Going to Disney World with the twins (17 months)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharerc, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We're going to Disney in 3 weeks and while I'm super excited to go, I'm getting a bit nervous. We are mainly going so that my oldest and my niece can experience Disney at the age they are at. We know that the twins won't remember any of this. Anyway, we are flying for the first time with them as well. Not renting a car as we are staying on Disney property. Any suggestions? I'm really concerned about lack of napping since mine don't like to nap in the stroller. Anyone done Disney with their twins yet?
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Brainstorming here:

    Pack lightweight clothing and sunscreen. Its still hot here and will be in 3 weeks. Make sure you have sippies for water. Disney is very child friendly. They have double strollers you can rent if you would rather do that. Have you checked into the Disney Dining Plan? Magic Kingdom is perfect for families. Lots to do for everyone.
  3. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We did get the Dining Plan. We had originally purchased it and then got refunded because Disney has a free Dining plan if you stay 4 nights or something. We are bringing our double jogger because renting is like $32 a day. Screw that! We are doing MK for 2 days, Epcot for one, Hollywood Studios for one day, Universal for one and Animal Kingdom for a morning. Busy, busy, busy!
  4. San12

    San12 Well-Known Member

    Hi there, we just did it in July, but we stayed off property. We took two cheapo strollers with us because we didn't want to lug our doubles around. The Disney strollers are plastic and hard. My two would have not been comfortable in them. Each disney park has a baby comfort stations. They are wonderful to change and feed your babies. Only problem I found was that they were too far from where I was when I needed them.

    I took Ready to use formula for my babies to drink when at the parks, so that I didn't have to worry about warming milk. Not sure what yours are eating, but mine weren't really on table foods yet, so I had to take in Jarred food. And yes you can take glass jarred baby food into the parks.

    What resort are you staying at? The bus systems are great and fast, but they are like regular transit buses so if you do take your stroller, you will have to lug it on board with your babies.

    Oh Disney has this thing called "Child swap" for rides. No you don't swap your babies....lol You go to the employee at the beginning of the line up for the ride, and you tell them you'd like a child swap pass, they will give you a fast pass that allows you to ride in the fast pass lane for that ride and you can take up to 3 people with you, so your party lines up as normal, with some staying behind with the babies, then when they return the others can ride. It makes things a little quicker. We didn't know about it on the first day, but it was great after. Sometimes they will give you two passes, then you can all ride in the fast pass lane.

    I hope I didn't confuse you. Ask away if you have more questions.

    As for babies sleeping in strollers, mine don't usually either, but they did when they got tired.
  5. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I thought about taking 2 strollers. But we don't have any single strollers and my ILs and my SILs baby are coming along. So I really need to be able to contain them in one if I want my ILs to take over for a bit while we ride something. Otherwise, they can't push 3 strollers. I know that lugging that stroller around is going to be a pain. Hopefully it will work out with us having help there.

    Food, they were done with BM at 14 months and barely drink cows milk at all these days. They just hate it. They are on all table foods and have been since 9 months. So I'm not worried about eating. Although, our plan does not cover them. I'm planning on getting them a child's meal when we eat.

    We are staying at Port Orleans French Quarter. I hope we get a first floor room. LOL!

    Child swap sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the info on that. We knew about the fast pass but not child swap. We'll do that for sure.

    Are there rides that they will be able to go on? I know there will be toddler areas (or hope there will be) at MK. What about Epcot and Hollywood Studios?
  6. San12

    San12 Well-Known Member

    I stayed at the Port Orleans (not French Quarter) in December when I was there with family. I didn't take the kids on that trip, but observed what others were doing in case I needed info. I think when mine are older I will go again and stay at a resort. I did like it's conveniences. BTW kids meals are super cheap. We didn't buy the meal plans but would often buy the kids meals as snacks. I loved Port Orleans by the way. I loved the little boat ride to Downtown Disney.

    We knew we had extra hands that's why we took two strollers. I was also concerned with trunk space in the car, but you don't have to worry about that. Just so you know though, you wont be about to leave the stroller open on the bus. This was why we didn't do a resort this time.

    Yes Child swap was great. If you go to other places like Universal, they have similar programs.

    As for rides. I didn't take mine on anything. They do have a carousel at MK, but we didn't go near that area.

    Your lucky your kids are on table food, this was a real struggle for me.

    Oh one more thing, at Epcot you can't take your stroller into the "land" building. I was so peeeood about this. The ride "Soaring" is in there, we had to carry our babies in.

    Anyway, can't think of anything else right now, but do ask if you've got more questions. Oh are you renting pnp from the resort?
  7. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls first trip to WDW was when they were 17 months old. They had a blast. There is so much for them to do. There are so many rides they can go on. My favorite memory of that first trip is going on the people mover ride (Tomorrowland transportation authority- or what ever it is called), when the ride was over the girls wanted to ride again (more as they said), so Sydney looked at the cast member and said again. He closed the door and we rode it again. They loved the dumbo style rides in MK and AK.

    Feel free to ask me any questions.
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