Got some potty training questions here

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Buttercup1, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    OK, so I posted on Tuesday how dd was peeing in the potty almost every time we put her on it. We continued with this for the rest of the week, having her wear pull ups instead of diapers. This weekend I decided to put her in underwear. She had 3 accidents Saturday and 2 today. She has resisted going to the potty a few times, maybe she just didn't have to go? A few times she resisted I bribed her to go and she was able to pee. I did put her in a pull up Saturday afternoon because we had to go out shopping, we were out for several hours and she did not stay dry.

    So, am I supposed to keep prompting her to go to the potty? Do I not prompt her and let her have accidents so she can learn from her mistakes? How long will it take her to start telling me she needs to go? I know all kids potty train differently. I just would like to know if I'm on the right track with her. I was afraid when she started resisting that the novelty had worn off for her and was no longer interested.
  2. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Are you using any type of rewards system? You mentioned bribing her a few times, but is this a regular thing? Many people have success with sticker charts and M&Ms. Mine were a lot more stubborn and we had to try drastic measures. But for most kids, the child desires the reward, so she makes an effort to go to the potty. Plus, praise is huge in potty training. You really have to go over the top with, "You are such a big girl! I'm so proud of you!" and clapping or even doing a potty dance.

    I know people who have used rewards for going on the potty and others who have used them for staying dry. The negative that I've seen with rewards for going on the potty is that a child may just go a few drops, then go again a few minutes later, the again...just to get more rewards.

    Since your DD just started training, I'd say to keep reminding her. But, because she has shown success, I wouldn't force the issue. That can turn it into a battle of wills. Instead, just ask if she needs to go to the potty and let her decide. If she has an accident, hopefully she'll be less likely to brush you off the next time you remind her. But, because it is her choice and she knows there is a reward and lots of praise waiting if she goes or stays dry, maybe she won't resist.
  3. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I've been using stickers as a reward along with tons of praise, hugs and kisses. We also try to make getting to the potty fun by cheering and yelling "POTTY TIME, WOO HOO!" :woo:
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are doing well! We just started yesterday, so I can't offer you much BTDT advice. However, your DD is doing much better than my DS's are.. they've had lots of accidents.
  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would still prompt her at this stage although, as Stacy said, when she resists I wouldn't force it (unless it's been ages since she went and/or you can tell she really needs to go).
    I prompted mine for the first couple of weeks or so. The first few days I asked them every 10-15 minutes, then streatched it out to every half-hour, then every hour and then just if I knew they hadn't been for a few hours or if they were literally jiggling around with their legs crossed. I also reminded them fairly frequently whilst we were out that they had to tell me if they needed the potty.

    Good luck, it sounds like she is making great progress! :panties:
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    It takes a while before they tell you they have to go. I had to regularly put them on the potty for quite a while. But my one DD was fascinated with public restrooms so she did say she had to go potty at every single store and restaurant we ever went to for 3 months. But at home I had to prompt her.
  7. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    With my girls, I skipped pull-ups all together and went straight to panties. I stayed home with them for about 3 days and took them to the potty about every 30-45 minutes. They got the hang of it. They still have the occasional accident, but its rare. Now they tell me when they have to go and a lot of times they just go by themselves. Good luck and just be consistent.
  8. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member


    DD has refused to go to the potty or wear underwear today. I'm pretty bummed out. I thought we were on to something and now I'm wondering what I did wrong. :unsure:

    Anyway, thanks for all of your advise. Maybe we'll try again in a few weeks.
  9. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    You situation sounds a lot like mine. Was going to put PT off until they were older, but we had talked about it a lot. At 20 months old my DD2 asked to use the potty and did! We were so excited! But since then it's been one good day and one bad.

    Now, 4 or five months later we're no closer to being diaper free. Some success and lots of misses. I don't use the term "accidents." We've only had one or 2 accidents and I love them. An accident is when DD1 asks for help using the potty and dribbles a little on the way there. When DD2 stands in front of me, looking me in the eye, spreads her legs and fully releases her bladder on the floor? That is not an accident.

    It's getting a little better, but I'm trying to be patient and not forcing it. After all, how can you force it? If a kid is resistant to bribes and will fight tooth and nail against sitting on the potty unless SHE deems it necessary, there's nothing to do except take a step back, adjust your expectations and wait. One day, right?
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