going where there are no pottys....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Just in the last couple of days, dd has shown a lot of interest in potty training. She asked to "go pee" 3 times today & just did awesome all day! Then later in the afternoon we went to my nephew's T-ball game.......she'd been wearing her big girl panties, but I had to put diapers on b/c there weren't any bathrooms there. It felt like such a step backwards when she'd been doing so good. I've seen this Travel Potty but don't know anyone who's used it.

    So do you just go back to diapers when you leave the house?? What about playdates & times when you need to leave, but don't know where the bathrooms are??
  2. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Once my older son's were in underpants, we used NO diapers! Did they have a few accidents...sure they did, but they were few and far between. We jump in with both feet as to not confuse them. I know everyone deals with this part a little different.

    Good for her for going in the potty! and for asking to!

  3. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Jake is totally potty trained, and we never went back to diapers. As far as a ball game, I have to say, we have been lucky so far.
  4. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Some of my girls friends have that potty and love it. Makes it easy when you go to a park without a potty (or a potty that you don't want to go into)
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    DH and I were talking about this the other day...we are just going to put one of our potty chairs in the van for those "just in case"t iems.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinzmom2b @ Jun 15 2008, 06:59 PM) [snapback]827964[/snapback]
    DH and I were talking about this the other day...we are just going to put one of our potty chairs in the van for those "just in case"t iems.

    I've been very lucky that I've always been able to find a bathroom when we need it but I'm thinking of doing this same thing. We've got two but only one left to train so one will go in the van with a bunch of bags.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I've been putting the potty chair in the car when I can!! Line it with a diaper and you are good to go! No clean up necessary!!!
  8. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(naomi02 @ Jun 15 2008, 01:00 AM) [snapback]827415[/snapback]
    Just in the last couple of days, dd has shown a lot of interest in potty training. She asked to "go pee" 3 times today & just did awesome all day! Then later in the afternoon we went to my nephew's T-ball game.......she'd been wearing her big girl panties, but I had to put diapers on b/c there weren't any bathrooms there. It felt like such a step backwards when she'd been doing so good. I've seen this Travel Potty but don't know anyone who's used it.

    So do you just go back to diapers when you leave the house?? What about playdates & times when you need to leave, but don't know where the bathrooms are??

    when the girls were first starting out training, i also bought a TRAVEL POTTY to keep in the truck. we have used it several times actually and the girls aren't weird about using it at all. it's compact and fits perfectly under the rear seat, when not in use. other features i like about it is that you use zipper bags (any brand will fit), so there is no mess or fuss when they are done...just find a trash can and you are on your way! we've got a suburban, so we usually just open the back up and let them use it back there...piece of cake. seriously, no problems or mess at all. definitely worth every penny!

    good luck!

  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twins225 @ Jun 15 2008, 07:25 PM) [snapback]828168[/snapback]
    when the girls were first starting out training, i also bought a TRAVEL POTTY to keep in the truck. we have used it several times actually and the girls aren't weird about using it at all. it's compact and fits perfectly under the rear seat, when not in use. other features i like about it is that you use zipper bags (any brand will fit), so there is no mess or fuss when they are done...just find a trash can and you are on your way! we've got a suburban, so we usually just open the back up and let them use it back there...piece of cake. seriously, no problems or mess at all. definitely worth every penny!

    good luck!


    we got that same one and it's great. we keep it in the car at all times - once alisha finally decided she was ready to go in the potty (just a couple of weeks ago) there was NO WAY i was letting her back in diapers (she does wear them at night though).
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twins225 @ Jun 15 2008, 11:25 PM) [snapback]828168[/snapback]
    when the girls were first starting out training, i also bought a TRAVEL POTTY to keep in the truck. we have used it several times actually and the girls aren't weird about using it at all. it's compact and fits perfectly under the rear seat, when not in use. other features i like about it is that you use zipper bags (any brand will fit), so there is no mess or fuss when they are done...just find a trash can and you are on your way! we've got a suburban, so we usually just open the back up and let them use it back there...piece of cake. seriously, no problems or mess at all. definitely worth every penny!

    good luck!


    So just ziploc bags work? This might be really nice for camping!
  11. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    When I know we are going to be out and about, I just put a cheapie potty from IKEA ($4!) in the car. It's not super-comfy, but it's saved me a couple of trips to port-a-pottys at the park (EW!) so it's been worth it so far.

    That travel potty looks perfect, though!
  12. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We bought the Fisher Price Potty on the Go and keep that in the car. We have used it at the playground/park. I really wanted it for when I drive to and from Cape Cod with the three kids and no other adult...I would rather use that then have to stop and drag all 3 kids into a public restroom.
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