going to Disney

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    DH are planning going to Disney...just don't know when the right time will be...
    We are about 3 1/2 by car. We would go for about 1 week and stay about 10 min away from the parks.
    We just want to plan for a fun vacation and was wondering for those of you who have
    1. At what age did you take them?
    2. Would you have waited until they were older?
    3. What parks did you go/recommend?
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along?
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30)
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week?
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!)
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there?

    My tentative thoughts are November after Thanksgiving (they say crowds are less between the holidays)
    or wait until next March or next November...(it is an expensive vacation!)
    I really want to do it for them..I know it will be stressfull no matter what age...but now that
    everything new they see is "WOWWWWW WOOWWWW" I was wonderning if maybe we should go now instead of
    waiting until next November...

  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We just took my girls to Disneyland for the 1st time last week (they will be 3 on Oct. 6th). It was awesome, and they loved every second of it. We only live about 45 minutes from the park but we got a hotel for 2 nights, to make it more of a "vacation". The park was open from 10-8 (we spent most of our time at Disneyland, but did wander over to California adventure). We got to the park at 10 everyday, typically left around 4 or so to eat dinner and relax and then go back for a couple hours before it closed. My girls don't take naps anymore so we didn't have to worry about that. The lines were awesome because everyone just went back to school and we didn't have to wait longer than 10 minutes for any ride. By the time we got home the girls were pooped and went right to bed, no issues whatsoever. We brought our stroller, I don't think Disneyland rents double strollers. (I could be wrong, but I didn't see any while I was there). Grandma and Grandpa did come, but we could have easily done it just DH and I.

    In all honesty, it wasn't stressful at all. We all had a blast!! We bought the annual passes, so we plan on going back soon!! Good Luck!
  3. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls first Disney trip was at 17 1/2 months old. We went back again a year later (2 1/2 year old). Then again at 3 1/2 years old. As well as when they were 4 and 5.
    Any age is perfect. Each trip the girls get something different out of it. They even ask to go back and do their favorites.

    I would take your SBS. Renting is like $27 a day. For my girls going back to the room to nap did not work. It just made DH and I more tired. Plus my girls will nap in the stroller if they are tired. They did that last trip at age 5 in the mountain buggy.
    I would go before they are 3 since they will be free that way. They are even free at the buffets and the family style table services.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    1. At what age did you take them?
    2. Would you have waited until they were older?
    3. What parks did you go/recommend?
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along?
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30)
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week?
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!)
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there?

    1. First time they were 2 (it was okay for them and us) and the second time they were 3 and absolutely LOVED it. :good:
    2. No, I am glad we went. Wonderful time for them, they were big on Mickey and the gang at the time.
    3. Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom and SeaWorld is where we went. Fun at all!!
    4. No, just us. :good:
    5. At the time mine were napping around noon but while on our vacation (a week) they skipped naps. Sometimes they'd fall asleep in the stroller but they were so excited and there was so much going on that they didn't need to nap. :pardon: We stayed about 20 minutes away from the park so after we had breakfast we headed out and came home when our day was done.
    6. Yes. :)
    7. We've been there in June and August and it was HORRIBLE. The heat was insane, as well as the lines. :faint: Last year we went in April and the weather was perfect and the lines were fair. We waited a bit but nothing to complain about. I've been there at Christmas time and that was beautiful.
    8. We brought our SBS. :good:
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to go to Disney with the boys. I KNOW they'll just love it, but we haven't had the chance yet. DH wants to go back when they are 4. I was thinking 5, but 4 is fine. We normally go just after Thanksgiving. The weather is great and the lines are not too bad and the Christmas decorations are up by then so it's beautiful and you get free hot chocolate!!! We'll likely be going back during that time with the boys. They are just going to have such a great time!!!!!!! We had our honeymoon at Disney World. We wanted Hawaii, but honestly, I would not change it for the world. We had such a great time and they really know how to treat those on their honeymoon!!
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    1. At what age did you take them? The first time I took them they were 10 months old. I really stressed a lot beforehand, but we ALL had a wonderful time. I have memories from that first trip that I cherish !
    2. Would you have waited until they were older? For us, its a yearly thing. So, taking them young wasn't a consideration for us .. if I didn't go every year .. I might have waited until they were a bit older.
    3. What parks did you go/recommend? We do ALL the parks. There is something to do and see in each parks for everyone. But Magic Kingdom has the most stuff for a toddler. Disney Hollywood Studios has some fun toddler shows too.
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along? Yes ! I have children that are all grown and I try to bring at least ONE of them each time .. especially when the boys were younger.
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30)Mine are late risers. they usually get up around 8ish. We usually hang out in the room watching cartoons and playing a bit. Then we head down to breakfast (around 9-9:30. After breakfast we usually hang around the pool until lunch .. then we go back to the room and freshen up and change then head to the parks. We don't usually get back to the hotel much later than 8-8:30 We usually spend about 6 hours per day in an actual park.
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week? Yes .. for the most part. When the boys were very young .. they would nap in the sroller. They didn't seem to mind the schedule change and adjusted real well.
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!) The week after Thanksgiving or the first week of May seems to be our best times.
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there? Bring your own .. it will cost you more than the price of your stroller to rent one. Its around $36 a day for a double.
  7. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I took my older to for the first time when they were 5 and 6 and it was great! We went in Nov and the weather and lineups couldn't have been much better. We went back again this past April when they were 7 and 8. Again it was great and this time they could go on all the rides! I plan on going back with all four when the twins are 5.
  8. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    one thing to consider is how well your kids manage stimulation.

