Going potty drives me nuts!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    So, we're taking the slower approach now to potty training. They are in pull-ups most of the time, and I ask them at the usual times (morning, after meals, before bed) if they have to potty. Bea initiates several times too. I have kiddy potties for them. Upstairs, they are in the bathroom (it's our master bath, only bathroom on that floor) and downstairs they are just outside the bathroom, it's a powder room. Anyway, the whole process drives me nuts. They have to throw the toilet paper in the big toilet, and then demand for me to dump their potties and they have to flush the toilet. Then we have to wash hands. In the master bath, at least there are two sinks so they can do it at the same time. Downstairs, they have to take turns. I also today just figured out that part of it driving me nuts is my clausterphobia. There are simply too many people in a small bathroom! Then they fight over who gets to turn the light off, and Bea has to drag the stepstool around with her all over the bathroom (upstairs).

    Also during all this, they make such a big deal about turning on the faucet, I have to help them with their pants and pull-ups, I'm also trying to teach them to stay on the potty until they are all the way done peeing, they tend to stand too quickly and get pee down their legs and on their pants.

    Does all this drive anyone else crazy? I mean, it's great that they are learning to go, but they have to go so frequently, and I have to go through the whole frigging thing with twice each time, it's just so annoying. I almost wish they didn't know about washing hands, that's the worst of it!
  2. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    hence my lazy mom approach to potty training! :laughing:

    it's slightly easier in my house because 1) only cameron is training (alisha still refuses - although she HAS to be right in cameron's face when he picks his m&m after he goes to see what color he chooses :rolleyes:) and 2) he's a boy, so he usually doesn't touch anything or wipe (he pees sitting down) so we can often forego the washing hands part (is that horrible?)

    but what really drives me nuts is his insistance on having his pants ALL THE WAY off and his inability to pull down his pants himself. argh.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'M LOSING MY MIND!!!!! :umm:

    I am going for it, but you wouldn't think it would be such a trauma to use a "foreign" potty.:cray: I'm DYING~!
  4. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    explain to me how any of this is better than diapers???
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The whole business drives me nuts too. This is why I was in no hurry to start -- it adds at least 20 minutes to our morning and bedtime routine, plus I wind up with naked-butt toddlers running around the house way more than I am comfortable with!

    Re: washing hands, I admit I skip it often too. Mine never go poop in the potty, and if it's just pee, I often don't make them wash unless they actually touched themselves or the pee. (I do wash my own hands.) I know that's bad, but like you said, once they're finally both re-diapered and have their clothes back on, I just want them OUT of the bathroom.

    I try to remind myself that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. I suppose it will be nicer than diapers, once they're finally really, truly trained (though even then, I have to think that diapers are more convenient than having to find and use a public potty!).
  6. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Try teaching them to potty right on toilet. Take turns who goes first each time and if both "really really" have to go, then haul out the little potty and switch who sits where each time. So far all of mine learned straight on the big potty because i couldn't handle cleaning the pee out of the little potty. Your other option is let Bea train first and lay off pressuring Ainsley for a couple of weeks, since Bea is initiating trips. Once one has it down you can focus on the other. This is the way we went but more because of a stubborn streak in William that held him off PTing for several months after Nathan.
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    It gets easier. I promise! But yes, it is a lot of work!
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jenn- @ Apr 16 2008, 02:31 PM) [snapback]724681[/snapback]
    Try teaching them to potty right on toilet. Take turns who goes first each time and if both "really really" have to go, then haul out the little potty and switch who sits where each time. So far all of mine learned straight on the big potty because i couldn't handle cleaning the pee out of the little potty. Your other option is let Bea train first and lay off pressuring Ainsley for a couple of weeks, since Bea is initiating trips. Once one has it down you can focus on the other. This is the way we went but more because of a stubborn streak in William that held him off PTing for several months after Nathan.

    It has gotten a bit better since I have backed off with Ainsley. I only ask her if she has to go occasionally, and she for some reason is fairly insistent with me that she does not want a pull-up, she wants a diaper. So, now that it's mostly just Bea in the bathroom, it's not nearly as bad.
  9. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    We have all of this too, PLUS the fact the Elliot will only use the blue stepstool (the "boy stepstool") and Clarissa will only use the purple "girl" one . . . so we'll be rushing around and then they have to drag the stepstools around the bathroom.

    But, it's totally worth it . . . mine finally switched to wearing underwear all day, except nap time and bedtime, and it's getting much easier now. Clarissa even woke up in the middle of the night last night and asked to go poop on the potty - which she did - and then got right back into bed.

    Good luck with it - it does eventually get easier.

  10. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I am not the only one that this is driving crazy! It's the exact same way here.

    But what I hate most is Chloe is really refusing to go to the potty at home, except when it is an excuse before bedtime. But she goes perfect all morning in pre-school. And of course anytime we go out in public the first thing they both tell me is...I have to go potty! I really really hate public restrooms and it is the absolute pits when you are in a nasty public restroom with 2 - 3 year olds. UGH! I too, wonder...how is this better than diapers?? :umm:
  11. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    I hate potty training. I put it off all school year because of my classes, but now I'm done and its time to get them out of diapers. I really don't look forward to needing to know the location of the restrooms every where we go, bringing changes of clothes, and all that.
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