GROSS! What disgusting things do your kids do?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I let the boys play in their room after nap for a little while because it sounded like they were playing books quietly and waking up slowly. HA! We've had a humidifier running in their room because they had a little head cold and were waking up dry and hacky and I hadn't put it away yet. They opened it up, peed inside, and closed it... then turned it on. Their room REEKS of urine. :bad:

    They've also been known to lick public trash cans.

    Please, share stories of the disgusting things your kids do so mine will sound comparatively normal.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :bad: OMG that is just wrong.

    I can't even think of anything that either of my girls have done that can compare to that. Picking their noses and then handing me the buggers just isn't in the same league.
  3. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I didn't think I had a nose picker until I moved Michael's bed.

    There were a bunch of boogers stuck to the wall.

    He was a nighttime nose picker.

    Lately, there has been no evidence of his nighttime activity! Thank goodness!
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Mine eat off the floor and eat their boogers. Also if Emma gets poop on her fingers while wiping (happens frequently) she'll just wipe them off on the wall then hop down and go about her day. :bad: :bad:
  5. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Hannah wipes her nose with the back of her hand or her sleeve. It is so disgusting. I'm constantly on her about it but it does no good. We have tissue boxes in every room - doesn't help :gah:
  6. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    OMG! :rotflmbo: I love the pee'ing in the humidifier story! :rotflmbo: That is so something my boys would do if given the opportunity!

    Both my boys pick their noses at nap time or night time and smear the treasures on the wall. <_< My DD is much neater than that, she eats hers! :bad: The whole thing is disgusting! I wish they would just use a tissue!
  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    they've eaten food off the floor (that is god knows how old), boogers and cat food....
  8. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    WOW Debi, if anyone beats that i will be amazed, lol!!
  9. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    :laughing: Oh I know that was not fun to clean up, but that is hysterical!

    When my guys were 2 they filled up the toilet in our family room with dog food. They were so quiet, I just knew something was up....I found them with their toy brooms and dustpans scooping up the dog food and toilet water and dumping it onto the floor and sweeping around a mini lake with at least 5lbs of bloated bits of dog food.

    Needless to say, they clogged the toilet up good (needed professional help from a plumber) plus, the newly opened 50lb of dog food had to be tossed, but hey, they such had a wonderful time working as a team! :crazy:
  10. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG those are hysterical and absolutely disgusting stories....I cannot think of anything my kids have done that have topped any of those.
    :rotflmbo: I seriously can't get the humidifier one out of my mind...that one is just funny (someday you will agree right!!! :) )
  11. melissa26

    melissa26 Well-Known Member

    my 3 year old will mysteriously find straws all the time around the house and stick them in her cup and drink out of it. A couple weeks ago she had a mcdonalds straw drinking out of it and its been a good 3 months since they've had mcdonalds.yuck
  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls got into my Wilton Cake Icing dye a couple of days ago when my husband fell back asleep. They got out a paper plate and pour out all of my colors and just went to town!! I wasn't home to enjoy the experience, but I got to see the aftermath all over our tan carpets. :eek: Thank goodness they decided to get it all over an area behind our recliner so its not too noticeable (hiding because they obviously knew they were doing something they shouldn't). It did teach my husband a lesson! He spent all day getting hand and feet prints off walls and our refridgerator and cleaning the carpets. They still have pink feet because apparently the red dye you just can't get out. It ruined their clothes as well. Not necessarily a disguisting thing (Debi, I think you take the cake on that on...ha ha...) but definitely mischievious!!
  13. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Jayden can stick his tongue in his nose .. and he does. That kid never uses a tissue. :bad:
    I have a few pee stories (its got to be a boy thing). But the worst one was when Jayden stood on the top bunk and pee'd all over the wall. I was NOT a happy mommy .. it dripped down the wall allover the baseboard heater and onto the floor where there were several dropped stuffed animals.
  14. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    OK, there are some pretty disgusting stories here and I'm happy to say that there is something on the list they HAVEN'T done but seriously, they've done everything else (or something equivalent). Are they really nasty kids or are you ladies holding out on me?

    Here's another... I remember when they first started PTing and I caught the two of them kneeling by their little potties drinking warm pee.
  15. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    Poopcasso art is the worst thing I think I have ever experienced here. And it was several days in a row of 'painting'. :grr: Absolutely DISGUSTING! I have to leave their door open in the morning, and make them take their 'naps' downstairs to avoid the diaper removal and subsequent artwork.

