Going Crazy About Colic, Stomach Issues

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by stanley, May 4, 2007.

  1. stanley

    stanley Well-Known Member

    Hello! I have written a few posts before on this site and I absolutely love it! I enjoy all the comments and wonderful stories and pictures I have seen. Anyways, I have a few concerns about my twin girls. Please bear with me, I feel very overwhelmed and sad at the same time. Let me know if you have any insight to these concerns.

    1. Are colicky babies upset and scream all the time due to stomach (gastro) related issues?

    2. Can switching formulas help a baby who always seems uncomfortable and grunts/groans/screams during and after feedings? They also bear down, squirm, and sometimes go into a fetal position. One baby spits up about 5 ml after most feedings, the other baby rarely spits up but has other symptoms.

    3. Last night one of our twins cried and sometimes screamed for about 3 hours. Nothing comforted her. I felt like a horrible mom. Any tricks or strategies to help a screaming baby?

    I truly appreciate any adivce or help that you may offer. I am open to suggestions. I hate seeing my girls this way and I am tired of the pedi just telling me they will grow out of it. Can't she help me now??


    4. Should my twins, by what I have described, be on Zantac for acid reflux?
  2. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    To me, this sounds like a text book case of reflux. Even if babies don't spit up, reflux can still be the cause of fussiness, especially during feedings. I would talk to your ped about a prescrition. My oldest DS had pretty bad reflux and the medicine made a night and day difference is his behavior.

    You are not a bad mom! It's so hard to have a baby fussing all the time.
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    That is horrible. I feel so sorry for you. Call your dr. asap. It definately sounds like reflux. At 8 weeks my babies were diagnosed with reflux and put on prevacid. The diagnosis simply consisted of me telling the ped. the symptoms you just described. My boys did not spit up. Spitting up is just sometimes a symptom. They could have been diagnosed sooner but I did not know about reflux and just thought they were colicy. As far as switching formulas...we went on nutramigen but it is so expensive and did not help the problem on its own. If we went through this again, I would find another formula. It was the prevacid that really helped. Within 2 days there was a drastic improvment and within a week there were no more symptoms. I knew there was something wrong when they would be so hungry and try to drink but they couldnt because it hurt so much. Please ask more questions if you ahve any but call your dr. If they are in the office tomorrow, tell them you NEED to come in and cant wait until Monday.
  4. stanley

    stanley Well-Known Member

    Just another last question, are any of the reflux medications harmful to the babies or have side effects?

  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I remember doing a little research about that too before the boys dr app when they were diagnosed. I wanted to be a little prepared. I dont really remember what I found but I know I asked my dr. about prevacid and was told it is not harmful.

    I also remember asking my dr if they can start on prevacid instead of zantac. I must have read something here or seen something that had me lean towards it but I am not sure what is was. Ask your dr. what the difference is. I remember posting here that I was nervous for my boys to take the medicine and everyone responded by saying not to worry and the meds will be a wonederful thing.

    My boys have no side effects from the prevacid. They just stopped taking it but every day they looked forward to taking it because it had a fruit flavor.

    I also want to add that I cried during those days all the time. I just read your post to my husband and he just shook his head and said, 'thats horrible'. We know what you are going though. The biggest tip is to keep them elevated after feedings. Our slept in their car seats.
  6. Mommy Rash

    Mommy Rash Well-Known Member

    My boys got put on zantac bc we thought it was acid but the zantac didnt' help at all
    Try nestle Good Start we noticed a difference with in one feeding. it worked wonders they started sleeping better and eating better and not screaming all the time!
  7. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    If you go to the top of the page and hit the 'search' button you can type in either prevacid, zantac, acid reflux, etc. and all posts with those words will come up. I wanted to know a little about it before talking to my dr.
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