growth percentile

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by li li, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Our daughters were born somewhere between 37 1/2 and 38 1/2 weeks. They were also, obviously, twins. So I'm guessing they were born a bit smaller than if they were 40-week singletons.

    Tal was born below the 10th percentile for weight. By 4 months this was up around the 50th percentile. Since then her weight has slowly fallen to below the 10th percentile again. When we visited the GI doctor today regarding her poor weight gain the doctor said that, as her birth weight was on the 9th percentile, this was her 'real' percentile and her growth to the 50th was an anomaly.

    I'm a bit confused I was under the impression that they'd catch up to their 'real' height and weight at some point (and indeed thought they'd already done so as her height and her sister's weight and height have gone to around the 50th percentile).

    So when do 'early' (but not necessarily premature) babies or twins catch up? Or do they not?
    Many thanks
  2. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Our daughters were born somewhere between 37 1/2 and 38 1/2 weeks. They were also, obviously, twins. So I'm guessing they were born a bit smaller than if they were 40-week singletons.

    Tal was born below the 10th percentile for weight. By 4 months this was up around the 50th percentile. Since then her weight has slowly fallen to below the 10th percentile again. When we visited the GI doctor today regarding her poor weight gain the doctor said that, as her birth weight was on the 9th percentile, this was her 'real' percentile and her growth to the 50th was an anomaly.

    I'm a bit confused I was under the impression that they'd catch up to their 'real' height and weight at some point (and indeed thought they'd already done so as her height and her sister's weight and height have gone to around the 50th percentile).

    So when do 'early' (but not necessarily premature) babies or twins catch up? Or do they not?
    Many thanks
  3. Hopey

    Hopey Well-Known Member

    how much do your babies weigh, and how tall are they?
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Some kids (even nontwins) never make 50%. Some are just small for their age. As long as they are growing well on their own growth chart they should be okay. My Jessy has never broke above 5%, where her id twin Jazzy is about 30-40% for weight. Jessy is at around 40% for height and Jazzy is around 60%.
  5. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Our pediatrician wouldn't even tell us percentile scores for our little ones until at least 2 months of age. He didn't think it had much significance until they got older. Ours were born at 37w5d each weighing 5 lbs 14 oz. At their two month appt our ds was in the 50th%ile for both height and weight and our dd was 50th%ile for weight and 90th for height. We'll see in our next appt how these %ile scores change!
  6. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    We were told by the time our kids were 2 years old they would be completely caught up developmentally and physically. Our pediatrician says it takes about that long for a preemie set of twins to be completely caught up.
  7. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    how much do your babies weigh, and how tall are they?

    Tal is now 15.10 and 26.5 inches (nearly)
    Maia is 19.3 and 27 inches (we've been told she's too fat, but I'm ignoring that!)
  8. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    Our ped said the same thing about catching up...he said around 18 month to 2 years. At 4 months they made it onto the growth charts, but I never really understand the value of the percentile. If you go up or down, then they say "well they are following their own curve". So, to me it is just somewhat of an exercise.
  9. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    37 weeks and beyond are considered term is earlier. I wouldn't even really focus on percentile. My 37 weeker was over 100 percentile all the time. With my twins...I just look at them and if they are healthy (and one does have reflux and a brain bleed) and happy, then all is good. I think too much is put on the percentile of the baby. Afterall, all adults are different heights and weights.
  10. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    In regards to percentiles, this is how it was explained to me. I was told to ignore percentiles as it relates to others and even to each twin. For example Norah is the 5th percentile and Nevan is the 50th percentile in weight. So long as they are growing according to their individual growth curve ignore the actual mark of the percentile and ensure they stay on the curve that is unique to them individually.

    This means that so long as Norah stays about the 5th percentile, never mind how much weight she gains. She is following her growth pattern. However, if she dips in the percentile, then that is cause for concern.
  11. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I think it scares us more then helps us. Kaytlin has always been around the 5-10%, Alivea never even made the chart until 2 months ago, she was in the 5%. I never really worried about it b/c they were born early and they are going to small for their age. They will catch up eventually.
  12. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Maia is 19.3 and 27 inches (we've been told she's too fat, but I'm ignoring that!)[/QUOTE]

    If she is fat my Haley is a horse. Haley is 20lbs 13.5 oz and 28" and only 6 months.
  13. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by dawnmj:

    Maia is 19.3 and 27 inches (we've been told she's too fat, but I'm ignoring that!)[/QUOTE]

    If she is fat my Haley is a horse. Haley is 20lbs 13.5 oz and 28" and only 6 months.[/QUOTE]

    LOL - My daughter is 8 months old and 22 pounds, so I guess she's a little chunk too! [​IMG]
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