  16. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    During a busy day at the local ChikFilA, my DD swooped down like a dog and ate a waffle fry off the floor that wasn't hers - USING HER MOUTH. It was really crowded and every mother heard me shriek "NO!!!!" and watched as my daughter ate off of a floor like a dog.
  17. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG you guys are going to get me in trouble laughing at work!!
  18. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    Last weekend we decided to start attempting to potty train. We got two of those potties that make music when they go. Well, both boys figured out that the inside part comes out so you can empty it. For the life of me I don't know where we all were because there were five adults in the house, but all of a sudden I hear my husband yelling "stop that right now". They had each taken the inside of a potty chair and were filling them up with toilet water and throwing it at each other. They were having the time of their lives giggling like crazy while toilet water was dripping from their hair. Not to mention about an inch of water on the bathroom floor.

    They also like to flush the toilet and then stick their hands in their while the water swirls around. I have also caught them letting their army men go for a swim in the toilet and then they will stick them in their mouths.

    As you can tell my boys obviously have a fascination with the toilet which I haven't figured out if that's a good thing or a bad thing as far as potty training goes.
  19. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    Oooh I forgot one. This isn't something that they always do. This was a one time incident but it was soooo disgusting. I still take showers with my boys. They have all their little toys they play with while I take my shower and then I bathe them. Well, I'm standing there washing my hair and I look down and there is a big pile of poop on top of my foot!!! :woah: I immediately had to rinse it off and get everyone out of the tub so I could clean it. It made my skin crawl. :bad:
  20. twinsontheway09

    twinsontheway09 Active Member

    When my son Evan was four, he was playing in his room and I swear I smelled poop so I went in his room and low and behold there he was with poop on his fingers he wrote his name on his wall and he pooped in an air tire thing that you pump to blow up bike tires, it was discusting and he must of been really bored. Makes me want to gag thinking about it now, what do I have in store for me when my twins get here?
  21. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    I don't have any specific stories but both of my kids are obsessed with their tongues. They will lick anything. Windows are their favorite but for some reason they just love to lick. The most recent licking was at the diner when Aidan licked the window. Why, oh why must they lick?
  22. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    OMG I am so laughing. I luv the humidifire peeing. Still lmao.

    Thank goodness for all these stories, i now know my kids are normal.

    We were at resturant eating with our family. And I noticed my niece chewing gum. I asked her were she got the gum? She said "Da under the table" with lil attitude
  23. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    OMG......ROFL.......I thought it was bad enough mine just peed in their toys. At least we didn't have to recycle it through the air!! :D Mine have ate gum off the floor, peed in their toys, drank toilet water, and a host of other things that I can't remember. Yesterday we were working on PT with ds & when he sat on the toilet & said "Maybe I'll poop" I got all excited & ran to get a book to read to him, hoping to keep him there long enough to be "productive". So I sat on the floor, reading a book to him but he kept inching closer & closer......til I said "You gotta scoot back or you're going to pee on Mommy" He laughed & laughed.......then said "Open your mouth!" :eek:
  24. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    Between the two of them, they've eaten dog food. Eaten things off the floor. Found someone else's dicarded gum and put in it their mouth. When they have a cold or after crying hard they eat their own snot. "Finger painting with recycled food" , pooping in the bathtub and once I caught one of them with a megablock drinking water from it that she got outta the toilet! That one really grossed me out.
    Just last week, they took an entire tube of diaper cream and smeared it all over their carpet in both their rooms. I spent most of the day on my hands and knees scrubbing. Needless to say the carpet is ruined despite my best efforts.
    What one doesn't think of the other one does.
  25. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    EVERYTIME my 2 poop, they want to SEE the diaper with the poo in it YUK!!! last night they had our dog pinned down "checking" her teeth. and I have caught them sharing food with her. My 2 only pick their noses at the worst moments - then you cannot get them to leave their noses alone. So far that is the extent of our grossness with the girls.
  26. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(debid @ Apr 8 2009, 02:17 PM) [snapback]1264673[/snapback]
    I let the boys play in their room after nap for a little while because it sounded like they were playing books quietly and waking up slowly. HA! We've had a humidifier running in their room because they had a little head cold and were waking up dry and hacky and I hadn't put it away yet. They opened it up, peed inside, and closed it... then turned it on. Their room REEKS of urine. :bad:

    They've also been known to lick public trash cans.

    Please, share stories of the disgusting things your kids do so mine will sound comparatively normal.

    OH MY WORD!!!!! NOT SURE I CAN!! :rofl: :woah:

    QUOTE(debid @ Apr 9 2009, 06:19 AM) [snapback]1265515[/snapback]
    OK, there are some pretty disgusting stories here and I'm happy to say that there is something on the list they HAVEN'T done but seriously, they've done everything else (or something equivalent). Are they really nasty kids or are you ladies holding out on me?

    Here's another... I remember when they first started PTing and I caught the two of them kneeling by their little potties drinking warm pee.

    :bad: I almost gagged!!!!

    We had ONE poopcaso incident and the grossest thing to me is that I haven't had to cut my little girl's finger or TOE nails for about 3 yrs!!! :eek:
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