going to a BBQ

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    my aunt moved an hour away from here and is having a bbq so the family can see her new home. i have to bring a chair because she doesn't have much chairs for everyone. not a problem. the problem is DH is working that day he only has off Mon and Tues. so i am doing this myself although my dad is going to come with me so i will have some help getting out of the house LOL. what do i put them in to feed them? they pick on each other in the stroller. they hate the grass. and they only crawl right now. DS walks but he uses those toy walkers to help him. i don't know how i am going to do this. yes people hold them but they wiggle and don't just wanna be held all the time and usually it is just me taking care of them while everyone else has a good time. what do i do with them. should i bring a blanket so they can sit on that and play?

    what do you do?
  2. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    I'd pawn them off to unsuspecting relatives, they've got free laps and extra hands to help you feed them. But if they're picky, I'd say try to feed them in the stroller, or feed them one at a time in the stroller. Good luck and have fun. If they only eat junk at the BBQ, at least they ate and it's only one day. :D they won't be screaming cause they're hungry!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I like PP's ideas about pawning them off!! :laughing: If you have a bumbo or bumbos that would be a good thing to take with you for a feeding in a pinch!!! You should have plenty of help!
  4. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    2xthelove - i remember the anxiety of preparing to take two 1 year olds out of the house by myelf. mobile...but not quite walking...a nightmare in any case! i agree with the above...your relatives will probably be more than happy to help, but def. bring the stroller along too. maybe try feeding one at a time in the stroller, so they don't mess with each other? remember, any event away from home is going to throw them off (and you too)...the may miss a nap, not want to eat, etc. there will probably be a lot going on and they don't want to miss anything either! as hectic or pleasant as the party might be, just remember it's good for them to get out and see new things and people...and you too!

    i am confident it will all go well.

    good luck and try to have a good time too...free your hands and put your feet up...even if it's only for 5 minutes!

    have fun!
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Yup, definitely bring the stroller just in case.

    Pawn off on relatives!

    Bring the bumbos if you have them. We always just had someone standing/sitting right behind them (my girls started flipping themselves out of them).

    Or we also do 'picnics' Spread out the blanket and grab a plate of finger food and have them sit with you to eat. Sneak in bites of other things you have to feed them in between finger food bites. My girls always got/get a kick out of eating this way. Messy but they have a blast!

    GL! and Have Fun!
  6. nikkisix

    nikkisix Well-Known Member

    We do lots of 'picnics' at the park so they are used to sitting on a blanket and eating..i would suggest trying that. They also HATE eating in the stroller, but what works for me-especially if uve got at least ONE person that wants to hold a kid-sit them on your lap w/ the plate of finger food in front of them. I have 1 that eats great like this and the other will suddenly get very picky-but at least she eats SOMETHING. Also just sneak in bites of food while they are playing or distracted..this always works here and at least u know they r not starving! Good luck and have fun!
  7. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    I am bringing the stroller. i always have it in the car anyway. i hate going out like this without DH there with me. I usually wind up out of my comfort zone with the kids and having a hard time with them. at home i let them go all over the living room and really all over lol as i am right there with them. we go outside on our deck go swimming or just play on the deck with the radio going and we do a picnic on the deck. when i feed them i just put them in their high chairs and they love it. then off to playing again. i am going to be confined because they hate the grass. i mean my DS just wants me to hold him if u go to put him down on it even if i am sitting down he freaks out and cries and grabs tighter. so i will bring a blanket too. i just hope people help out....can you tell i am nervous? does this reallyhappen to everyone when their twins aren't really mobile and you have to do it alone? i take them shopping, walking, to the park to go on the swing. i am not nervous about that. when i go to my SIL's house i don't get nervous because they help me and i bring the highchairs there but DH carries everything to the car and back in the house. gotta love him.
  8. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    Aren't they too old for bumbo's?

    If you're really worried and have time, head out to Wal-Mart. They have little booster chairs you attach to regular chairs and are only like $10, I think. My BIL bought a couple for our visit with them a couple weeks ago and they worked great. I'm sure you'll get more use out of them.

    You may have to feed them inside, but that might be less distracting anyway. I bought two booster seats at a kids' consignment sale and have those on our patio furniture and they are a lifesaver.

    Have fun!
  9. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    ok i looked at walmart.com and i am going monday to get a booster chair i found one that is called regalo portable booster and activity chair and it looks pretty cool. thank you Petitefleur. yes they are too old for bumbo's although we already have a booster chair it is by first years and i hate it the strap is way too small for them and i can't even get the tray on it. i can't return it because my DH threw out the box it came in DUH...so i will get the one i saw and it is only 13.00
  10. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    What about bringing a PNP for them, too? They could sit/stand and still see everyone, and it would help you to have some time where they are contained...and there's no grass involved!! We have one of those older 6 sided plastic "playpens" that we used to travel with, along with a blanket, so that they would be able to play, but I didn't have to worry about them crawling away! :)

    Good luck!!
    :) nicole
  11. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Good Luck! I would do the picnic idea thing and if worse comes to worse, you can just leave!
  12. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest a PNP too. We did that one year when the kids were about 9 months old and we took them to a Labor Day picnic. They did really well, and all the bigger kids just hung out and played with them the whole time. We threw a whole bunch of toys in there and they had a blast. The booster is also a great idea, I NEVER could have lived without my portable booster seats!

    Have fun! I bet it will be great!
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