew it, so I didnt really relate it to reflux. My pedi said they have to learn how to poop and toot.
  11. lisa69bubbles

    lisa69bubbles Member

    QUOTE(trustinHim @ Feb 21 2009, 02:34 PM) [snapback]1199428[/snapback]
    [SIZE=18pt]My guys were so noisy when they would sleep!! We swaddled them and had them in sleep positioners that were inclined. I don't think either one of them had a problem with reflux. Although our neonatalogist said that babies have to work hard to poo and fart because apparently relaxing the anus to let out those things isn't something that you're born with, it comes after time. So they have to work extra hard to get out that stuff. . . interesting!![/SIZE]

    Learn something new every day! :banana:

    LMAO!!! That's good to know! I really appreciate this sharing of info! Learning a lot!
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