Grocery Shopping

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by madj18, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. madj18

    madj18 Member

    I'm trying to figure out if I can get them both in the same cart or if I take the stroller and push a cart. Any ideas?
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I leave 'em at home! But a lot of people sit both in the cart's seat--one leg each in the leg hole and the other leg folded up. And some people push the stroller and pull the cart.

    I make a list of groceries we need, organized in order by aisle. I'm home so it is easy for me to look into the cabinets and make the list. I email it to DH at work, and that way he can just run into the store, basically race down the aisles grabbing stuff (if something we buy a lot is on sale, he stocks up) and come home. He does this around 6pm, so the grocery store is pretty empty. Then, when he gets home, I unpack the groceries while he watches the kids. He usually gets groceries twice a week and Target stuff (diapers, wipes) once a week.

    If I go out shopping, I do it at night when DH is home--the grocery store is empty then too!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids hated having to sit all folded up in the seat, so I take my SBS stroller and push that, and pull the cart behind me. It's a pain but it works. I do this every second week by myself, dh comes with me every other week when he's off on friday.
  4. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Depending on the size of cart, I put one on the seat part and one across the smallest part of cart. That way i can stuff all my groceries under the carseat, works like a charm.
  5. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    See if any of your local stores does online shopping. you shop, and then dh picks up on his way home. it is awesome!!
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I use my double stroller and put the groceries in the baskets if it's a short trip. Going to Costco is great since they have double-wide carts. Otherwise, I have DH do the shopping.
  7. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    omg, I thought I was the only one on the planet anal enough to do this!! :laughing: I put a by-aisle grocery list template in my computer and just print off a handful as needed. My store of choice is a super center type store so it's huge. Forgetting something stinks. It's amazing how much time and frustration this has saved me!

    Lately I've been going by myself. I find it very relaxing, especially since I go after everyone's in bed, too. I actually like shopping when there's no one in the store!!
  8. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    My dh has just gotten a job where he's traveling a lot so these issues are something that I do have to deal w. I'm lucky to have an 8yo who can push a cart if need be but I thought if I go to wal mart for groceries I'll put one in the snugglie (for now) and one in the cart. The other grocery store I go to has the side by side thank goodness so I may just have to shop there while dh is away, there and costco!

    My mil works at wal mart and said you can always write and request the double shopping carts :) I wonder if enough of us do it if it'll have more impact!
  9. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Are your guys still small enough you can carry one in a front carrier? When I do go to the grocery store with my guys, I keep on in his car seat up front of the cart, and put the other in the front carrier. Then I have the back of the cart for food. It's not ideal, but it's workable and they love seeing each other and giggle through the whole trip.

  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I've done the putting each of their legs through both leg holes... it works until they get too heavy... I can't do it now b/c they are too active, but at that age, maybe it would work. Just make sure you have an extra strap for the 2nd one, or one of the twin shopping cart covers that has the two straps.

    good luck!
  11. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I just take them in the double stroller and put everything in the baskets underneath. I used to do this w/ the Snap N Go Double, but we just recently switched to using their Jeep Traveler Tandem stroller and I still do it, but the baskets are a bit smaller. You'd be amazed at what you can fit under there! If I need more room I grab just a hand held basket and I attach it to the handles on the stroller (I have 2 of those little hangy clips). I just got home from the grocery actually and I bought 2 weeks worth of groceries. And I'm not talking frozen meals, etc, I'm talking all kinds of ingredients, meats, chicken, etc so there was tons of stuff.

    I also organized my shopping list by aisle so that I can work my way from one side to the other then head straight to check out!

    I just couldn't imagine pushing their stroller and then pulling a cart behind me!! When they begin sitting up I'll probably start letting them share the top. We've tried it a few times, but since they don't sit well, they get aggravated so quickly!
  12. Jess76

    Jess76 Member

    I push the stroller and pull the cart behind me. It works great for me.
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