Going to big kid beds....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by two.heartbeats, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    My kids are so destructive. Everything in sight seems to get ripped apart. They have an obsession with their pull down shades in their room. We're going to big kid beds in 3 weeks and I have NO idea what I am going to do about the shades. They need them to sleep. Absolutely. What am I going to do? Are there shades out there that are somehow child-proof? lol...I doubt it. And I don't mean those blinds where you can put on those wire-hiding thingies (they'd tear apart the actual blinds, nevermind the wire hider...lol) We have those pull down blackout shades. I can see them getting a hold of them and rolling them continuously to the end of the roll! Is there some sort of 'stopper' for them? Any shades you recommend? Reprimanding does not work for them now. They are seriously speech delayed and have other developmental delays, so things that work for other kids don't work for them (reasoning, time outs, etc.) HELP PLEASE!!!
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    How would they do with curtains? In addition to a black out shade, I also have black out curtains. You can get a pair for about $20 at Walmart. I also have thermal curtains as well. When I close everything and turn off the light it almost pitch black in there except for the light on the humidifier.
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My boys loved their shades, too. They absolutely tore one to shreds (I should dig out the picture I took). I put a blanket over their window, and it's always closed now. They don't mess with it at all anymore. It's actually just on a rod that will fall down if pulled on, but easy to stick right back up again. It's only been pulled down twice, and I think I scared him enough to not do it again. He really doesn't like getting in trouble :pardon:
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Ah ha, we have shade lovers here too. :laughing: I taped them down on all sides with thick packing tape. Yes, it meant that we couldn't open them during the day but we needed them closed for sleeping that was my solution. :good:
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