Going out with 4 month olds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinkler, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    My mother and DH both say that I need to go out with the babies more - at the moment I rarely go out. Today was the first time I took the babies for a walk (as I live halfway down a big hill, it wasn't something I looked at with anticipation!), I did this after their morning bottle at 9am and by the time I got back just after 10 - so was gone for just5 over half hour, Liara was just about ready for her nap and Sierra was asleep - by the time I got them inside, they were both wide awake but tired and took a long time to go down for their nap, Sierra really struggled.

    Generally I only go out if they have a doctor's appointment and when someone is with me, as I find getting ready to go out with them on my own a big task. My days are so busy as it is, with the girls only sleeping for an hour at each nap (they have 3 a day usually), I'm mostly running around getting things done like the laundry/housework while they're asleep. Plus my car is down the steep driveway so often I feel reluctant to get myself ready to put one in the car then come back and then the other, plus the bags - obviously when I need to I do do it!

    Today was enjoyable but when they struggled at their nap, I questioned myself on whether it was worth it.

    To me, their naps are so important, yet I know that it would be nice to be able to get out more. When term starts again in a few weeks, there's a multiple group I'd like to attend which runs every second Tuesday from 9am-11am but it seems daunting to me to be out of the house by 9am, as it is I'm only just finished breakfast, hang the washing out and if I'm lucky a shower!

    If I do need to attend an appointment, it's always a super rush to make sure the nappy bag is ready with change of clothes, feeds etc.

    Love to hear your experience!
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    By the time my twins were 3 months old I was taking them out by myself at least weekly. Grocery shopping on friday, along with my 2.5 yr old dd. It was tough, no lies, but it was essential. Practice makes perfect! The more you do it the easier it will get. It'll also get easier the older they get too. I always make sure my diaper bag is restocked when I get home, so if I decide to go somewhere I just have to grab bottles and head out the door. I still do that and my twins are nearly 3 now :)

    :youcandoit: I tried to schedule all appt's when my hubby would be home to help, since I had to be on time to those, but otherwise, as long as i didn't have to BE somewhere at a certain time, it was not a big problem to go by myself :)
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had good luck using the first nap to pack up everything and getting me ready. Then as soon as they were fed I took off. I started with just planning on being gone an hour. Schedes are important but so is getting out. I aimed for messing up their sleep no more than twice a week.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    At around four months I started taking my girls out more and more. We probably got out of the house two or three times a week. Once for a long walk (they can nap in the stroller!!!) and twice for errands. Sometimes I took them to Target just to get ME out of the house. The first few times were really tough, but once I got used to it, I enjoyed getting out.

    We lived on a super steep hill too; it was actually too steep to push a stroller up or down, so I'd have to put the girls in the car even for walks. It kind of stunk. What worked for me was keeping the car totally stocked with everything we would need. That meant burp cloths, extra blankets, sun hats, snacks for me, water for me, etc. Then whenever I wanted to go out all I'd have to do is pop my girls in their infant carriers and carry them downstairs to the garage. The stairs and steepness were my biggest hurdle - I didn't enjoy lugging two babies up and down a flight of stairs every time we needed to go out. But in the end, it was worth it.

    As I mentioned above... babies can nap in the stroller. Don't hesitate to start a walk ten or fifteen minutes before they'd normally nap. That way you can start the walk and get a little exercise while they're sleeping. Or plan an errand during the awake time and have them nap in the car on the way home. I did that a lot too, and just let them keep sleeping in the car when we arrived home.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We took ours out in the stroller during naps, just to get some exercise. Granted it was easier because I wasn't home with them by myself (I work FT and DH was usually home on the weekends), so if we came home with babies screaming, there was another parent at home to have bottles ready. But it's still doable on your own. Start small -- the first time I went out, I just walked to a cafe 10 minutes away and had a coffee while they slept, then walked home.

    Until they were about 6 months old, they did almost ALL their weekend naps in the stroller. I'd take them out for an hour in the morning, then we'd give them a bottle and have some awake time, then DH would take them out for a longer walk for their afternoon nap. I lost a lot of weight that way!

    I didn't actually try to DO anything (shopping, Target, etc.) with both of them until they were much older -- like 2 years. But it was surprisingly enjoyable after about 6 months to take just one to the grocery store while the other stayed home with DH -- it was one-baby bonding time for us.
  6. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    My guys are 4.5 months old and I rarely leave the house with them! It's winter here and it's just too much of a hassle, with the cold weather and snow. I know I should probably get them (and me) out more, but I'm just going to sit tight until spring. Then I plan on being out with them all the time!
  7. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I took them out for their first walk I think they were 6-8 weeks old. I could't stand to be cooped up though. Like you I fed them before I left and if they fell asleep in the stroller, I left them. I didn't bring them in. As you know I am in Canada and my boys were born in Dec, I just bundled them up really well, and I found I would get almost 2-2.5 hrs out of them when they slept outside. It does get easier though to go out with them, I promise!
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I'm a go getter, busy body, can't sit still person so I was out EVERY SINGLE DAY with the boys. I still am. I went to the mall or whatever, in the morning and then home for nap then out AGAIN! I would do ANYTHING to be out BUT I never ever ever ever messed w/ naps. I didn't let them fall asleep anywhere but in their cribs. So, if you can work it out so you can get them home in time for naps- then go for it.

    I have a 4 month old right now and we do stuff often BUT I never miss a nap IN THE CRIB! I'm a sleep zealot and even tho he doesn't punish me as badly when we are a few minutes late for a nap, I know the drill.

    So, the answer is.. GO OUT but be home for naps.

    I used to harass my kids in their car seats to stay awake until we got home. THE WORST is when they pass out for ten minutes and then nap is screwed. No thanks!
  9. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I went for at least one longish brisk walk with the babies in the stroller every day, beginning at about 6-8 weeks. Their afternoon nap hardly ever happened anywhere else than in the stroller (or in the wrap or baby carrier because we carried them when DH and I went out together on the weekends). Like PP said I went out about 15 minutes before their usual nap time and the walking rocked them to sleep and I usually stayed out for about 1.5 to 2 hours. I got fresh air and exercise and was a much happier mom for it; plus, I was fitter then than I am now because now I have to adjust to their walking speed and do not get a work-out out of walks any more.

    I always had a small emergency supply (diapers, burp cloths, blankets etc.) ready in the bottom of the stroller. I stocked that every night once the children were asleep. I also had a bigger back-pack as a diaper bag ready to grab sitting by the door, also restocked in the evening whenever I had used it. Finally, I had and have a small bag of emergency supplies for the babies in the car. As I was BFing, a baby waking up hungry never was an issue for me, but a friend of mine always has prepared bottles with formula plus a thermos of luke warm water (prepared daily in the morning while boiling water for tea) in the stroller.

    I had a flight of stairs to and from our appartment and now have an even longer one to our house from the street. I did not enjoy lugging the infant car seats up and down that. But I learnt to navigate the stairs with the babies in the stroller so they did not even wake up if I got home before they woke up, they just kept on sleeping in the stroller in the hall or later in our garden right outside the door where I could see them.

    Once we started with a morning nap in bed (in the beginning I just let them sleep whereever) I tried to be home for that but still often went out with the babies first thing in the morning to prevent them from falling asleep before nap; grocery shopping, doctor's appointments etc. just need to be done. I did as much as possible walking with the stroller and avoided loading them up in the car.

    I agree with PPs - it really does get easier every time you do it and will probably do you good.
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