Growing Pains and Night Terrors

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ohtwinmom, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    Hi girls! Has anyone experience growing pains or night terrors with their little ones? One of my sons has been waking up inconsolable within 2 hours of going to bed the last 4 nights. Sometimes it happens multiple times throughout the night. It seems like a night terror. He doesn't know we're there and trashes his bed. He also has been barely eating and says his legs hurt. He seems to be rubbing them when he's crying at night. I was reading up on it and it seems like a myth that growing pains actually hurt though. He is showing no signs of being sick at all. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
  2. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Could he be losing circulation in his legs? Maybe he's sleeping funny on them and his legs fall asleep leaving him with pins and needles? It does sound like night terrors as far as him having these cries about 2 hours after going to bed and not knowing you are there. Kiefer used to get them a lot. Not as much anymore, but he has gotten them. It's rare, but occasionally Cameron has too. Kiefer's is rather violent when he does get them. it's so hard to watch! Not much you can do but just watch and make sure he doesn't hurt himself and you are there if he wakes up. At least take some comfort that if it's night terrors, he doesn't remember a thing as soon as he wakes up. Nightmares, on the other hand, they can remember and sometimes I found it hard to tell the difference other than they are acknowledging I'm there when it's a nightmare...which is rare for either at this time. If it happens a lot, you can always ask his pediatrician about his sleep habits. S/He may have some ideas for you. It could be he's over tired, something spooked him earlier that day, a big change in his life is causing him to be restless, too much sugar, any of those things can be a cause for night terrors. But, it's good to ask questions so the doctor can monitor them. I've read up on night terrors. sometimes they can lead to sleep walking, but not always. It's still something to keep in mind. If he is having night terrors, he is not having good quality sleep. If he has a lot of them, he's not getting a lot of sleep either.
  3. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I just want to tell you that growing pains are VERY real! I remember crying myself to sleep as a child with them. BUT, I was older say at least 6 yrs old when they started (at least that's when I remember them starting). I've given my older son motrin to help with leg pain a few times. I also remember my dad rubbing my legs when the pain was at it's worst. That did seem to help me.
    I haven't experienced night terrors, so I'm no help there.
  4. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    One of my sons has been complaining a lot lately and crying that his legs hurt. He is almost 3. I was thinking they could be growing pains?! I remeber achy leg pain when I was little...
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    My DD has suffered from both. If she wakes up from leg aches I give her tylenol and then rub or put on a heating pad or hot wash cloth. That seems to help temporarily. With bad dreams it usually helps to rock her so she will calm down. Good luck, they do go in phases, so it won't last forever.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We had night terrors here from 1-3 with jessy. At three she seemed to magically out grow them after having them 3-4 times a week. I think it had something to do with my xh. She was always unaware I was there and inconsolable. I just tried to keep her from hurting herself
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Neither of my kids has night terrors (I think one girl had them once, around age 2), but Sarah does have growing pains. At least that's what our ped said. She complains about her legs hurting -- not all the time, but for several days in a row she'll complain a lot, then nothing for several weeks. I give her Tylenol for it -- partly to help with the pain, but also just so she feels like I'm doing something.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh my gosh, growing pains are so real!! I remember them vividly from when I grew almost 7 inches in 4 months when I was 12. (Agony) I know that there isn't a physical reason for having them, but they truly do exist.

    Alice has night terrors occasionally, but mostly when she hasn't gotten enough quality sleep. My hypothesis is the leg pain could be affecting his quality of sleep, causing the night terrors causing worse sleep. I don't know what his sleep schedule is, but I would suggest he be allowed to catch up on his sleep by not being woken up for a few days in a row. Like let him sleep as much as needed at night and at nap times.
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