Growth in fraternals

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MarchI, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I know they are going to be different but this different?

    On Sept 28th, at their well visit, Henry was 9lbs 11oz and today he is 10lbs 8 oz.

    Jacob was 10lbs 1 oz and today he is 11 lbs 13 oz.

    Would you be concerned one twin gained so much whereas the other didn't? They are eating the same amount (give or take a few oz) and they both went through a growth spurt.
  2. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about it unless your doctor gets concerned. My boys have been three pounds apart since we left NICU. They eat the same amount but my little guy is just so much more active and burns it off alot faster. As long as they are still eating and growing they things should be just fine.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My b/g twins were less than a lb apart at birth, but are now nearly 3 lbs apart. My little boy doesn't eat as much as his sister and he's much more active, been crawling for over a month now, whereas my little girl just rolls around no crawling yet. But she can sit up and her brother can't yet.

    It's just the normal differences in 2 children, my oldest kids didn't grow at the same rate either, but because they weren't little at the same time, I didn't notice it until I looked at the baby books.

    Odds are one just went through a bigger growth spurt than the other, and he may or may not catch up eventually :)
  4. LisaLonnie

    LisaLonnie Well-Known Member

    At one point, our DD's were 3 lbs apart and it wasn't cause for alarm. Our pedi reminded us they are two very different little gals who happen to be born at the same time. It's SO hard not to compare. I'm constantly on myself about it.

    As we close in on the one year mark, they are less than a pound difference.
  5. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    There's about 4 lbs difference between my two boys. At birth it was 2 lbs. Moreover, my bigger baby eats more than the other. The pedi is not worried. They are both healthy and within normal range of growth at their age despite the difference in weight.
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Mine started out 2 oz apart and have stayed 1 lb apart since 3 mos. They have there own individualities...pediatrician not worried - looks at them separately on growth charts, etc.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I would not worry. Between my two they have always been 1 lb- 2 lbs apart. As long as they are following their own growth curves and the pediatrician isn't worried, it should be all :good: Sounds like they had a great appointment!
  8. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp's. As long as they are both in the healty range for their age/size and are following their growth curve I would not worry at all about them being different sizes. My big girls have always been very close to each other in height/weight but Naomi has always been bigger than Luke, at the moment there is not much in it but at some points as babies she was 3lbs ahead of him. Then on the other hand Ethan at 3 months weighed under 1lb less than Eleanor did at 6 months! If they happened to be twins that would have been a huge size difference.
  9. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry in the slightest, like a PP said, they are two little siblings that just happened to be born at the same time. They will grow and develop at different rates.

    When my twins were little they were about a pound apart until about 3 months when all of a sudden DS just.. sprouted. And he hasn't quit. At their last weigh-in (which I just did a week ago at exactly 8 months) DS was 24.2 lbs and DD 17.6. :)So.. quite a bit of difference. He's built like a linebacker, and she's a ballerina. Its ok. :D
  10. ptyflack1

    ptyflack1 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 4 lbs apt.
    Brady is a solid 18 lbs and looks like a linebacker
    Danny is 14 lbs, but 24in long, looks like a bball player.

    No worries from the doc.
  11. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Just to echo others, as long as they are staying on their growth curve, I wouldn't worry. Emma was 1.5 bigger than Jake at birth, and now he outweighs her by at least 2lbs.
  12. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    It's very normal for two different babies to grow at different rates. See the weights in my siggy--and my boys have always eaten pretty much the same amount, too! As long as each baby follows his or her own growth curve and your dr isn't concerned, you're good!
  13. h2believe

    h2believe Well-Known Member

    My frats are VERY different. Not just in looks, but in height and weight. I keep getting the "you sure they are twins?" My eldest twin is chubby and short and my youngest twin is VERY tall for her age (I believe 97th percentile for height) and very thin. Add that one has bright blue eyes and one has dark gray eyes and you can understand why I keep getting asked if they are twins lol But the doc says they are both doing great, they are both healthy and developing just fine so I am not worried at all! As long as your doc sees no cause for alarm, I wouldn't worry about it one bit!
  14. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt worry either. Ours were about a pound different for much of their first year and now they weigh exactly the same.
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