    We just went to Legoland (they are 3.5) and my daughter did great. My son, who shuts down with too much stimulation did not do so well. We will likely be putting off Disneyland (we live in LA) for another year or so...
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree with the above. I have one DD that the loud, busy atmosphere would put her over the edge.....she has some sensory issues and we are waiting until she is older to go.

    Also, I would consider how often you will go.

    For us, it will likely be a one time or maybe twice when they are kids so we are waiting for them to be be able to remember it. It is too pricey and we are too far away to do it more than once or twice in the next 10 years.

    If you have the chance to go every or every other year, go for it now! I am sure they will have a blast and you dont have to worry about missing anything if you think you will return again soon.
  10. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. If it's a big trip and you only plan on going once or twice then I would wait until they are at least 5. My daughter at 5 was just barely big enough to go on most of the rides so if she was any younger it wouldn't have been worth it for us since we live so far away.
  11. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    We took our kiddos to Disney when they were 22-months -- we live an hour away. YES, I would have waited until they were older. Mine HATED having to wait in lines in our arms...if we put them down, they wanted to take off and run and explore :laughing: ...adorable, but frustrating when you want to get on a ride. The rides we did do they enjoyed for the most part (we only got to do 4 before we were all DONE!) My father-in-law was with us but he didn't come on any rides with us so it was basically just DH and I. We got there around 10 and left by 4...they did pass out a bit in the stroller. We had our SBS-thankgoodness! We went in April on a Monday-weather was gorgeous and 10-minute lines. I am looking forward to going back when they are a little older, maybe 3 1/2-4. I've heard Cali Adventure has some awesome things for young toddlers. FYI: I went the day as a good friend of mine whose DD is three months older than my duo...friend's daughter LOVED Disney and did so well, they closed the place down! So I think it also really depends on your kids:)!

