going to sleep

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by burchesss, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. burchesss

    burchesss New Member

    Hello our identical boys Hunter and Kasey just turned 10 months. There sleep patterns vary a lot usually due to teething or another obvious causes... We have always held/feed them to get them to sleep. We would like to try getting them to fall asleep on there own sometimes one or the other will but only if the brother is out of the room and things are quiet. Any tricks to break the habits? Are we spoiling them? We don't have the space to put the cribs in seperate rooms. Thanks and cool site.
  2. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Hi and welcome to TS!

    We are going through a phase where they are being easily disturbed by each other, as they've just recovered from a cold but as they've always been in the same room prior to that we just let them get used to each others noises. It seems as they are getting older, that's not as easy as before so I hear you. As my DH helps with bath/bed, I've been taking the one who takes little to get to sleep first on her own then take the other one in 5 mins later. It doesn't always work and there are days when they very over tired that I need to spend longer soothing them to sleep.
  3. twodads

    twodads Member

    It sounds like you've definitely been spoiling them. From everything I've read, they say that you shouldn't get into the habit of feeding/holding to get the kids to sleep. We stopped this probably around 3 months or so (ours are 11 months now). We went with the "cry it out" method and it really broke my heart to hear the kids cry, but it was the only way I could get them to go to sleep without holding/rocking them. The crying at bedtime lasted for months and it finally subsided maybe a month ago or so. My DD never really had a problem falling asleep, but my DS would always cry when put down in bed. He still cries when I put him down for naps, but it only lasts a few minutes (unless he's really exhausted... then he falls right asleep).

    So yes, I would definitely try and break the habit of helping them fall asleep - they need to learn how to help soothe themselves to sleep. That will also help when they wake up in the middle of the night. Instead of crying and waiting for you to come hold them, they'll soothe themselves back to sleep. Hope it works!
  4. burchesss

    burchesss New Member

    we have been letting them " cry it out" for a couple of weeks it is hard to let them cry but they have slept better for sure
  5. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Try reading the no cry sleep solution. Its not fast but you avoid CIO and it works. I did it with my daughter took about two weeks but she finally started STTN.
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