going to sleep fine, now not?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lovelylily, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I have been laying DS down and playing his soother to put him to sleep for several months now. He is usually awake when I lay him down and happily babbles to himself until he goes to sleep. All of a sudden, he won't do that anymore. He just screams and screams now. Originally I did sleep training with him, would let him CIO for a few minutes, then go in and sooth, repeat, etc. But he never screamed like this then. I am really not sure what to do. If CIO would work, I'd be willing to try it, but I hate to tramautize him. Anybody else had a similar experience? What did/would you do?
  2. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Sometimes mine has that 'scream' too. It's heartbreaking as if someone is in there cutting them open. If they're anything like my girls [they've got really good lungs - the pedi says], it can't be ignored. Or it's very difficult to ignore it.

    I don't have any suggestions cause I'm sort of in the same boat. :hug: :hug:
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had issues around the 9 month mark for naps. They were just so aware of everything around them and wanting to pull up all the time. Is he learning anything new developmentally? Sometimes that can disrupt sleep and naps. How many naps is he taking during the day? Maybe it is time to tweak the schedule.
  4. twinmom51

    twinmom51 Well-Known Member

    we are in the same boat. Meaghan will not go to bed now it seems like before 10pm. they have been going to bed regularly at 7-7:30 for months - now, forget it. It is a battle.

    I wish I had some advice - I am in desparate need of some myself!

    Good luck.
  5. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Could he be teething? It is probably just a stage. Mine go through little stages where they are difficult to get to sleep and then a week or so later they are back to easily falling asleep.
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if he's overtired. Sleep schedules can change over time. Perhaps he should go down sooner and a nap moved up sooner. I hope one of these suggestions is the right fit for your situation :hug:.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would agree with other posters to see if he is teething, learning something new, or needs his nap time adjusted. He also might want something else besides a soother to soothe him, our DD needs to sleep with a burpy cloth now and before it was her snuggle dog and before that it was her remote. I would do CIO only if you are comfortable with it. Good luck! I know it's hard because it is like they like to change it up on you!
  8. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Yes to all of the above. He's teething, learning new things, more aware of everything around him. I have a couple things to confess. First, I still swaddle them :blush: My DD's OT says it is fine until they are ready to be unswaddled and they don't even fight it yet. They don't roll over during their sleep and still love it, so I keep swaddling away. Second, we don't follow an exact schedule. We have a routine and basically they go down for naps about 2 hrs after awake time. So they are taking 3 naps per day. I just follow their cues for when they're tired, but we do follow a set "go to sleep" routine of quiet play, nursing, sing a song, lay down in crib. I actually braved it out and did CIO with him tonight. I just closed the door and walked away. It was really, really hard, but he only cried for about 20 minutes. I will just be consistent with this and see if I can get him back on schedule. I do think they're getting ready to drop a nap. Some days they only take 2 naps, but that's on days where their second nap is a really long one. So we'll see. Thanks for all your support and suggestions!
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    CIO is hard to do, I am glad that it worked out for you last night and I hope tonight and today is a good one for you, thanks for updating us!
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    You are at a very distractable age. Teething and different needs do change schedules. :hug: Hopefully it is just a hiccup and you get back to normal. Evan varies on sleeping too!
  11. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Just to update again, the CIO really seemed to work. He is now going to sleep for naps and nighttime just like before. He still lets out a cry of protest when I leave the room, but settles down within 2 minutes. So there's hope for anyone else going through this! :)
  12. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    So glad that you found something that works. Nice job. :clapping:
  13. Angel79

    Angel79 Member

    I am going through the exact same thing. My girls are 9 months old as well. When they reach this age they go through seperation anxiety. They start to fret or get upset if you leave the room. They stick to you all day and don't like to have you out of sight. Some babies hardly go through this and others end up having big issues with it to the point dad isn't good enough, only mum will do. All you can do is reassure them that you are there. I have been seeing the clinic about how to deal with it as both my girls wake up during the night and want me to put them back to sleep so I have been tag teaming it all night long with them getting hardly any sleep. My husband works long hrs so I have to deal with it all on my own and it is bloody hard.

    The only advice I was given was the CIO method and I am telling you when both your girls a screaming it is so hard to deal with but it is the only option. Right now I am about to start sleeping in their room again (as I was advised). I sleep right in between the cots so when they wake up they see I am there and they lay back down (most of the time) and put themselves back to sleep. This teaches them that they have to stay in their own bed. Eventually (hopefully after about a week) I will move back into my own bed and when they wake up I have to leave them in their cot. When putting them down I am supposed to do the CIO method. I am trying to build up some strength to go through this again. It is really draining me right now.

    Good luck with it all. I hope this stage passes quickly for you. Let me know how it goes.
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