Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, May 21, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I'm so frustrated and a bit pissed that there is nothing I can give Arwen for her cough. It sounds like she has bronchitis. She is coughing so hard and so often. She is barely eating anything and when she does eat, she often throws up (especially during the night). She isn't even able to take a nap because she coughs herself awake. She is EXHAUSTED! The only thing they said I can give her is children's benadryl but I can only give that at night because it makes them drowsy but I am soooooo ready to give it to her now just to help her relieve herself of this cough. It's like she is suffering and I can do absolutely nothing about it. On top of it all she has 3 teeth coming through at the same time. It's the saddest thing ever. I called the Ped office and they said to just use a humidifier (duh) and water down her milk. GRRRRRRR I'm so annoyed!! Just needed to vent (not that I feel any better :( )
  2. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    My kids have had that cough to, lasted forever, but not nearly as bad as yours is sounding like. Have you tried some vapor rub, just to help the breathing. You could also take her into a steamy shower. I would cut milk out entirely until the cough is done, use pedialyte or gatorade to keep in the calories, liquids etc, but dairy is just going to make the mucus worse.

    And Honestly, if the Benedryl helps her sleep, I would not waste any time giving it to her. Rest is the only things that is really going to help.

    Poor Poor baby, hope your all able to get some rest soon.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If that has been going on for more than a couple of weeks, I would ask the ped about an inhaler. Sarah had a cough (not as bad as what you're describing, but endless) for weeks, and the ped finally gave her some asthma meds. The cough was gone in 2 days.

    But if it's not at that point yet, ditto everything Kerrmommy said.

    Poor baby (and poor you!). :(
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Kerrmommy, yes, we have been putting vicks on her chest constantly!! And we actually did the hot shower last night after she was throwing up and was so stuffed up, she was having a hard time breathing. But that did help.

    Minette, she's only had THIS cough for about 3 days so I know it's not that long but it's just so bad. My dh and I actually debated whether or not I should pull out the nebulizer which we had to use on her a few weeks ago for another cough she had and rapid/difficult breathing. This cough she has now really does sound like bronchitis more than the cough she had where she was wheezing. This cough is very flemy whereas the other one was a very dry type of cough. But do you think it would help with this? We still have a bunch of the albuterol packs left but I'm afraid to give her that kind of medicine unless it's what she really needs. Do you think it will help? I'm getting kind of desperate for her but I really don't like to give ANY medication unless it is for the right purpose, kwim?

    thanks for your responses and the sympathy. it's just so unfair that they should ever have to get sick at such a young age.
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I would call the pedi office again and ask if they think it would hurt to try the nebulizer. If it won't hurt anything to try it, then I would. If it works great, if it doesn't then no harm done.
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    And Honestly, if the Benedryl helps her sleep, I would not waste any time giving it to her. Rest is the only things that is really going to help.


    There are meds out their for coughs. I would bug the pedi over and over if need be. Everytime my guys were sick with anything they were always prescribed something for a cough.
  7. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    I would take her in to the pedi office to rule out rsv. Ask your pedi about the new children's mucinex.. it has an ingredient in it that makes mucous thinner so it's easier to cough up.
  8. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    First question I have it a productive cough? Or a dry cough? Does she only seem to cough after she has her bedtime bottle and then lays down to sleep? If it's a dry cough, mucinex is not the right medication. If it's a productive cough, then possibly children's mucinex. Based on the fact that the pedi wants you to give her Benadryl, it seems like they are thinking it's post nasal drip which will pool up in the back of the throat after you lie down to sleep and cause coughing. I would get some clarification from your pedi on this. If that is what they are thinking then insist upon Rondec DM (generic is Ceron DM). This has a decongestant, antihistamine, and cough suppressant. This is what I always get for my girls and give it to them just as soon as someone has a snotty nose. It's just too perfect because it does the job without overkill as far as treating the symptoms and it is given 3 times daily (I usually do a dose when they get up, after nap, and just before bed). I see a difference after about 24 to 48 hours of using it consistantly. AND it uses a 1 ML dropper that comes with it. That's all. The girls love it too. I would ask about this medication. On another note, depending on the type of cough, based on your girls' age, as opposed to a nebulizer OR inhaler, your could simply go with the albuterol solution. It's the liquid alternative to the inhaler or neb. Emily typically experiences really bad coughing like you mentioned and has on occassion, depending on the pedi really, been given this. It opens up the bronchial passages to promote easier breathing. It's typically used to treat asthma but is typically used to treat other bronchial-related conditions as needed. And of course, the best OTC medication for suppressing a night time cough is Delsym. It's is nothing more than a strong cough suppressant. Your pharmacist can advise you on dosing amounts, but be ready to provide weights along with their ages. Try once again to go back through your pedi for clarification on what your treating and treatment options. And lastly, sometimes it really boils down to school of thought, working in a pharmacy, I notice that one doctor seems to favor one particular medication for treating a condition while another doctor favors another medication for treating the exact same condition. Good luck and keep us posted.
  9. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. All 3 of my girls got a cold with the cough STILL lingering 4 weeks later. My Ped doesn't believe in any of the over the counter remedies so we've been toughing it out. We tried some Benadryl in the beginning but it didn't help at all.

    One of my twins probably has asthma and we've been using the nebulizer to help her but she's still hacking her head off. She was hospitalized for a day as well because of this virus.

    After 3.5 weeks, the Ped gave them all antibiotics thinking it could be sinusitis by now. It just may be helping - finally. They all slept through the night last night for the first time in weeks.

    Hang in there - bug the Ped if you have to.
  10. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR RESPONSES!!! Very much like Corinne, my peds are not so ready to prescribe ANY meds unless absolutely necessary. And dh and I are very cautious when it comes to giving them as well. But at the same time, we're not willing to sit there and let our sweeties suffer. Happy to say that Lorien is doing much much better. Her cough seems to be 90% gone and just has a bit of a runny nose. Last night, Arwen was having another coughing attack and threw up so we had enough and called the ped. We got the ok to go ahead and try the nebulizer which she said can't hurt to try and it seemed to help a little bit. We also gave her the benadryl again and last night she had less coughing fits and slept a good chunk of the night without any attacks. Today, she is still coughing but doing much better. Her nose is still dripping but she didn't cough nearly as much as yesterday. She was even able to take a nap today (on our second attempt) and she woke up a couple of times with a coughing fit but was able to go back to sleep as opposed to freaking out and crying for me or dh. I also eliminated most of her dairy intake except for am bottle. Her appetite is a little bit better but not what it usually is. I just hope she is on the mend as we have a non-refundable trip this Memorial weekend. But obviously their health comes first.

    And here's the kicker..........I'm starting to feel sick :( Watch me pass it right back to them GRRRRRR!
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