Going nuts! (vent)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Cassie05, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone, sorry for not posting much since we got here but man Ive been soo tired. For one we are adjusting to west coast time and the kids are all sick. I took them to the ped the day after we got here and they just have cold but good grief they are cranky! Madison finally cut a tooth and shes not happy, Brooke has one coming in the same place. Ds has so much snot running out of his nose that its gross and every time he pees he screams, even during the night. Doc said its iritation from being in the car for 2500 miles....I dont know if I buy that though, so if its not better by Tuesday I'll take him in again. We are trying to set up opthmology appts and synagis shots here for the kids and its not fine trying to get authorization at the holidays.
    I know my family couldnt help it but Im very fustrated... ya see my family gets together on christmas eve at my grandparents house where we are staying...been doing this my whole life and we havent been here for christmas in 3 or 4 years so its the first christmas anyone could spend with my kids. So everyone ends up canceling because they are sick...I didnt want sick people around but Im just fustrated that we came out nearly a month earlier than planned specifically for christmas. I could have stayed home where I had the opthamology appts and synagis already set up for the kids but no I wanted to spend at least one holiday here with family. Originally my mom and brothers, my grandpa and his wife, my great uncle, my aunt and her daughter, my other grandparents and us were all supposed to be here. It ended up being my aunt and her dd, my granparents and us...my grandpa invited over his mom since we had so much food with no one here (she only comes on christmas day because she doesnt understand how my bio grandparents can still hang out togehter though they are divorced and with new people LOL)
    Dh is lonely, we are trying to work on our marriage some but im so worried his mother will try to encourage him to stay there when he gets out. Everytime Im away for awhile he gets all wierd and starts tellling me what to do, not nicely, he just says how its going to be, which soooo doesnt fly in this household. Anyways the last several times we have been apart we nearly divorced, bad enough that he went to see a lawyer. And now since he doesnt have a job lined up, he is considering extending in the military for a month or two and will be living with his parents [​IMG]
    Im so freaking tired, the kids were soooo overtired and over stimulated yesterday it was not fun. The last few days ds has woken up screaming 2-3 when he peed in the night, M woke up 2-3 times and this mornign was wide awake at 5 am and B has been waking up 2-3 times as well since M woke her up. Usually they sleep though eachother crying but not now. I wish there was another room but there isnt, they are used to sleeping in the same room anyways.
    Im really missing my daughter, I feel bad not being able to go see her at the cemetary today...its my second christmas without her [​IMG]

    Ok so I think thats all I have to vent about right now
  2. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone, sorry for not posting much since we got here but man Ive been soo tired. For one we are adjusting to west coast time and the kids are all sick. I took them to the ped the day after we got here and they just have cold but good grief they are cranky! Madison finally cut a tooth and shes not happy, Brooke has one coming in the same place. Ds has so much snot running out of his nose that its gross and every time he pees he screams, even during the night. Doc said its iritation from being in the car for 2500 miles....I dont know if I buy that though, so if its not better by Tuesday I'll take him in again. We are trying to set up opthmology appts and synagis shots here for the kids and its not fine trying to get authorization at the holidays.
    I know my family couldnt help it but Im very fustrated... ya see my family gets together on christmas eve at my grandparents house where we are staying...been doing this my whole life and we havent been here for christmas in 3 or 4 years so its the first christmas anyone could spend with my kids. So everyone ends up canceling because they are sick...I didnt want sick people around but Im just fustrated that we came out nearly a month earlier than planned specifically for christmas. I could have stayed home where I had the opthamology appts and synagis already set up for the kids but no I wanted to spend at least one holiday here with family. Originally my mom and brothers, my grandpa and his wife, my great uncle, my aunt and her daughter, my other grandparents and us were all supposed to be here. It ended up being my aunt and her dd, my granparents and us...my grandpa invited over his mom since we had so much food with no one here (she only comes on christmas day because she doesnt understand how my bio grandparents can still hang out togehter though they are divorced and with new people LOL)
    Dh is lonely, we are trying to work on our marriage some but im so worried his mother will try to encourage him to stay there when he gets out. Everytime Im away for awhile he gets all wierd and starts tellling me what to do, not nicely, he just says how its going to be, which soooo doesnt fly in this household. Anyways the last several times we have been apart we nearly divorced, bad enough that he went to see a lawyer. And now since he doesnt have a job lined up, he is considering extending in the military for a month or two and will be living with his parents [​IMG]
    Im so freaking tired, the kids were soooo overtired and over stimulated yesterday it was not fun. The last few days ds has woken up screaming 2-3 when he peed in the night, M woke up 2-3 times and this mornign was wide awake at 5 am and B has been waking up 2-3 times as well since M woke her up. Usually they sleep though eachother crying but not now. I wish there was another room but there isnt, they are used to sleeping in the same room anyways.
    Im really missing my daughter, I feel bad not being able to go see her at the cemetary today...its my second christmas without her [​IMG]

    Ok so I think thats all I have to vent about right now
  3. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    You've got a lot on your plate. I hope things will settle out and get better for you. We are having sleeping **** here, too, and even without all the other stuff you've got going on it has totally made me crazy! Good luck and hang in there.[​IMG]
  4. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Big hugs to you! [​IMG] The holidays can be so stressful, especially with travel and sick kids. I agree you should bring your son in on Tuesday to get checked. It sounds like he could have a uti. Poor kid! I'm so sorry about your daughter. She was beautiful!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age mine still had sleep issues... some nights were just fine and other nights were pure H@!!

    It will get better... hang in there! [​IMG]
  7. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are having such a hard time. Things are bound to look up. I am sure in a couple of days the babies will settle. I hope you son feels better soon!
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