Grrr.. sleeping troubles... again!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by smiley7, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    I am pooped. DS is still waking up a few time a night, for the most part I can soothe him back to sleep but we definately rely on our paci and swaddle in moments like those. It's DD who is driving me nuts. For some reason she has started napping poorly (i.e. pretty short naps) and waking at night rolling around and talking out loudly for HOURS (i mean for three hours yesterday where I finally gave in gave her a small feed and then just left her exhaust herself and fall asleep). You'd think she would sleep in but no, she's still waking around the 6:30 am mark. DD used to sleep amazing, she'd settle easily and sleep well through the night but now it seems that DS is sleeping better.

    I know this could be teeth but I don't see anything in there. She is constantly chewing on her fingers but her gums don't look red and I don't see any teeth buds.

    DS's teeth have STILL not erupted... grrr... this is taking FOREVER.

    What do I do about DD and her talking marathons??
  2. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you going through this, I know this is exhausting. If she is only talking, let her, don't go in maybe she will settle on her own. If she gets upset comfort her. I had the same issue with Brandon he did the same thing as your daughter. When I tried to feed him he would take couple of ounces so I knew he wasn't hungry, my ped advices not go in and just let him talk and leave him alone. It worked for us, it took few nights but he got it, now he is doing great, for the most part ;). Hang in there, hope this helps.
  3. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    My one DD goes through this talking phase every couple of weeks or so. I just leave her and she does eventually fall back asleep. It's super cute and very annoying all at the same time-I guess they have lots to say at 2am.
  4. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    she might not be all the way awake during these talking spells. i personally wouldn't get her up, i would just try to sleep through it. unless she sounds upset and you suspect she's hungry or wet i would just let her talk herself down again.

    the good news is that she's self-soothing and talking instead of crying for assistance. this is a good thing, mama! :good:
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