Grrrrr! New wardrobe, anyone?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 3under2!, May 23, 2012.

  1. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    So I've basically lost all the baby weight (I didn't gain much to begin with) but I still have this STUPID POOCH that none of my pre-twin-prego clothes accommodate. Gaaaah!! Does it ever go away?? I told myself to give it time but it's been four months and I've had enough. Did you have to buy a bunch of new clothes? Nothing fits/looks right! Help? Advice? Clothing tips? Anyone?
  2. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    I am small and after the twins birth lost more weight than I gained. I had to go out and buy new clothes as nothing fitted properly. I thought that I would pick up weight again, but it has not happened so now I have gotten rid of all my pre-twin clothes. I would suggest buying a few essentials that will work for home and when you have to go out.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Spanx. Spanx. Spanx.

    I've got the tummy. My kids are 4.5 years old....I also just lost almost 50 lbs, so my belly flab just keeps getting worse, not better.

    Don't forget, it took you nine months to grow those babies, it's going to take time for things to go back to normal-the new normal. :) I wore my maternity jeans a full year after having my boys. Those things were comfy!! Lol!
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yup, they say 9 months on, 9 months off.
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Losing the weight is one thing, regaining tone is a totally different thing, needs lots of time too and depends a lot on genetics. I still have not regained the tone (nearly 3 years later) and have come to accept my softer mommy body. And yes, after a while I realized this and went and bought new clothes. I would buy a few basic pieces now so you feel comfortable and attractive and then see how your body develops and if you need a whole new wardrobe.
  6. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Based on my genetics I'm pretty sure I'm doomed :) see if I could only find the time to shop....hahahahaha.
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Magic underwear.
    Or as Meaghan said--spandex.
    I quickly went to below my pre-pregnancy weight but had a lot of loose skin at the front for a long time. I found that this is the exact condition that those instantly-loose-2-dress-sizes under garments actually work for. When wearing one of those--my old clothes were actually loose on me. I didn't wear them for everyday-but it kept me from having to buy new "dress up" clothes.
  8. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Spanx are a modern miracle.
  9. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...I think I have a spanx-ish thing somewhere. I'll have to look around for it. Thanks for the tips and support everybody!
  10. PurplePenguin

    PurplePenguin Active Member

    Took me 10 months before I stopped wearing maternity pants. I still have the pooch too (and no bellybutton!), but I'm okay with it. I wish it would go away, but I've made peace with it. I agree with the spanx, also get a couple of bigger size clothes so you feel comfortable. Your tummy might go away completely, but it's more important that you feel good about the way you look, so do whatever you need to do!
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