    1. At what age did you take them?
    2. Would you have waited until they were older?
    3. What parks did you go/recommend?
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along?
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30)
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week?
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!)
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there?
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We're waiting until they're 6 or so here. I'd hate to pay so much money for something they will probably not even remember, or that they would surely enjoy more in a few years. But yeah, it's probably more of a big trip for us than for you though.
  13. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    For us it would be a big plane ride (when we are in Canada visiting relatives), and I think we wont attempt it until the kids are at least 3.5-4. But we do have several small amusement parks (indoors) close to us, so we do take the kids there and they have a lot of fun (but mine still nap in their cribs everyday and have never been stroller nappers, so I wouldn't expect naps if we went to disneyland and for us right now - no naps=cranky kids)
  14. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Good Luck! I know you will have a blast!!!
  15. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We haven't taken our little ones yet but I can't wait too!!! I think 3 is a great age! I took my oldest at that age and he had so much fun!
  16. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I think any age is a great time to go. When they are little, it's more for us. I brought mine at 22 months and we had so much fun. We did have family with us, to help. We are going again when they are 3 1/2. I think they will appreciate it so much more then. Definitely bring your own stroller. I like the sbs best. They can nap in the stroller, so make sure it reclines and has a good sunshade. I would say the best time to go is when kids are in school. Winter/spring breaks and summer are busy. Certain dates in Sept, Oct & Nov., between Thanksgiving and Christmas and after New Years through the 2nd week of Feb. are value season, which should me less people. Anyway to stay in a Disney Hotel? They are offering the free dining plan. Value resorts are a great deal. It's so nice to be able to use the Disney transportation to get to/from the parks. We stayed in a 2 bedroom condo last time and it was great, but I missed staying at Disney. Good luck and have fun!!!
  17. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are just now talking about taking ours. They seem to be really excited about seeing Mickey/Minnie and the gang. I think it's a good age for that...however, due to height requirements, I am not sure how much they will actually get to ride. Although, there is so much to do and see, it is probably not possible to do it ALL in one trip anyways. I am looking forward to it as much as they are and we don't even have it planned yet! :ibiggrin:
  18. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    1. At what age did you take them? 4
    2. Would you have waited until they were older? No I heard as they get older...some of the "magic" isn't there. Not that it isn't fun just more aware that the chars are people inside etc...
    3. What parks did you go/recommend? Magic Kingdom has best things for young toddler but we also enjoyed the Animal Kingdom/Epcot
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along? Just Daddy and myself
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30)We stayed at a Disney hotel and took advantage of the early entry...definitely worth it. Stayed until after lunch around 1pm, napped and returned for dinner somewhere.
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week? Definitely have them take a nap if you plan to enjoy the evening!!!
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!)Any of the cooler months!
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there? With young children...definitely bring a stroller. Just getting from parking lot to the entrance can wear your child out! We got inexpensive single strollers from WalMart. We said it was one of the best investments we made for the trip!.

    We went last summer and found some excellent tips from an attorney that goes frequently. He has a family annual pass. He gave us some invaluable tips that made our trip that much smoother. I compiled that info here Disney Tips and Things to Bring

    Have a great time!!!
  19. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    us too...Abby probably won't be tall enough to go on rides till she's 12! LOL
  20. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Actually I want to go visit my family in France when they are 5 or so so we'll probably go to Disney there, then do the Florida one when they are older so we can better appreciate all the parks.
  21. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    1. At what age did you take them? The first time, we took them 2 weeks after they turned two. We're taking them again in Nov, they'll be 3.5.
    2. Would you have waited until they were older? Nope! It was a bit of work, but we had a great time! And besides, you can always take them back! ;)
    3. What parks did you go/recommend? All of them! Although DHS tends to not have quite as much for the little ones as the other 3
    4. Did you have help (grandma, etc. come along? SIL did come with us w/ her friend, but they were not there as extra hands. THis time it'll just be the four of us.
    5. What was your day like? - what time did you go to the parks?(mine get up about 6-7, nap around 12:30-3 and are in bed by 7:30) We always hit rope drop (park opening) then leave after lunch to nap at the resort, go back until around 7ish and in bed around 8 as normal.
    6. Did you just forget the sleep/nap routine for a week? No, we stayed on our typical routine. Although, this time, since they're older we're going to keep them up for at least one WISHES show.
    7. What time of they year is best to go if you could choose? (less lines if that is ever possible!) Check out www.touringplans.com for crowd info. THough we're going in November for very low crowds. Sept is also a typical low crowd time. Last time we went in April after the spring break crowds had lessened. It was more crowded than Sept/Nov but still very manageable.
    8. Stroller...did yo bring your sbs or rent it there? Brought our SBS

    We can't wait to go again! DH just got back from Afghanistan and we wanted to take a family vacation- it was the only place we could come up with that all FOUR of us would just love. The boys are just in awe of the characters and unlike a lot of other themeparks (SeaWorld) the kids can ride almost everything even as little bitty ones. I do think they'll enjoy it more this trip than the first, but they still had a great time at 24 mos. The benefit about going before they turn 3 is their admission and food is FREE! :D
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