Last summer the boys were little (3-6 mos), but didn't have an issue with grass. For the most part they were just on blankets, but they did encounter it. Now that they are 1 (& Spring is here) they have suddenly developed a fear of grass. They HATE it! When we sit them in the grass they immediately draw their hands up to their shoulders so it won't touch them. They look like anxious little T-rex dinosaurs. We try to coax them to crawl to us with sippies, food, ourselves...nothing doing. Were your kids afraid/uncomfortable on grass? When did they get over it?
Mine were the same way. I just kept exposing them to it. Jessy still looks disgusted if she falls and touches grass, but it isn't as bad now that she is older. I have an easter pic on our website of Jessy sitting in the grass(its number 51 in the 16 month album the link is in my siggy). She wasn't too happy about sitting in the grass.
That's pretty normal. Mine (and a lot of friends kids) did the same thing. Justin hated it so much he just cried if you put him in it. We lived in FL then also & he was the same with the sand at the beach! It didn't last very long at all though - maybe the 1st 10 times if that.
We went through the same thing from about 9 months until just after their first birthday. I just kept putting them down on it, taking off their socks and shoes and trying to play. Once they were distracted and moving around on it, they didn't seem to notice. When we tried again the next day, we'd have to start over again with the coaxing. After awhile, they got used to it. DD got over it much quicker than DS. DS still hates to be dirty or to have anything sticky/slimy on his hands!
I agree, I think it's pretty normal. I put them on a blanket their first 'outing' in October (they would have been 6 months) and they didn't forage from the blanket because they didnt' like the feel. That next spring, (just under a year) I put the blanket out, but that didn't keep them, they weren't too sure on the grass feel, but once they got to standing, they were okay to walk on it, just didn't like the feel on their hands. AND, now it just doesn't matter! LOL
Yep, we went through the same thing with grass and sand. Totally normal and they will get used to it.
Ditto very normal! Felicia hated it too at 18 months. But by next summer 2.5 she loved it! Ditto for the boys too. But Josh still has texture issues ....
Ours were the same way last spring (just over a year then). If you tried to put Elliot down on grass he would hold his feet up. It was actually very convenient, because we could spread out a blanket, put a bunch of toys out, and they would never crawl off the blanket . . . by mid-summer they were always venturing out, usually in opposite directions, and it took a lot more energy to keep track of them! I say enjoy it while it lasts, and they will get curious and get used to it. -Rachel
Mine were not crazy about sitting in it, but now that they can walk, they don't seem to mind if they fall down on it occasionally. In fact I think they find the uneven terrain sort of an interesting challenge.
I had a good chuckle when I read grass a phobia I remember putting my girl twin down on the grass to stand and she'd hike her knees up to her ears to avoid touching grass. It was so darn funny. We just kept blankets out and lots of toys. She eventually got over it and started walking and touching grass.
Chloe had a fear of grass too. It wasn't until she was able to walk that she figured out it was a lot more fun to have the extra room to run. Plus, it didn't hurt as much when she tripped and fell on her face (she does this every day and has a perminate bruise on her forehead). I have a few pictures of her just screaming when I tried to put her down.
Mine went through the same thing at that age. The slowly got used to it. Now they love to run around with the bare feet in the yard. My 7 month old son now as the grass phobia. Elizabeth
My ds went through the same thing. When we put him on the grass in a sitting position he would just sit and not move with his feet pointed and lifted from the grass. As he got older it got better and he'll now run through the grass barefooted if he has too. He's very particular about getting dirt on his feet.
Yes, Kelly was afraid of walking on grass especially when she had sandals and the grass could get in her shoes. She didn't like dandelions either as they were usually taller than the grass. She was ok with grass the following summer but we had a long year of hearing "Up! Up!".