Growing pains

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by w101ttd, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies, please help me with this. My son is 2.5 yrs old. He is a very active boy, also attends gymnastics class. He woke up around 1-2 am and cried so much. He complained his left calve hurt the first night. He was obviously in pain. After 15 mins of massaging, he felt better and went back to sleep. My husband even thought he got broken leg. But I knew he didn't. I got fractured ankle and toes before. So I knew. Next day, he was totally back to normal, jumped, ran,.. Then a week later he woke up and cried again. This time, he complained about both calves and big toes. And now if I ask where is your booboo? Or where does it hurt?, hed tell me "my big toe". However, he is totally fine, still very active. It doesn't seem to bother him in the day. I took him in and asked doc. His doc thought it was growing pains, and didn't seem to concern much. She asked to add banana and orange juice in his diet. Well, he hates banana. But he eats orange and nectarines. They also take multivitamin daily. . My kids don't drink much juice, only water and milk. They both have the same diet, go to gymnastics class. His sis doesn't have this pains...

    Has any of your kid experienced this? What should I do to help him? I can't just give him pain killer all the time. And I also can't stop him from being active and do gymnastics. This coming jan, they will play indoor soccer. I'm afraid it will get worse. Thank you so much!
  2. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I had a lot of growing pains growing up. I would also get charlie horses in my calf and foot. I still do on occasion. The doctor probably suggested the banana for the potassium which is thought to help with cramps. There are other foods that are just as high in potassium. Baked potatoes, some kinds of yogurt, dark leafy greens, avocados etc. You can google it.

    When he starts soccor make sure he has a good pair of well fitted shoes.

    I would not let it stop his activity. If he keeps having issues and wakes up a lot definitey get him back to the doctor. My growing pains would come on for a period of time and then disappear for awhile. I was very active and it never slowed me down.
  3. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    Check your multi vitamin to be sure it has the necessary components in it. My kids were on one, but when I looked at the label one day I realized it was lacking in a lot of areas and switched to the Flinstones vitamins.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had growing pains when I was little, and surprise, surprise, Alice gets them now. If it wakes her in the night I do give her tylenol, and make sure that she eats more fruit and orange juice and takes her vitamins. They come and go, she'll go several months without any and then all of a sudden she'll have them every night for four or five nights.

    I do need to get better fitting shoes for her (and myself, I have cramps at night when I wear certain shoes.)
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mmm, I hadn't thought of OJ, but yeah, Orion gets what the doc thinks are growing pains, too. He's incredibly active during the day, as well.
  6. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I would suggest making smoothies in the morning and adding in the bananas. However, I used to get charlie horses and still do all the time! They are painful and meds aren't going to take care of that. Get him to get up and walk around if he can, it will help ease the charlie horse out....

    Libby gets growing pains quite often too and nothing much helps but a massage and some comforting. Poor dears. Its hard eh?! Not being able to fix it in an instant.
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much ladies! I checked their multivitamin. It's flinstones. But it doesn't have potassium. However, my kids eat a lot of green beans and broccolis....I will check see of I can find any multivitamin with potassium

    My kids don't drink smoothie :(, only milk and water. But I will try. Best time to try is right after they get off from school. They are always starving even though they eat all their food at school.

    They always wear Nike sneakers. Usually we walk 1.5-2 miles on the weekend at the park. And we do walk and run a lot. So I always buy good shoes or them. But last month, he loved Spider-Man. So I bought him stride rites light up spider man shoes. He so so loves those. He loved to jump and kick so the lights on. I guess that was one of the reasons he got pain at night as well. I might change his shoes back to Nike if he still has the pain. But so far, he hasn't had another painful night since last week yet. Thank you so much ladies! Hope you all have wonderful thanksgiving!
  8. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    All of my kids have gone through the growing pains at some point. It seems to happen more often when they are going through a big growth spurt and growing quicker than they normally do. My taller than normal kids seem to experience them more than my average height kids. I try warm towels or give Tylenol if it keeps them awake at night.
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