Growth spurt?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rayceryin12, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Since Tuesday night, my 2 boys have only slept by themselves for 45 minutes to 1 hour at a time instead of 2-3 hours; they seem more fussy; they are eating more often, 2-2.5 hours versus their normal 3,

    They are 3 weeks old.
  2. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    Almost certainly a growth spurt! Hang in there, they'll get back to normal soon. Are you breast or bottle feeding? The first time my wee girls did this after my 36th hour without sleep I had no idea what had hit me. The realisation that it was the three week growth spurt was such a relief! As was the sleepy day which followed.... everything is extra exciting with two babies isn't it!!!
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Do you swaddle? I always found my girls slept better swaddled - their jerky movements used to wake them up, especially during a sleep cycle change which is almost always 45mins-1hour from going to sleep.
  4. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Thanks!!! And we are bottle feeding - it's such a difference with 2! I keep saying to my DH - did this happen with our DD? We think it did, but it just seems WORSE with 2!!

    And yes, we try and swaddle, but they kick them off - I wanted to look into getting the swaddle blankets.

    Right now, they have been sleeping for almost 1.5 hours! A good break!
  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I loved the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe Wraps - I don't know if you can get them there but our girls loved them. They were so easy to put on because of the velcro and they have seat belt openings in them too. They also make fleecy ones for winter and cotton for summer. After they were too big for swaddling, we used them with their arms out. I really did love them.

    Yay for 1.5 hours so far - gives you a nice little break and yeah everything always seems worse when there are two of them crying at the same time. When they wake up, do you try to settle them back to sleep?
  6. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Yep, we do - normally it works, just not the last 2 days!

    And I'll look for those, thanks!
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I second the SwaddleMe's- they are AWESOME. ;) & yeah, there are lots of growth spurts in the first 6 weeks.
  8. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    Definitely a growth spurt and it will pass. :) It does seem worse when it's 2 of them instead of 1. I think they are a little more expensive than the SwaddleMes but I liked the Halo Sleep Sacks with the swaddle wrap sewn on. They can't kick out of the sack and I swear these 2 could outswim Michael Phelps some days the way they kick.
  9. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a growth spurt to me! Thats around the time.mine went from only wanting 2.5 oz to eating 4, theyre going through another one, i fed them earlier their 4 and they were still rooting so i gavr them.more Adalynn ate 2 more onces and Jackson ate 4 more ounces!

    And I completely understand you about the kids kicking out of the swaddled, mine hated tje way they did it in the hospital amd they hate their arms being bound down. My pediatrician also didn't want things too tight against Adalynn's foot to make to worse so she showed is a different way, it basically mimics the sleep sack. You start the swaddled like you normally would with on side partially folded down where their head goes, then take left corner wrap it across the body tucking it under, take the right corner and do the same this leaves a lot of material at the bottom, find each corner and pull it out and bring it up to about waist/mid abdomen amd wrap it underneath. I usually pull the top a little loose so they can get their arms free. Here's a link/video ( It gives them a little more room to kick, doesn't restrictions and pit the pressure on their joints but still gives them the comfort of being swaddled. They're still small enough I can pretty much do this with any blanket its easier with a rectangular shaped or large square blanket though. I haven't used the swaddled mes at all bc my pediatrician advised against it bc of it puts so much pressure on their joints they're easy to dislocate.
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