Going through Diapers like crazy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    The boys used to use their diaper more then once before i changed them. if I have to guess I would change them every 3-4 hrs unless they pooped or there was more then 1-2 pottys made in the diaper. During the last few weeks they want their diaper changed after each and every single time they potty in it. im talking like every 15-20 min they are coming to me and saying potty and bringing me a new diaper. They have been drinking alot more so thats why they are peeing so much but changing them every 20 min is getting old and expensive. They have shown interest in potty training but its to far and few between they that want to go on it. I refuse to push the issue with them. I also and not going to make them cry byy refusing to change them when they ask but this has to stop. i cant afford to buy a new box of diapers each week.

    any ideas?
  2. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    I don't really have any ideas, but I wanted to let you know we are in the same situation. I don't think the girls do it at daycare, but on the weekend they are acting like your boys. This past week, I bought some pull-ups and am trying to use them on the weekends. I was thinking that they might like the novelty of pulling them down when they tell me they want to go sit on the potty and then they can learn how to pull them back up, instead of throwing them away (like we do the regular diapers). We haven't seriously started potty training, but we are sitting them on the potty when they tell us they want to. So far they have each peed one time, but thats it. I don't think they are quite ready for full training.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Have you looked into cloth? It would be cheaper to do a load of cloth diapers every day than spend that much money on disposables. Cloth now comes with velcro closures and can work just like a disposable, except you have to wash it. It'll probably be about a year before your boys are potty-trained if not longer.

    I don't like my kids to be in a wet diaper if I can help it so cloth is a great deal for us and better on their skin.
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    thats an idea... but I have no clue about cloth diapers. where to get them how to use them anything.
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

  6. Kaylee Marie

    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    I know you don't want to push the potty issue on them, but it looks like they're pushing it on you! If they're that aware of potty functions, sounds to me like they're ready and they're asking for your help. They're asking for a new diaper cause that's what they're familiar with. Try showing that you can help them in another way -- by showing them the potty.

    My girls are a bit younger, so I haven't gone through potty training yet though. So I may not know what I'm talking about. Just giving my two cents.
  7. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Our dd is like that. I'm constantly changing her diaper about every hour. But she's always been a big drinker of water. No advice here.

    QUOTE(Ali M @ Jan 24 2008, 08:55 PM) [snapback]587894[/snapback]
    Have you looked into cloth? It would be cheaper to do a load of cloth diapers every day than spend that much money on disposables. Cloth now comes with velcro closures and can work just like a disposable, except you have to wash it. It'll probably be about a year before your boys are potty-trained if not longer.

    I don't like my kids to be in a wet diaper if I can help it so cloth is a great deal for us and better on their skin.

    Could you tell me what cloth diapers you use and what accessories I would need. I'm really considering switching to cloth for this reason. Glad you brought it up and would love your input. THanks!
  8. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    As soon as I read your post I thought it's time to look at potty training. I know it's still early, but if they don't like to be wet, maybe you could at least start introducing it and see. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  9. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    We have tried and tried in the past month or so.... I take them to the potty first thing in the morning and they go and I try to remember through the day to ask them but i keep forgetting ( i know thats my issue not theres:().... I tell they them big boys go pee pee on the potty and babies go in diapers they sat they are big boys but they just dont get that they have to get to the potty befor they go not after. Im going to have to read up on potty training and get started i guess. I just never thought it would happen this early.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    If they aren't holding it longer than 20 minutes, you'll be spending the entire day putting one or the other on the toilet. :lol: Mine started doing the diaper removal every time they were wet/poopy around the time they first took an interest in the potty (14 months or so) and we're just now getting to the point that they'll hold it for an hour or two at a time. I've let them do "potty learning lite" ever since they became interested and I'm seeing glimmers of hope that they're going to get there eventually.

    I hope it goes more quickly for you.

    Oh, and we're in cloth so it hasn't cost me a mint to let them take their time. I can't imagine...
  11. KPS1971

    KPS1971 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Jan 26 2008, 04:31 AM) [snapback]590468[/snapback]
    If they aren't holding it longer than 20 minutes, you'll be spending the entire day putting one or the other on the toilet. :lol: Mine started doing the diaper removal every time they were wet/poopy around the time they first took an interest in the potty (14 months or so) and we're just now getting to the point that they'll hold it for an hour or two at a time. I've let them do "potty learning lite" ever since they became interested and I'm seeing glimmers of hope that they're going to get there eventually.

    I hope it goes more quickly for you.

    Oh, and we're in cloth so it hasn't cost me a mint to let them take their time. I can't imagine...

    Where do you get your cloth diapers? Is there any problem with washing them in your machine or do you use a service? I am thinking of doing the same thing for monetary reasons and I think this will help them later with potty training.

    Thanks for the help!
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I currently use mostly Happy Heinys. I have sized diapers left over from the twins and a few one-size diapers. The one-size diapers are a good deal if you aren't planning on using them for too many children. They are very easy to use but are a larger upfront cost than disposables. Happy Heinys are pocket diapers so they have a water-resistant outer layer and a fleece inner layer that forms a pocket that you place an insert into. The one-size diapers come with microfiber inserts and I suggest you add a couple layers of hemp for nighttime use.

    A good place for used diapers in great condition is diaperswappers.com . I definitely suggest visiting this site if you are looking to try out a few different types of diapers at a low cost. Many retail sites will also give a discount for twins.

    The cheapest kind of cloth is to use is prefolds and diaper covers. If you are going to be changing the kids hourly, this is your best bet. It is a little more work because you have to fold the prefold closed and use a snappi to hold it closed but it's very economical. A prefold costs about $3 and and a diaper cover is around $8-$12. You can probably get by with 3 diaper covers per child since you can lay them out on the changing table to dry if they get damp.

    With all the diaper changes, you'll be able to run a load of diapers each night (cold prerinse, hot wash, cold rinse) and throw the prefolds or pockets/inserts in the dryer before you go to bed. To save even more, you can hang them to dry. Some websites to look at are wildflowerdiapers.com , clothdiaper.com, and nickisdiapers.com . If you have any questions about a specific product, the ladies are more than happy to help you.
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