Graco Nautilus or My Ride?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hsuter, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    I am going back to work and we will need to buy 2 more car seats for dh's car. Currently we have 2 Britax Boulevard CS's and I like them, but dont want to pay for 2 more.
    I like both the My Ride's and the Nautilus. My kids are still rf; we plan to keep them that way until they are about 3-especially dd who is on the small side (only about 22lbs) but we might turn ds around sooner (we just had a 3hr car ride and he cried/screamed the whole way so in a few months if he doesnt settled down we might try ff and see if it helps-I DO know rf is safest, so I'm not looking for a lecture or anything).
    So here is my conundrum-I like that the Nautilus convers to high back booster/booster...we wouldnt need to buy 4 boosters then when its time as we would already have 2. But I'm wondering if the My Ride's just might be more kids are smaller, I'm pretty sure they will be like 7 when they weigh 65lbs,lol. Dd is short as well, but ds is in about the 50th percentile for height-so not tall, not short.
    Also the seats in my dh's car will only be used to transport them to daycare and back a few days a week-this is approximately 1 mile. So I think I'm ok with them being ff a few times a week for a mile.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    First off, I would check out THIS site and see if there are any compatibility issues reported with either brand of carseat and your DH's car. If so, that would make your choice really easy! :good:
  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    if you go with the Nautilus it will be the last carseat you will ever need to buy! Cost factor alone would make it my first choice - in the fact that you'll spend about $150 for each seat and then that will be it till they're OUT of carseats...

    ETA - I also don't buy into the hype that kids need to be RF till they're 3 or 4 years old...if that is of the utmost importance to you, then by all means - as the Nautilus is FF only...
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I have small but tall LOs if that makes sense - only 17.5/18 lbs at 15 months. I am leaning toward the carseats like the MyRide, just because by the time we even need boosters we can do those backless kind, and they range from $20-$40 bucks. My car doesn't come up on that website either, but the website has great information in general about tips and it also has a car seat forum which I have also found very helpful. You can always go to BRU and use the model to try out in your car to see how it fits. Another poster recommended this and it is a great idea. Good luck. Not easy choices when buying the bigger equipment. :)
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'd recommend checking the shoulder strap height on the convertible seats before you decide. My boys were barely 30 pounds when their heads reached the top of their Evenflo convertible seats and their shoulders were creeping above the highest shoulder strap hole. So, the fact that the seat went up to 40 pounds and they are of average height made no difference -- we had to switch due to body length. We switched to the Nautilus. They still have another shoulder slot above the one they're using now so they can stay in 5pt for a few more years. My only complaint is that it's a pretty big ordeal to remove the covers for cleaning. I love everything else about these seats.
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