Groundhog's Day snowstorm 2011

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tri159, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Well, the "blizzard" has begun! Snow, winds, & thunder! Yikes. The thought of being stuck inside all day with the girls make me feel sick. How are you entertaining your kids today? Thought I'd see if you can give me any new ideas!!

  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We are on Day 2 in the Midwest - ice, sleet, and now snow.

    Yesterday all 3 boys just loved playing together all day - plus we watched a few movies on Netflix when the little ones were sleeping during nap time. Today, I will probably get out the playdoh and the paint - maybe make cookies together, or something that I haven't yet thought of! :)
  3. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we have a foot of snow here and crazy gusty winds, so we'll be in for day 2 as well. Yesterday was lots of movies and TV for big brother. With the little ones, I just tried to move around to different rooms every so often to have different toys to dump out and spread around the house :headbang: . Today we'll probably do some cookie baking and snow ice cream, and more movie time :ibiggrin:.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Not in the midwest, but we had a snowstorm last week, so the kids did a lot of coloring, playing with mega blocks, reading, watching movies
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We made valentine cards yesterday to send to family. I cut pieces of construction paper and traced their hands on them. I then gave them glue sticks (first time that was interesting) and cut out hearts, puppy and kitty stickers, and crayons. We did that for about 90 mins - that was huge. The cards are a crack up of course and I plan on using photo corners and putting a picture in them. Anyway, took some work but we are definitely going stir crazy so it was very helpful.

    We also played the bean game. Put a big thing of dried beans in a plastic bin and hide little toys in it for them to find. When they were over that I let them play with the beans in their play kitchen. They did a lot of bean transferring from pots to bowls, etc. Jude tried to eat a couple but realized that wasn't fun thank goodness. It was messy in the playroom but sometimes I am willing to allow a big old mess if they are having a blast.
  6. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I'm stuck in the house too (Canada)...not as much snow as in the US but still not a day to be driving! I actually put the girls down for their nap early as I was running out of ways to keep them entertained. My house looks like a disaster area...I think every toy we own is on the floor :). My girls don't like TV (much to my dismay) so I have no idea what else to do to keep them entertained. They are too young for crafts (I tried bring out the crayons this morning and they just ate them), baking, playing outside, etc and I'm going NUTS!!! Thankfully DS was at a sleepover last night at my IL's and hasn't made it home yet due to the snow so I just have the girls to entertain. Does anyone have ideas for keeping 12 month olds happy?

    I hope the groundhog is right and spring is around the corner!
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Have fun with it. We had this storm Monday night/Tuesday. Day 1 I called in as it was still coming down. Day 2 my boss called and said they were closing the office
  8. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    I have 15 month old twins, and this is our second full day cooped up with nowhere to go. Our outings are our sanity and break up the days, so this has been HARD for me too.

    New and exciting activities? Not so much, they aren't into them either. I did try to do what someone else said. we played in different rooms of the house with certain toys-my bedroom is fun for wrestling on dog beds and playing on my bed. their room is for mobiles, and blocks. the hallway, we rolled balls back and forth. we took baths during the day, and I let them stand. The kitchen was for "music" time, pots and pans and wooden spoons.

    Otherwise, we watch more tv than usual, and i pulled their little slide/climber in from teh garage and put it in the living room.

    I wish for early bedtime since they tucker me out on these days.
  9. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Normally is raining and cold in WA, but today it's 50 degrees and sunny! We are going outside as soon as the kiddos wake up from their nap! We havent been to the park in ages!
  10. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    Pre-school for my older two has been canceled for the next two days - I am in south Texas and just the thought of a frozen drop of anything sends people into a frenzy. And it's making me develop the hives (not really) thinking about what it's going to be like stuck at home with my four little darlings all. day. long. Like pp said - getting out of the house keeps me sane!

    I liked the making Valentines idea, though - that'll be top of my list!
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Well DH's work closed, but mine didn't so I asked my boss if I could work from home. Which meant at 8:30 I closed the den door and let DH deal with them. :tomato: I'm not sure what he did with them, but I heard a lot of muffled screaming, so whatever it was it didn't go over too well. :laughing:
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