Going nuts fast

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by snowmom, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    We took the side rails off the cribs in preparation of moving them into big beds, and now every nap is a fight. Before the rails came down, they went down for one nap a day, at 12pm until 2-230pm. NOW... I've been keeping them up til 1pm trying to wear them out, and still they fight it. DD is STILL awake and running around the room, jumping in the bed, wrecking chaos, while DS is sooo tired, but can't sleep with her being a yahoo, and it's 3pm. If I get them up now, then DS will fall asleep on the couch in half an hour, and DD will follow around 4. Since dinner is at 530-630 and bed by 8, I don't want them napping after 5pm, cause then they bounce like they did last night till 9pm. ON TOP OF THAT, I have not had more than 2 hours away from them since Christmas shopping in November, and I'm feeling soo stressed and exhausted and that the safest place for them right now is locked in the cribs. Going to a mall or playgroup more than once a week is not an option, as we have only 1 car, and DH takes it to work with him, and I live 26kms away from the nearest bus stop. And if I do want the van for the day, I have to pack the kids up, drive 26kms to drop hubby at work, drive another 25kms to playgroup, for an hour, then drive 50kms home, then back in to DH work 4 hours later to get him then home again. So a 1hour playgroup means 150kms of driving with the twins.

    I'm also getting panicked about an up coming surgical appointment to discuss getting a b**b job. I'm looking forward to having them back where they used to be , but still all worked up about it.


    Thanks for listening.


    ps I've figured out why all those housewives on 50's TV were smiling. Valium, percoset and martinis.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We just went through this a couple weeks ago and I know your pain. I did it for a week and I finally gave up and went back to cribs with crib tents.
    I've heard so many great stories about their twins doing great in toddler beds at this age but unfortunately it didn't happen for us. I hope they have some wonderful advice for you!!!

    Good luck!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: to you, is there any way when your DH is home that you can go out for an hour by yourself or even lock yourself in a room while he cares for the kids? I can tell you when the kids don't nap, I think it is worse for me then it is for them.
    As for the toddler beds, my DD did the same thing yours did, except my two do not share a room. We went through a phase where DH or I would lay in her room, on the floor, not facing her to encourage her to stay in bed. Now, she does stay in bed most of the time...she still does have some days where she likes to get up and play.
    Was there any reason to take the side rails down? I don't think there is any harm in converting the bed back to a crib, so they can go back to their usual nap schedule and you can get some well deserved down time back. We had to transition my DD because she kept climbing out of her crib.

    I had to giggle at your suggestion about Moms in the 50's :laughing:
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Ouch!! :hug: It really sounds like they might not be ready for big beds yet. I know some people have good luck getting out of cribs earlier than others, but all kids are different and it might not be right for you. Can you put the sides back on and try again in 6 months? We don't have the option of the sides/fronts coming off of our cribs, so I'm not even going to try going to twin beds any time soon.

    :rotflmbo: Actually they're always smiling because they get to hand back the kids, vacuum cleaner, and apron at the end of filming, and go back to being starlets! ;)
  5. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I could probably get away with putting DD side back on because she's not quite the climber DS is. A big reason we wanted to try and get them into big kids beds is because I am going in for a b**b job soon and I will not be able to lift the kids in and out of the crib. They are fine at night, go right to sleep most of the time, it's just the nap time that sucks.

    Getting a break from DH does not happen very often. He is often tired when he gets home, and honestly does not have the patience I have with them. And I'm such a control freak, that I can't really stay in the house when they are home and let him take over, because every yell, cry and call of "Mommy" sends me to the play room.And then, once I am back "on duty" the mess that has been made is HUGE and I get to clean it all up. DH has the habit of tuning the kids out when they are playing around behind him while he is on the computer, so they make a massive mess and get hurt a lot because he's not watching them as closely as I do. I don't think he's %100 comfortable chasing them both out of the house either, so he rarely takes them out without me.

    On a happier note, I went to a playgroup today, and shopping, and they had a great time. Were bagged when we got home, but still didn't nap. I've now got them on the sofa, under their blankies watching baby einstein.
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